At least one week before each speech, you sign-up for a speaking date. This is a contract. Your signature obligates you to speak on the day you are signed up for.
There are no guaranteed make-ups. If you miss a speech, you will receive a zero. You are free to trade speaking days with other class members, but you must put any changes on the sign-up sheet. You are strongly urged to have your speeches prepared & practiced in a critique session with a Teaching Assistant at least 5 days before the presentation date.During class you should not send or receive texts, surf the internet, take phone calls, engage in private conversations, or sleep. Come to class prepared to listen and to participate. Your level of engagement with the materials is part of your grade.
Your attendance will influence the professionalism portion of your grade in addition to your overall grade.
For an A in professionalism and participation, you may not be absent more than once. Finally, keeping up with the Prep Questions (below) is expected.Optional texts include Give Your Elevator Speech a Lift, 2nd edition by Lorraine Howell, and PAP: The Easy Way! (Updated for PAP 6th edition) by Peggy M. Houghton, Timothy J. Houghton and Michele M. Pratt All reading assignments are noted on the class schedule.
Additional reading materials may be handed out in class or posted on Blackboard. Prep Questions: These questions are designed to review and/or apply the important concepts from your readings and the lectures. You should write down your answers to the questions and bring them to every class.You do not have to type them if you print neatly. They will be collected and graded at least twice during the semester, without notice. However, keeping up with the questions (due dates are on the syllabus) will also impact the Professionalism & Participation portion of your grade Speeches: You are encouraged to have your speeches video-taped. You can purchase an CDC card and bring it with you on the day of your speech, or you can use your cell phone.
Speech #1 (with a full sentence outline) is a 3 minute informative speech that explains a technical/complex concept or process.You will “workshop” the speech, in class, with a group of students before presenting. You will receive an individual and a group grade for this assignment. Your group grade will be the average of all the individual grades in the group. Speech #2 is a 6 minute informative speech (with 2 copies of a full sentence outline) that analyzes the issues and arguments in your question of policy. This speech will be presented as a roundtable discussion to an audience. Speech #3 is a 7-8 minute persuasive speech (with 2 copies of a full sentence outline) that argues your position on your question of policy.
Speech #4 is your choice: an elevator speech (apron. 20 seconds) or a toast, award presentation, or eulogy (apron. 2 minutes). One copy of a topical outline should accompany this speech with your central idea on the top of the outline. Outlines: On the days you present your speeches, you must also turn in 2 copies of your speech outline (one for your instructor and one for your TA) that will be graded parallel. For all but your last speech you should turn in a full sentence outline of the body of your speech that includes parenthetical references and a source citation list in proper PAP format.Annotated bibliography: Once your question of policy (topic of 2 speeches) is approved, you will develop an annotated bibliography of sources you can use in your speeches.
The bibliography will cover both sides of the controversy, include a short statement summarizing the content of each source, be in proper PAP format and include a minimum of 12 sources. Critique Sessions: You are tryingly encouraged to set up a critique session with one of the class Teaching Assistants at least 5 days before each speech/outline is due.