Cell Metabolism
This essay will examine cell metabolism and in connection to this will be looking to the generation of ATP in metabolism, metabolic pathways and how they are regulated as well as how tricarboxylic acid cycle in generating ATP. To assist with the explanation of diagrams will be throughout.
The term adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is used for the processes which energy transferring within cells, this includes the nerve impulses, metabolism functions and preforming muscles contractions. ATP is within the cytoplasm within cells and this is the best location for ATP as it needs to be near all parts of the cell to ensure the energy is beneficial for all chemical and mechanical reactions and it can be generated when it is required. The intermediary molecules build energy of exergonic and endergonic processes which lead to chemical reactions, some of these include fermentation, cellular division, photosynthesis and aerobic respiration. ATP is fulfilled with pentose sugar which is known as ribose along with its base adenine, they make nucleoside adenosine which have three phosphate groups.