That morning I was scared and devastated to go back to that shop Milwards that day. Although father forced me he still doesn’t believe what he’s done while I was going to the shop people kept on talking quietly but I knew they were talking behind my back as it was just obvious. I was shocked as father didn’t want the matter to go out in public due to his reputation and his honour. I was ashamed to be walking in the street that morning but I had learnt my lesson which other people didn’t know.
I was in the shop and suddenly I had a flashback I can just remember. The previous summer was quite strange as I was very suspicious that day as I felt Gerald’s s absence. During this time I felt he must been having a affair, I couldn’t suspect anything else due to the fact of his absence. I can remember that very night when the inspector came home, inspector Goole he seemed a bit curious at first and said we had killed this girl called Eva smith I didn’t really recognize that girl or heard her name before.
I was astonished to know father had something to do with this. Inspector Goole then came up to me enquiringly as he thought I was involved. I looked at the photograph I just noticed I knew this girl,. I felt horrible knowing that this girl Eva smith got fired from her job because of me. I didn’t realise it at that time, just because I thought of that silly dress. I didn’t know what to think of myself any more knowing what I’ve done to this poor girl who did nothing to me.
Just because I was jealous of her. This is what happened I was shopping at Milwards and when I saw her I told the manager that until the shop assistant (Eva smith) was gone I would never set foot in that shop again. I amazed to see that my parents and Gerald didn’t really take any notice to see what we had done. I don’t about the relationship between Gerald and myself as I don’t think I can have I relationship with someone who can’t tell the truth.
I know he’s a nice man and I was excited about my engagement but Gerald didn’t realise what he had done he didn’t seem to value our relationship as well. Moreover mother and father didn’t learn anything they were just happy to know everything was over and none of this would be spoken again. I was just happy when the inspector said ‘ we are members for each other and we are responsible for each other’ that night when everything was over I remembered what the inspector had said and wanted to change everything. What had happened was then the past and now is the future.