Monteverdi believed that there were two practices to music: first and second.
The first practice of music was that of the late Renaissance. The second style of music was Introduced by Monteverdi, the Baroque style. The second practice music had three main characteristics: text dominating words, secular songs, and homophobic texture. This second practice included homophobic expression; a homophobic expression is “a melody in one voice supported by harmony in others” (Ferris 119). Monteverdi used the more dramatic and more expressive music to write “opera-type” dramas. Tu SE’ mortar”, composed in 1605, Is music piece from a larger work called L’Oreal. Aloofer Is named after the mall character, Fore, In the drama.
Tu SE’ mortar translated from Italian means Thou art perished. The piece sets a great example of the second practice of music, for all three characteristics of second practice music fall into the work. The genre of the particular piece is recitative, so the texture is homophobic.
The from is a free Landaus 2 form because of the flexibility singing the text. Moreover, the rhythm Is also flexible because of the spoken text.The song uses both the major and minor scales, so the harmony is a tonal harmony; even so, the piece does give sharp changes in pitch. These changes are only to express the misery in the plot.
The tempo is slow due to the fact that the man is morning. The piece is overall intended to be sung dramatically, so there is no meter. The listeners overall reaction to the piece Is depressing at first but then turns Into a comforting work of art. The opening music sounds like a lute. After the lute plays for a few seconds a man’s tenor voice starts singing.The singing Is slow and drawn out. Yet the song is soothing, in the sense that the man wants to be with this person that has passed away.
He starts to morn, but he vows to “entreat the king of shadows” (Affair 124). Or he wants to follow this person into the underworld. So he gives up his life to be with someone. Another extremely recognizable name In the Baroque period Is Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach was a German composer born In 1685. Bach’s purpose was not to entertain people with his music, but it was to teach people with his music.Bach is still considered to be one of the greatest influences on the Baroque period.
Bach died in 1750, thus ending the Baroque period of music. Bach’s piece, composed in 1709, is called Fugue in G minor or the “Little Fugue. ” “A fugue is a polyphonic composition with two to six melodic lines or voices” (Affair 139). The piece plays a standard melody. Then the piece gives “an answer” back but In a deferent melody. Our melodic lines, which produces a four-voice fugue. The music is played on an organ, thus the genre and timbre are both organ and organ music respectively.
The meter is a quadruple meter. The harmony is played only in the minor scale: however, the last meter is played in major scales. The texture is polyphonic, but it seems it falsifies a polyphonic texture. The listener can only suggest that the texture is thought to be polyphonic because of the fugue’s back and forth. The personal reaction from the listener is a chaos or a calamity composition. It made the listener confused, but it also made the listener listen closely to all the notes Ewing played. The fugue played by Bach sounds like different people playing the organ.