Choosing A College Essay, Research Paper
Choosing a college during the concluding old ages of high school can be a long
strenuous procedure, full of many womb-to-tomb determinations. These determinations can be broken
down into six classs. The classs are cost, entryway demands, location,
populating agreements, alone plans, and extracurricular activities. The
University of Missouri St. Louis and the University of Missouri, Columbia have
some similarities yet many more differences.
A major concern when make up one’s minding which college to go to is cost. Cost consists
of non lone tuition but besides books, room and board. If one would wish to go to the
University of Missouri, Columbia for a residential pupil the composite cost for
tuition is four 1000 three hundred twenty three dollars. The tuition cost is
comparatively the same at the University of Missouri St. Louis. Their approximate
one-year cost is four 1000 seven hundred 90 five dollars and 80 cents.
Therefore tuition for the University of Missouri Columbia is four 100 70
dollars and 80 cents cheaper than the University of Missouri, St. Louis.
Colleges have entryway demands so that the college receives the quality of
pupils they want. This is of import to a pupil because the demands
really do certain the pupils are all around the same intelligence degree. This
makes college life more impersonal. The University of Missouri Columbia and the
University of Missouri St. Louis are both on the University of Missouri system. This
system says a pupil must finish four units of English and mathematics, three
units of scientific discipline and societal surveies, two units of the same foreign linguistic communication, and one
unit all right humanistic disciplines. These are frequently called the 17 nucleus credits for college. This
system besides requires an ACT mark of at least 17 but with this depression of an Act
score one needs to be in the top 94 percentile of their category. If one? s Act
composite is 24 or higher so that applicant meets the lower limit
demand for admittance.
The location of a college can be a major make up one’s minding factor when one programs
which college to travel to. Is the college in and urban, suburban, or rural country. Is the
offense rate in the country really high or so low they wear? t even have a sheriff for 40
stat mis. Is the college near to any points of involvements for college pupils. Such as
film theatres, amusement Parkss or bowling Alliess. The University of Missouri St.
Louis is seven stat mis from downtown St. Louis. St. Louis is a big metropolis consisting of
250,000 to 499,999 people. It has many points of involvements for a college pupil.
Besides the illustrations above St. Louis has four professional athleticss nines.
University OF MISSOURI ST. LOUIS besides has an urban campus environment.
The University of Missouri Columbia is located in the little metropolis of Columbia
Missouri. It has a population of 50,000-250,000. The University of Missouri
Columbia is located about 125 stat mis from Kansas City and St. Louis.
The life agreements when go toing a college can edify or destruct
your college exp
erience. If one intends to travel to the University of Missouri St. Louis
they have several options for lodging. The abode hall, Mansion Hill
condominiums, and University Meadow Apartments. The abode halls are
handily located on campus. Smoke and the usage of intoxicant or drugs is non
permitted in the abode halls. Mansion Hill condominiums are on a private
wooded estate with all the luxury of place. The University Meadow flats is a
flat composite located merely off campus. The University of Missouri Columbia
has coed residence halls, flats for married pupils and fraternity/sorority
lodging. All lodging is located on campus besides some fraternity/sorority houses.
The options for incoming freshers to the University of Missouri Columbia for
lodging is limited to dorm life.
Alone plans are another setup to assist one decide if the college they
privation to go to has extracurricular activities wanted every bit good as academic plans.
The University of Missouri St. Louis has many academic plans which include
survey abroad and the Pierre Laclede Honors College. This signifies a dual major.
Analyzing abroad means one goes to a foreign state where the University of
Missouri St. Louis has set up a college. The Pierre Laclede Honors college is an
awards college for the exceptionally intelligent. Although it is portion of the University
of Missouri St. Louis plan it has its ain campus, dwelling of instructional,
residential, and recreational installations. The University of Missouri Columbia has a
museum of art and archeology, museum of anthropology, and a research centre for
atomic reactor.
Extracurricular activities serves a minor intent in the determination to take a
college. Both the University of Missouri Columbia and the University of Missouri
St. Louis have superb extracurricular activities provided for their pupils. They
both contain non merely NCAA collegial sports but besides intramural athleticss are
available for the less gifted pupils that still bask to play athleticss. The lone
difference between the collegial degree athleticss is the University of Missouri Columbia
has NCAA division one athleticss and the University of Missouri St. Louis has NCAA
division two athleticss. Both of these universities consist of sororities and fraternities
for anyone interested in going a member of one of the exceeding Ancient
Hellenics based organisation. Other similar extracurricular activities proved by both
of these schools are student authoritiess, wireless Stationss, pupil newspaper, and
even pep sets. As for different extracurricular activities provided by the
universities none can be found at this period in clip.
Both the University of Missouri Columbia and the University of Missouri St.
Louis have great educational and societal plans for pupils go toing their
school. In comparing and contrasting of these schools one could reason that
these are both exceeding schools. A pupil life in Missouri would profit non
merely from the financially efficient costs but besides the rational stimulation great
educational establishments provide to their pupils.