Posted: September 14th, 2019
Controlled and Automatic Proce…
Controlled and Automatic Processing Task. We have all have talked on a cell phone or checked our text message or via email while driving. That would be multitasking when one switches from another without giving it any thought. Multitasking is defined as a performance of several tasks done at one time. Lets start with what is automatic processing. This is something that we have done many times, and can be able to be completed successfully without giving it any thought, an everyday process.
We don’t have to pay attention. The controlled processing task is procedures used the same way no matter what our circumstance are, like the achievement test, same questions, same time to everyone, basically to pay attention and put in the effort.. So (How do these different types of tasks differ in our ability to successfully multitask them?) Delbridge (2001) defined multitasking as accomplishing many goals in the same general time period by “engaging in frequent switches between individual tasks”.
This is done by making progress towards meeting only one of the goals but over the longer time period makes progress towards all the goals. (Which of these two types can be done simultaneously with no loss of efficiency and quality?) According to Dellridge this is based on the assumption that tasks are performed in succession, or in a sequence, not simultaneously. We see that Controlled processes are thought to be slower, since by definition they require full effort control, therefore, they generally cannot be conducted simultaneously with other controlled processes without task-switching or impaired performance.
This switching of gears or between task also involves a change in attention and focus. Memory distraction depends on whether the distraction is active as in talking, counting or singing, or whether it is passive, as in listening to music or dancing. Delbridge (2001) noted that there are differences among people in multitasking performance and that some people are less susceptible to the process losses caused by multitasking or may have an increased ability to handle them. For example a new driver can not drive and talk at the same time. That could cause a risk of a dangerous situation. A skilled driver can have an interesting conversation with a passenger while driving, and not crash. This would be if a process breaks down while one engages in a secondary task, the process is inefficient.
(Are we really doing multiple tasks simultaneously while doing two controlled processing task and can they be done as well as they could be separately?) We really can’t focus on more then one thing at a time but we can Switching from task to task.It really just depends on what we are doing and how much concentration and thought is involved.