Homework is a way of life for most students, starting from kindergarten to high school up to college, just like a job is for an adult. Homework is defined as an out of class task assigned to help them practice things they learned earlier in school. Most students get overwhelmed from all the work during the school day, they arrive home with hours of homework. What are they gaining from this? Teachers spend hours grading homework and classwork, kids spend days doing their homework, but is it necessary? There has been a debate whether homework helps students or just stresses them out. Homework can be stressful but it is essential for students to be successful and learn the topic to the highest extent.
Doing a set amount of homework can raise their test scores for one. Reviewing the work again at home helps students remember what they just learned. By practicing short-term memory is converted into long terms memory so that students won’t forget everything just a few days after.
Average homework completers had a higher unit test score than non-completers by 73%. Homework can improve student’s memory and improve their time management habits. Which can help them later in life with future jobs, as well as daily life. Homework can also help your child learn to use resources, such as: libraries, reference materials, and computer websites, in order to find information.
Once they get into the habit of working daily and finishing their homework, they will build that time management skill. While it can be stressful, they learn by not doing their classwork assignments they will get marked down for an F. This allows them to recognize life won’t wait for them. Homework is just one of our responsibilities as a student, like taxes for an adult – no one wants to do it but it needs to be done. Also, some teachers can give out even too much homework. If one teacher gives a few hours and another gives a few more the numbers add up. Too much work can raise students stress levels, lower productivity, and performance on their work.
However, managing time for homework is good preparation for the future. Students spending hours on work will prep them for future work. Furthermore, finding a balance in free time and homework will end in a successful education. Not only does homework improve their memory, but it also helps them prepare time management and to develop a long-term memory, in order to remember all of the information needed for use in the future.On the other hand, students that get marked down by not completing their work will understand what life will be like when they get older. For example, because adults typically don’t get an extended due date to complete the day’s tasks – they finish their work instead of only completing half of it. However, if they fail to complete their work, they will lose opportunities, and will ultimately fail.
As we learn through failure, by doing so they learn, grow, and understand that we must complete our work to the best of our abilities.If homework is given in reasonable amounts there are advantages. Students need the practice of the topic learned at school, homework gives students that practice. With students sitting down at home with the subject it will help the kids see what they understand and what the need additional help with. Then the teachers can adapt their lesson plans to the pace their children are going. Homework will show the students growth. It can be a burden to both teachers and students but it is essential.
Banning homework will only make the kids suffer. A set amount will help them thrive into responsible adults.