Upon entering into the online auction marketplace, the eBay Incorporation does not have a vision statement; however, most of the successful companies achieve their organization’s purpose by considering the organization values and it gives a correct direction for employee behavior and helps provide inspiration, lastly it also help inspire consumers to work with the organization; This paper will give a suggested vision statement for the eBay incorporation for the development and growth of the company, This vision will include on the C & D portion of this paper.
In Mission Statement of eBay Incorporation they don’t necessarily created a strong Mission Statement. In reading the Case eBay incorporation revise yearly their Mission Statement, in searching brief ideas why some of the biggest and well known company changes their Mission Statement, According to the source that the Mission Statement should be change if it is no longer effective because some of the reason are the continuously changing of the external environment, in order to follow the New Generation it may change and create a concrete which is basically including the 9 elements of a good Mission Statement. Therefore let the paper show to you the Mission Statement of the eBay;
The original Mission Statement of eBay:
“We intend to continue to work toward our mission of creating the world’s leading e-commerce franchise by investing in our core Marketplaces segment and continuing to build our adjacent Marketplaces businesses”. (2007 Annual Report)
Inclusive Statement
Not mentioned
Product & Services
E-Commerce Franchise
Not mentioned
Leading in e-commerce.
Survival Growth Profit
Not mentioned
Not mentioned
Continuously Investing in Marketplaces segment.
Public Image
Not Mentioned
Not Mentioned
Table 1: Analyzing the eBay’s Mission Statement Based on the Nine Component
In critiquing their Mission Statement eBay Incorporation does not having a good and very interested Mission Statement, why? It is simply because out of 9 elements of a good Mission Statement they only have 3 components and these are the following; Products and Services, Technology and Self-Concept. It simply shows that eBay Incorporation has lacking of 6 components in the year 2007 and these are the following; Customers, Markets, Concern for Survival growth and profits, Philosophy, Concern for Public Image as well as the Concern for Employees.
Recommendation of Revised Vision Mission Statement
In recommending a new revised Vision Mission Statement we must consider first why it is important to have a Good and very clear Mission and Vision Statement;
This paper can says that there is no one or other formula to develop a Good Vision Statement, but what matters it is it must be appropriate to the company beliefs, culture and environment. This paper will show some General Principles that this must be the basis or the guide to create a good and strong Vision Statement;
Be inspirational. It supposed to be more challenging and very inspiring Vision Statement, create some good and powerful words and vivid phrases to simply shows or represent what kind of an institution are you trying to become.
Be ambitious. It supposed to be more ambitious in a sense of creating a good impression to your organization for the concern of aiming high and getting the attentions of the audience. eBay according to their statement that “they want to create a world’s leading e-commerce franchise”, it clearly shows that the company is very ambitious because they real aiming the position that they want which is to become number one.
Be realistic. It is really sound confusing because according on the 2nd statement which is “Be ambitious”, in explaining in that maybe it’s contradictory, but the real essence of this is to balancing the act which it required. For the importance of a Good Vision Statement and the real intention is to inspire and motivate it is real important to equally dreaming with a sense of realism.
Be creative. According to my favorite lines of Mr. Albert Einstein that imagination is more important than knowledge, definitely there is no problem on what eBay says that they want to create world’s leading e-commerce franchise, it just only shows that the Incorporation thinks creatively in order to know their market and imaginatively they want to emphasize their stand out to all the online buyers and shoppers.
Be descriptive. In this content is simply says it must be concise and it must be more memorable, there are allot of companies who has a very memorable vision statement like google.com “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”. But these papers not intend to enforce a random limit on its length. Take a space as you need just to simply get your vision across.
Be clear. In order to be having a good vision statement it must avoid jargons, keep sentences short and definitely it must to the point and use exact language.
Be consistent. The vision statement still has a purpose and an element of continuity. The eBay must have to explore new areas in the future, just to become a choice of the online shoppers.
Therefore here is the new revise vision statement of eBay Incorporation;
“Our Vision is to offer the wants of online buyers and turn out to be the world’s leading e-commerce industry in order to guarantee trust in the online community.”
This recommended vision statement is simply describes the values, services and the company vision for the future which is more important in a good vision statement.
In eBay Mission Statement it simply shows that they had create a Mission statement which is not considering the 9 elements it is very clear to say that eBay mission was too broad and unspecified based on what this case observed.
In recommending a good Mission Statement, we must know first the importance of the 9 elements, this nine elements clearly tells us that the importance of a mission statement in simply motivating a company’s business but It is not only to help the business but it also including the purpose or determining the reasons why the company existing in the particular industry.
The Mission statements are basically made by the company, followed and lastly updated continuously why updates? Because it made due to several reasons like changing the business itself or changing philosophy or any other major change. This updating may cause a large abnormality for the organization. But for as to have a good Mission Statement if must undergo to the nine elements and this are the; Customers, Products or Services, Markets, Technology, Concern for survival, growth and profitability , Philosophy, Self-concept, Concern for public image and lastly Concern for employees.
Therefore, eBay mission having only 3 component out of 9 elements of a good mission statement, Then in order to have eBay incorporation a good mission statement this paper will show the new eBay recommended mission statement that include the 9 elements;
“We intend to lead the online marketplace by growths and developments to give many opportunities for employee and to offer a sense of public to online shoppers. We value online shoppers because they are the company’s most valuable asset then we offer a safer online knowledge to guarantee trust and growth productivity. We pioneered online trading by developing a Web-based marketplace. By using our PayPal service, our company allows any business or customer with e-mail to send and receive online payments firmly, suitably, and cost-effectively.”
It simply shows that the new mission statement that this paper recommend is having the 9 elements of a good mission statement, this will be shows on below of this statement.
Proposed Vision Mission Statement
The EBay proposed Vision Statement:
“Our Vision is to offer the wants of online buyers and turn out to be the world’s leading e-commerce industry in order to guarantee trust in the online community.”
The EBay proposed Mission Statement:
Inclusive Statement
to offer a sense of public to online shoppers
Product & Services
online trading
to offer a sense of public to online shoppers
By using our PayPal service
Survival Growth Profit
To lead the online marketplace by growths and developments.
We value online shoppers because they are the company’s most valuable asset
We pioneered online trading by developing a Web-based marketplace
Public Image
We pioneered online trading by developing a Web-based marketplace
to give many opportunities for employee
“We intend to lead the online marketplace by growths and developments to give many opportunities for employee and to offer a sense of public to online shoppers. We value online shoppers because they are the company’s most valuable asset then we offer a safer online knowledge to guarantee trust and growth productivity. We pioneered online trading by developing a Web-based marketplace. By using our PayPal service, our company allows any business or customer with e-mail to send and receive online payments firmly, suitably, and cost-effectively.”