Employees of the any company’s are greatest asset. Success, the exact number of employees at the right time, right place with the right skills depends on. Therefore the effective recruitment, selection and retention policies in place that will help to reduce labour turnover and costs and staff flexibility, commitment and motivation is important in enhancing and strategies.
Company’s recruitment, selection and retention policy, a strategic framework within which to recruit selection, and staff to maintain service to the people of Trafford offers. Policy clearly links with other relevant council policies and procedures and identifies goals and objectives outlined in the People Strategy supports the delivery.
out all the staff who understand your reasons for leaving and review and revision of what is learned by practice of leaving the organization survey / take an exit interview;
To establish that an appropriate vacancy exists and the appropriate sanction would like to fill the vacancy.
Redeployment are the first to start a recruitment process for vacancies is believed that the list of employees to ensure, as an employer and service provider to promote a positive image of Council;
All posts concurrently ad – internally and externally there is good reason to do not, unless;
Recruitment levels and skills required for the post of a method for choosing the appropriate selection;
Create a pool of suitable applicants.
fill vacancies in the shortest time, with the best use of resources
Recruitment and selection panels make up to make sure they where at all possible representative and / or gender, age and ethnicity are balanced in terms consider.
appropriate for each candidate to ensure suitability for the role and demonstrate their abilities time.
Candidates who succeed in the role is likely to appoint.
All applicants complete the process to ensure are kept informed of their progress.
Risk / selection decisions include not take advantage.
to comply with the law, spirit of the law and with respect to diversity and equality in employment of Council policies.
Ensure that all staff involved in the recruitment process have received training in equalities and diversity issues.
Recruiting and retaining skilled and experienced staff to work in a supportive environment and offer – where employees feel valued and motivated shared vision for the local community a sense of ownership of the Council.
The four stages of our application process are :
Stage 1:
Online application form with a series of questionnaires to find out about your background, motivation and approach to problem solving
Stage 2:
Online numerical and verbal reasoning tests
Stage 3:
Telephone interview
Stage 4:
Half a day at an assessment centre including an interview, a role play, a group exercise and a presentation
Understand how to build winning team
Making collective action is a difficult process. Only refers to a group of employees as a team did not have one. The first question, is a team or group? Each has a purpose. Usually, he led the team shares and are interdependent, which means that information services, or a team to achieve the goal depends on each other’s products. Leader (manager, supervisor), leads a group and members of the work rely on your little or not at other members to do their job with most of the time. There may be a collective effort, but it’s not a team can be. Set the same expectations as a team you can. Group with you, the Labour Party or group, and proceed from there.
Tuckman’s theory comes from the Social approach, which looks out how people are shaped by their social circumstances. For example, British researcher Meredith Belbin (1981) took a very different dispositional approach by looking at the 8 ROLES people fill in a team; for example SHAPERS challenge the team to improve while MONITORS analyse the options and CO-ORDINATORS act as an umpire during decision-making.
“Synergy” is the name given to the constructive power of teamwork, when the group is greater than the sum of its parts. In fact, this doesn’t always occur and quite often groups are less effective than the sum of all the individual effort going on. This was first tested in the early 20th century by Max Ringelmann (1927), who set up tug-o’-war teams to pull a rope attached to a strain gauge.
Belbin roles
Doing / acting
Well-organized and predictable. Takes basic ideas and makes them work in practice. Can be slow.
Lots of energy and action, challenging others to move forwards. Can be insensitive.
Reliably sees things through to the end, ironing out the wrinkles and ensuring everything works well. Can worry too much and not trust others.
Thinking / problem-solving
Solves difficult problems with original and creative ideas. Can be poor communicator and may ignore the details.
Sees the big picture. Thinks carefully and accurately about things. May lack energy or ability to inspire others.
Has expert knowledge/skills in key areas and will solve many problems here. Can be disinterested in all other areas.
People / feelings
Respected leader who helps everyone focus on their task. Can be seen as excessively controlling.
Team worker
Cares for individuals and the team. Good listener and works to resolve social problems. Can have problems making difficult decisions.
Explores new ideas and possibilities with energy and with others. Good networker. Can be too optimistic and lose energy after the initial flush.
