Self: My goal is to create a warm, positive, supportive relationship with children. I observed that positive, supportive environment would build confidence in children when my son was in pre k, I did volunteer work in his class, and I perceive that building warm, supportive, and positive relationship with children is important to build a positive self-concept, self-respect, and confidence in the children. I enjoy creating a family tree with children. I will create an environment that children sense their self-respect is valued and I will create space for each child in class like label their name on cubbies and photos, their works displayed at their eye level. According to children’s need, I will provide developmentally appropriate materials, and ensure that modified as needed, also special needs. I will show sensitivity towards children’s concerns and feelings.
Also, I will express kindness and support for children when they’re having trouble.
I will encourage children’s to improve self-help, self-regulation skills and I will use books, resources, strategies, and curriculum that explains children to believe in themselves important to succeed in the future.Social: My goal is to create a social environment that motivates children to come together and communicate with buddies. I will encourage the social development of children, and I believe that group activities support children’s social skills. I love to create art activity for children to cooperate with friends. I will commit to school and families to create an environment that will improve children’s social skills. To achieve this goal, I will plan a curriculum that supports children to interact and communicate with friends, like group play, center activity, cultural group, art, games, small group and a large group that they can enjoy mutual hobbies.
I will use resources, stories, and books that support children’s social development, and I will ensure that children understand each others feeling and they respect their friend’s emotions. I will encourage them to develop pro-social skills such as helping, sharing. According to Lev Vygotsky theory, social interaction play develops cognition in the children, and I agree with his theory.Guidance: My goal is to create an environment that will encourage positive behavior in the children and family. I believe that a well-organized environment that will support children’s undisciplined behavior to supervise.I like to create positive guidance rules with children for the classroom that will be more effective and powerful interactions for them. I will encourage children’s to keep self-regulation and kind behavior with their friends, and I will create group plays that will develop pro-social skills in the children.
I will commit to school and families that I will create an environment that will support to resolve the problem with the challenging behavior of the children. I will use techniques like self-control, speaking softly and privately that will help to handle negative behaviors in the children. I will provide materials that will help children to release negative feelings like manipulating games, bean bags, throw the ball, and I will hang the clear rules and regulation that will support positive guidance at the children’s eye level. I will practice this guidance in the school, and as needed I will discuss with children individually