English Literature Dissertation Titles
We have provided the selection of example english literature dissertation titles below to help and inspire you:
An analysis of lexical and grammatical complexity.
Detailed analysis of Fathers and Sons in John Mc Gahern’s ‘Amongst Women’ and Khaled Hosseini’s ‘The Kite Runner’.
Discuss how the book Bog Child by Siobhan Dowd, fits into the history and tradition of children’s literature.
Does the graphic novel prove itself as a successful form through which to tell a story compared to conventional prose?
Find the funny. A comparative study as to how comedians achieve the desired response of laughter through personal and social observation.
Horror’s Endless Cycles: An investigation into the enduring appeal of the horror genre in the new millennium, although this could be changed if necessary.
How English language is shaping Angolan culture and society or Influence of English language in Angolan culture and society.
Ireland as “Home” and “Other” in the Early Novels of Maria Edgeworth.
J.D Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye and the presentation of the crisis of adolescence.
The doubles development as a motif of rationalist subversion in Shelley’s Frankenstein and Stevenson’s Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
The extent to which Chaucer’s Wife of Bath exhibits morality, sovereignty and spirituality.
What should be done about drugs?