Evaluate the styles and impact of leadership
Laissez faire style simply means a “delegate” approach to leadership. Many researchers have found out that those children, who grow under laissez-faire leadership establishments, happen to be the less productive in any group.
This was also reinforced by these children making more demands upon their leader, as researchers have come to ascertain, amidst showing little in terms of cooperation as well as the inability to work more independently.
Most laissez faire styles offer no or very little guidance to the members of the same group, amidst leaving the making of decisions to other group members. As much a it could be overtly effective in those situations where most employees or members happen to be highly qualified and skilful in their area experience and know-how, it has often led to poor roles definition plus a sheer lack in motivation.
The laissez-faire leadership style is also known as the “hands-off¨ style. It is one in which the manager provides little or no direction and gives employees as much freedom as possible. All authority or power is given to the employees and they must determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on their own.
For example, it would be much better with the main army to replace the decision of whether to fire more than one vote on all the hands of the people concerned. The organization of many companies and small businesses successfully run time due to an autocratic and dictatorial boss.
Another example is a non-technology industry, he will have charge of the decisions and complete the work. Otherwise, workers may be cast all day off, but no better work.
Imagine this scenario: Your boss just gave you a big project. You must be very excited to get started, but she almost did not leave her, how can we expect you about its direction. Her due date and delivery requirements, and left you to find your own way.
On the other hand, your last boss is quite the opposite. He will give you a job to do, and then in the next few weeks, hovering over your shoulder, questioning your decision, and to provide “useful suggestions” at every turn.
This time is considered the classical approach. It is possible that as the manager reserves the right decision as much power. Manager does not consult employees, nor are they allowed to give any input. Without seeking any clarification is expected to accept staff. Create a structured set of rewards and punishments are produced by motivating environment.
This leadership style is much criticized during the last 30 years. Some studies say that many autocratic leaders have higher turnover organizations and other organizations lack. Gen X employees certainly highly resistant to this management style has been proven.
Examples of authoritarian leaders
Labelled an autocratic leader can not seem flattering to most people’s perception, however, we are two examples of autocratic leaders. He continued to say that this style of performance, only that these particular individuals gained notoriety for performing this leadership style.
Martha Stewart
Martha Stewart with personal attention to every detail to build his empire. Whether you like it or not, it was subtle and demanding. He, too, and his autocratic management style to use in his efforts was successful.
Many industry analysts say that it is in the style of Martha autocratically demand that the entertainment industry in a competitive environment as it allowed to flourish. Others may argue that Martha Stewart is waiting for even more success if he did not rely so heavily on autocratic style may be.
Bureaucratic leadership where the manager ¨ book everything should be done according to procedure or policy by the “tax take. If it is not included in the book, the manager shows him or her up to the next level. The manager actually a leader is more of a police officer. he or she applies the rules.
Fmr. President John F Kennedy and his look-alike Fmr. President Bill Clinton have often been called “The most charismatic leaders of 2020th century” Another good example would be Adolf Hitler. While looking in retrospect, Hitler was a tyrant. But the primary reason for him to raise from a “Bohemian corporal” to “Herr Führer” was his ability to captivate people into following him (right into the grave, I might add).
Democratic leadership style is called the partnership style because it encourages employees to be a part of decision making. Democratic manager keeps all its employees that their work and share decision making and problem-solving responsibilities, information about the affects. This style requires the leader of a coach who has the final say may be, but staff members gather information before making a decision.
Democratic leadership High quality and high quantity work for long periods of time can produce. They receive trust and cooperation, team spirit and high morale of many employees with the kind of response. Democratic leaders generally:
Help develop employees to evaluate their performance plans. Allows employees to set goals. Encourages employees to work to develop and pursued. Recognizes and encourages achievement. Like other styles, the democratic style is not always fair. The most successful when used with highly skilled or experienced employees or when implementing operational changes or individual or group to solve problems.
Dwight D. Eisenhower (a Republican no less!) – One of the best examples of a democratic leader is also a political figure. As a military leader, Eisenhower having to combine forces to agree on a common strategy was faced with the difficult task. Eisenhower hard work to make sure that everyone work together to come to a common understanding. It was one of his greatest achievements. It was here that the democratic leadership style, and Eisenhower shone through the collaborative efforts. After coalition forces to win back the purity of the particular situation approach.
