After watching my parents sacrifice so much for the better of their children, I realized it takes a special type of individual to become a parent. Parenting takes patience, dedication and many sacrifices. Most children’s lives are developed through the parenting and teaching of their guardians; this is where most children develop their sense of right from wrong and many other wonderful qualities….and then there are some instances where these qualities are not so wonderful. My parents have mentioned that parenting has changed within the past twenty years.
They claim they have seen some substantial increase in pressure for new parents as well as a loss of control over their children. I believe there are practical methods that can help grow a child into a model citizen. Fairness, steadiness and alertness; these effective parenting techniques may guide children into becoming respectable adults. Starting from twenty years ago, research has shown the influence of family structure change affects a child’s well-being.
For example, disconnection in parenting has accounted for a wide assortment of opposing effects on children’s welfare, both as an instant effect and of more permanent effects that remain until adulthood. Previous research states that children who experience transitions in family arrangement face worse outcomes than children who live in stable two-parent families and possibly even children raised in stable, single-parent families. Moreover, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (“Bureau Of Labor Statistics”, 2013) conducted statistics of children’s cognitive performance, internalizing and externalizing behavior problems, and felonious behavior in early and middle childhood and early teenage years (ages 9 to 14).
Mentioned by Kelly (2013), “the majority of children whose parents have divorced, function within normal or average limits in the years after divorce” As a group, they cannot be classified as “abnormal.” Some have noted though, that the more contact decreases with a parent, the older the child, the more disruptive and detrimental it can be (Furstenberg and Harris, 1992). Additional research suggests that children who live with a single-parent or step-family do not perform as well as children who live with both biological parents on certain factors like: social behavior, comprehension and mechanical procedures. Additionally, it is stated that the type of people who marry and become parents have an important effect on a child’s life, regardless if they are divorced or have low-income. A non-hostile, genuine relationship would result in a positive effect in a child’s life. This ensures the child they can look up to a responsible and organized individual. A key factor in discipline is to understand a child’s temperament ways and use a balanced technique to control the child if behavioral issues up rise.
The goal of this method is not to turn the child into something they are not; parents should simply follow through and enforce consequences if they have done something incorrectly. Lastly, to be a truly operative parent you must learn the difference between being a friend and a parent. Befriending a child can turn into a disadvantage and the child may think they can get away with things just because they consider a “friend” to always be on their side. Understanding that there is a boundary between parenting styles and discipline strategies can be challenging due to the lack of synchronization. Ultimately, it takes persistence and more essentially, an individual with an enormous amount of patience.