World Financial Group/Virtuity Financial Partners is one of the largest and mostaggressive network marketing companies in the world. It is backed by Transamerica,which is owned by Aegon. Aegon has been added to the list of nine too-big-to-failinsurers as published by the Financial Stability Board. This means World FinancialGroup/Virtuity Financial Partners is owned by a company that is essential to the stabilityof the global financial system.
World Financial Group/Virtuity Financial Partners helppeople from all walks of life build a better future, they create opportunities for peoplethat will provide financial freedom, the ability to live a quality lifestyle, and help theirfamily, friends, associates, and their social network the same opportunity.Does this sound like a pyramid scheme? Why? Is it because of its marketingapproach… one of the most successful business models for increasing personalizedservice where there is a huge dramatic need, eliminating distribution costs, andexponentially increasing business exposure? Their business model is part of therevolutionization of industries that are exploding like Amazon, Uber, Airbnb, andStarbucks.
These companies were ridiculed at first, but now their respective industriessee the power of their business model.Is it a pyramid scheme, because it empowers people who want to start their ownbusiness, but avoid the high costs of starting a business on their own? It is businesseslike ours that allow individuals to start part-time or full-time and grow at their own pace,with low risks and start-up costs, but with the support of an established brand, noinventory, marketing, mentorship, and the advantages of modern technology.Or is it a pyramid scheme, because approximately 75% of the people do not follow therequired steps of the business model and give up, about 15% end up feeling as ifsuccess is taking too long (this is NOT a get-rich-quick business) and slow down theirefforts and don’t earn much, and 10% follow the system, go all in, max out, remain laserfocused, reap the fruits of their labor and become 6 ; 7 figure earners? The 10%believe in the business, they know why they are doing the business, they build, workhard on building their businesses, are coachable, know how to educate and motivatepeople around them, and they understand the power of the business system.If you are employed, your job performance is evaluated. It does not matter if you arethe Chief Executive Officer, or the receptionist; if you do not perform or if you arecosting the company money, your job is on the line.
In our business, you control yoursuccess and you evaluate your performance. You are truly your own boss.I recently interviewed someone who was working for one of wall street’s leadingfinancial services firms. I asked them why they were dissatisfied with their current work.They said they didn’t like having to meet quotas, feeling overworked and underpaid,working solely to increase their assets under management, and the dreadful cold calls.After a brief discussion of our business model and how our company helps people, theperson appreciated our “no pressure approach”, decided to make a career change andstarted with our company immediately.Bottom line, don’t take my word for it, do your research.
Always use a reliable source.