Last fall, the progressive rock band Yes performed in New York City. The band features veteran vocalist Jon Anderson, bassist Chris Squire, guitarist Steve Howe, drummer Alan White, and newcomers Ivan Khoroshev on keyboards and Billy Sherwood playing rhythm guitar. This “new” Yes was in top form, playing classic Yes material, as well as their music from the 1980’s and today.
With only 3000 seats, the Beacon Theater was a wonderful setting for a concert. The sound was the perfect volume and the acoustics were great. The band sounded better than ever. They have peaked individually on their instruments and as a band. Khoroshev was a formidable replacement for keyboard great Rick Wakeman. The band played classics “And You And I,” “Soon” and “Heart of the Sunrise.” They also gave the fans a sample of their two new albums, playing “Open Your Eyes” and “Children of Light.”
Each band member also had the opportunity to perform solos.
Steve Howe selected an acoustic guitar solo from his first solo album, as well as acoustic solos from Yes albums, including “Masquerade.” Chris Squire soloed during his classic song “The Fish,” followed by a sample of the 1980 song “Tempus Fugit.” The crowd’s energy rose as Squire showed off his amazing chops on the bass and his great stage presence. Newcomer Igor “Ivan” Khoroshev showed his talent on the piano during his solo.
One of the highlights of the night was the rare performance of the 20:30 minute epic masterpiece “The Revealing Science of God.” It was much better than the original version off the 1973 concept album, “Tales From Topographic Oceans.” The band concluded the night with an encore presentation of their 1972 hit rock song “Roundabout” and the amazing “Starship Trooper.” Overall, the concert was incredible. I have never seen such brilliant musicianship in one band. I hope to see them release more music into the 21st century