Leaders are born and not made.
Great leaders will arise when there is a great need.
Great Man Theory
Early research on leadership who were already based on the study of great leaders. These people were often from the elite, as some of the lower classes had the opportunity to lead. Contributed to the impression that the leadership had little to do with reproduction.
Great ideas mythic domain of human thought that in times of need, a great man, will create magic with almost, lost. Easy to verify that people like Eisenhower and Churchill was the point, go back and forth only those with time, even Jesus, Moses, Mohammed and Buddha.
Gender issues table when the “Great Man” theory was proposed were not. Most leaders were male, and a great woman’s thought leadership in other areas was generally. The researchers were also male, and andocentric bias to worry about was a long way from being realized.
Behavioural theories of leadership do not seek inborn traits or capabilities. Rather, they see exactly what politicians do.
If success can be defined in terms of describable actions, then it may be relatively easy to work the same way other people should do. It’s easy to teach and learn then the more short-term ‘property’ or ‘capabilities’ adopt.
Behavioural trait theory assumes that leadership ability that can be contained rather than, can be learned is a big leap. It opens the floodgates to leadership development, as opposed to simple psychometric assessment that with the leadership of the kind of people who will never get the chance.
Develop a behavioural theory is relatively simple, as you just assess both leadership success and the actions of politicians. With a large enough study, you then can correlate with success statistically significant behaviour. You can identify the behaviours that contribute to failure, thus adding another layer of understanding.
A Participative Leader, rather than taking autocratic decisions, seeks to involve other people in the process, possibly including subordinates, peers, superiors and other stakeholders. Often, however, as it is within the managers’ whim to give or deny control to his or her subordinates, most participative activity is within the immediate team. The question of how much influence others are given thus may vary on the manager’s preferences and beliefs, and a whole spectrum of participation is possible, as in the table below.
< Not participative
Highly participative >
Autocratic decision by leader
Leader proposes decision, listens to feedback, then decides
Team proposes decision, leader has final decision
Joint decision with team as equals
Full delegation of decision to team
The spectrum where the steps are many varieties, including the leader team sells the idea. Another version is for leaders to describe what ‘objective or goal and two of the team or individuals the process of “how” by deciding the “how” will be achieved (it often is called’ management by objectives’).
Level of participation being made depending on the type of decision can be. How to implement goals of the partnership decision may be excessive, whilst decisions during subordinate performance evaluations more likely to be taken by the manager.
There are many potential benefits of partnership leadership, as indicated above assumptions are.
This approach also consulting, empowerment, joint decision making, democratic leadership is known as, management (MBO) of the purpose and power sharing.
Lead partner of a sham when managers ask for opinions and then they can be ignored. For this vision and create a sense of betrayal is likely to be.
Contingency theory of behaviour is a class of theories that argue that the best way there is no head and a leadership style that is very effective in some cases may not be successful in others that are.
One effect of this is that leaders who are effective in much the same place and time may fail either when transplanted to another state or around them when the factors change.
This helps to explain how some leaders who are looking for a while ‘Midas Touch’ to boil off suddenly and very unsuccessful decisions have appeared.
Emergencies similar to the principle that a simple theory is an assumption of a right way. The main difference is that the position of principle that leaders should adopt more practice, situational focus (often about follower behavior) factors, the contingency theory that the leader and the situation within a broader view of potential other variables tends to take the casual factors involved
When a decision is needed, an effective leader does not just fall in a preferred style or behaviour such as using transformational methods. In practice, as they say, things that are not normal.
Factors that influence state decisions include motivation and capability of followers. This, in turn, is influenced by factors within the particular situation. Another aspect of the relationship between followers and leaders that the leader as much as it affects behaviour treats can be a follower.
Followers and leaders of state will affect the perception of reality rather than what they state.
Dictionary – View detailed dictionaryYukl (1989) seeks to combine other approaches and identifies six variables:
Subordinate effort: the motivation and actual effort expended.
Subordinate ability and role clarity: followers knowing what to do and how to do it.
Organization of the work: the structure of the work and utilization of resources.
Cooperation and cohesiveness: of the group in working together.
Resources and support: the availability of tools, materials, people, etc.
