I came from a strong and proud family. My parents did not attend college and was happy to see me go to college. However, my brother Emmanuel is the start king of the family.
Because my father always tells me, “why are you walking in your brother”. I am lost in deep space; I was walking in the shadow of my brother. I could not help it. I want to be different; I want to have my color to shine in my family. in my senior year in high school, I took the opportunity to attend ” Sacans regional conference” at Brandeis University, where my brother goes. I couldn’t describe the setting of the conference, I was overwhelmed. I was able to learn and talk to professors and professional people in engineering and science field, my curiosity for science and engineering sky rocket.
However, I was more interested in mechanical engineering.
I was the professor and professional in that field to learn more, this conference made me to love mechanical engineering more.Attending college has opened a new light in my life and open doors. However, going to engineering major in my family was difficult, because I was venerable to my peers in school because I was not expose to math and science as my peers. I did not shake or move. I took my venerability to expand my knowledge in science and math. I purse my physics professor for a research in physics.
My professor appointed me to one of the physics professor to perform research with, Professor Andrea. I was happy and excited in elementary practice. The first meeting of the research, I did not have clue what professor Andréa was talking about and while my peers knows. It seems I was left behind again. But I did not just stop there. I read all the materials, take notes and ask many questions about protons, quarks, and four force and the big bang theory. My position in this research was to read the materials and make a presentation to my peers of what I have read.
I was fascinating and amazed learning how elementary particles were the key things to know how the university became exit and to understand the university. My eager and my passion of mechanical engineering did not stop there. I attend mechanical engineering club in City Tech. where I was able to learn about cutting edge technology in mechanical engineering and what is going on in mechanical engineering. Discussion is held by the professor, to know how student can solve specific real life problem as engineers. I was aloes part of the math club, to enrich my math skills and to learn how to approach math problemsI want to continue my study in Cornell University and I am declaring my major as mechanical engineering. At Cornell University, I will be able to achieve my goals, and make my own name in my family.
The Engineering College of Cornell has a board of opportunity in research and Cop-op programs. I did a research in the Engineering College website, I found professor Moon research on, “smart joints in Aerospace Structures” and Professor Ruina on, “developments in bipedal walking robots” research. I will love to have the privileged to continue my study at Cornell University and to graduate and do great things in the world.