Norma Jeane Mortenson, also known as Marilyn Monroe, was a great inspiration to many people. Though her life started extremely rough being bounced around from home to home as a foster child in Los Angeles, she made the most of it. Marilyn had a number of childhood problems, but she managed to toughen up and be strong for herself. She started working at an aircraft plant at sixteen and ended up marrying a man known as Daddy to her. They ended up getting a divorce in 1946 as she began her modeling career.
She was becoming an aspiring model and began taking acting classes at university of California Los Angeles. Soon after she had her first contract with Fox and came out with two films in 1947, The Shocking Miss Pilgrims and Dangerous Years. However, Fox was not going to renew her contract to continue acting. She then had a six month contract with Columbia making Ladies of the Chorus In 1948.
Columbia also dropped her refusing to renew her contract. In 1949 Marilyn went back to modeling, which is the same year she ended up posing nude for Playboy.
The issue came out in 1953. This was the start of her new career; she was becoming an icon for sex. After she was in the centerfold for playboy, she received ive new movie roles and became known as the ditzy but sexy blonde. The public was starting to recognize her more often, and she received a larger role in her next film. The Seven Year Itch was not only her most comedic film, but most likely one of her most memorable. The scene that people still talk about today is when she is on top of the subway and a gust of wind blows up her little white dress.
Marilyn Monroe had much insecurity about her acting abilities though she was a widely known model and actress, She had performance anxiety and usually got very ill before a scene or modeling session. She was fired numerous times because of her inability to show up on time. Monroe went through many marriages and many divorces along with them. Monroe’s modeling and acting career made her a vigorous amount of money and got her many connections with a numerous amount of people. Marilyn Monroe left a legacy on todays society and the past’s society.
Monroe died on August 5, 1962 at Just the age of 36 years old. The cause ot her death was unknown for a while, but then was eventually ruled as a drug overdose. Around the time she passed, rumors were flying around; the most well known rumor was about er “affair” with President John F. Kennedy or his brother Robert Kennedy. Marilyn was buried in her favorite dress and in a casket known as the “Cadillac casket. ” Playboy president Hugh Hefner bought the grave directly next to Marilyn while her ex-husband had red roses delivered to her grave continuously over the next twenty years.
Marilyn had very few possessions with the exception of her house that she just purchased months before and her autographed Albert Einstein picture. Though she has been gone for many years, she still has an effect on society today. She Is still one f the world’s biggest sex icons and is still one of the most beautiful women ever known. Besides being known for her beauty and sex appeal, she was also well known from her sly wit and her very short relationships with numerous men. Of2 her death came about. Unlike any other movie star or model, her death was one that was grieved upon the most. She suffered many critiques throughout her lifetime from a various amount of people. She was a victim of society most of the time. She did have positive critiques as well as the negatives. Everybody loves her hourglass figure and she was not the skinniest model either. She became an American icon. She was important to society because she became an international sex symbol.
Also, she gave many women motivation to do a man’s Job like working in the aircraft plant. She took her first modeling pictures at the plant and when released many women felt they could do the work she was doing. Monroe was a great inspiration to many young girls because she did not have the greatest childhood experiences and definitely did not have a great childhood life. As she was bounced around from area to area having to adjust to new schools, people, and environments every few months, she had no hoice but to stay strong for herself.
She had an impact on many young women’s lives, she showed them that even if their backgrounds are not the best they can still become what they choose to be. Today she is still alive in spirit, there have been so many actresses that have tried to imitate her style or her beauty, but Just cannot quite captivate her essence of class and sex appeal. Overall, Marilyn Monroe was one of the most well known actresses and model. She did amazing things off and on camera, grossing more than two hundred million dollars throughout her lifetime. She as featured in over thirty films, leaving one film unfinished.
One of her most famous answers to a question is to a reporter who asked what she wore to bed, in which she replied, “Chanel Number 5. ” The media got a kick out of her answer; this was one of many things she did that caught the media’s attention. Monroe was known as an international sex symbol, and also for her childlike innocence on and off the camera. After she passed, she was never forgotten by anybody in the past, today, and definitely will not be forgotten in the future. She has a place in everybodys heart oday and will remain there in the future.