External coordination: the need to collaborate with other groups.
Factors such as external relationships with leaders, work on the acquisition of resources, demand management and group management structures and group culture.
Follower and the leader of the military forces in the event, Army: Tannenbaum and Schmidt (1958) Three leaders of the forces that lead to actions identified. It accepts that the leader of the style is very variable, and even a family, a more aggressive stance than usual displacement activity can lead to an argument as far as the logic events.
Maier (1963) stated that leaders of the followers are likely to accept a suggestion, but also do not understand the overall importance of getting things done. This type of critical situation, more of a leader only because of the impact of failure is likely to be directive in style.
There are competing theories leads. Authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire: Fred E. Ficdaler, an industrial and organizational psychology leading psychologists in the field, three categories which exist together in an axis divides the various leadership theories. Compare and contrast these various methods of leadership theory leader to carry out their decisions and delegating roles, uses mainly deals with.
Authoritarian leaders who make decisions and close supervision of subordinates to carry out these instructions to, the questions are discouraged and subordinate behavior is closely controlled. But a structured kind of democratic leader of the group to focus on cooperative approaches and promotes professional capacity charges. Ideas and suggestions are welcomed by subordinates, and leaders sell their ideas rather than give orders. Then there is the laissez-faire. Than among non-leadership theory and contrary to the other two do not come easily approach the chaos and uncertainty to be found in the final shows. However, some people and / or conditions with the principle of laissez-faire leadership is the best, and an authoritarian style leader, make sure that low skilled and appreciated in such situations
People tend to adopt whatever theory or style of leadership that is most comfortable. This, of course, will vary according to individual values and wishes the decision to open up discussion. Some styles are more individual, their environment, and or work by the team in question are more effective than others. A great leader who can compare and contrast leadership theory, and the most useful one is to use. While a particular leadership trends well into the time they are first developed by a leadership role are, they are entrenched. Introspection and leadership through the guidance of coaches, many forward because of his leadership a firm grasp of various theories of leadership have gone with improved effectiveness.
Analyse the work and development needs of individual considering
Performance Monitoring And Assessment
performance measurement – transparent, short, medium and long term
clarifying, defining, redefining priorities and objectives
motivation through agreeing helpful aims and targets
motivation though achievement and feedback
training needs and learning desires – assessment and agreement
identification of personal strengths and direction – including unused hidden strengths
career and succession planning – personal and organisational
team roles clarification and team building
organisational training needs assessment and analysis
Appraise and manager mutual awareness, understanding and relationship
resolving confusions and misunderstandings
reinforcing and cascading organisational philosophies, values, aims, strategies, priorities, etc
delegation, additional responsibilities, employee growth and development
counselling and feedback
manager development – all good managers should be able to conduct appraisals well – it’s a fundamental process the list goes on..
Holding regular informal one-to-one review meetings greatly reduces the pressure and time required for the annual formal appraisal meeting. Holding informal reviews every month is ideal all staff. There are several benefits of reviewing frequently and informally:
The manager is better informed and more up-to-date with his or her people’s activities (and more in touch with what lies beyond, e.g., customers, suppliers, competitors, markets, etc)
Difficult issues can be identified, discussed and resolved quickly, before they become more serious.
Help can be given more readily – people rarely ask unless they see a good opportunity to do so – the regular informal review provides just this.
Assignments, tasks and objectives can be agreed completed and reviewed quickly – leaving actions more than a few weeks reduces completion rates significantly for all but the most senior and experienced people.
Objectives, direction, and purpose is more up-to-date – modern organizations demand more flexibility than a single annual review allows – priorities often change through the year, so people need to be re-directed and re-focused.
Training and development actions can be broken down into smaller more digestible chunks, increasing success rates and motivational effect as a result.
The ‘fear factor’, often associated by many with formal appraisals, is greatly reduced because people become more comfortable with the review process.
Relationships and mutual understanding develops more quickly with greater frequency of meetings between manager and staff member.
Staff members can be better prepared for the formal appraisal, giving better results, and saving management time.
Much of the review has already been covered throughout the year by the time comes for the formal appraisal.
Frequent review meetings increase the reliability of notes and performance data, and reduces the chances of overlooking things at the formal appraisal.