So, this is it. I am sitting at my computer with my fingers typing as feverously as if I was writing the next big speech of historical importance on par with the likes of the Gettysburg Address.
Yet, I am not doing that. Instead, I am frantically searching the filing cabinet in my brain for experiences that have bettered me as a person and influenced my decision to apply to a prestigious four-year institution. In my short seventeen years of life I have seen and experienced things that most people twice my age have not. I have been in the deepest pits of hell and back again. Yet, I will not go so far as to claim that I deserve either pity or empathy, because that is simply not who I am. So, instead of giving you all of my saddest, most horrifying experiences in incredibly graphic detail, I am going to focus on my future.
After all, my future is the exact reason for this essay in the first place.
When I was little, my “I want to be when I grow up” dreams ranged from a Disney princess to a rock star. Just like every other power hungry eight year old, I wanted to be the president of the United States at one point as well. My painful “dancer” dream period came shortly after that. During my first ballet class at the local recreation center, I found out that I have about as much grace and dancing ability as a dying duck mashed together with an electric eel. Then, in junior high school, I desperately wanted to be the C.E.O of Disney.
However, when I found out the amount of math involved, I stepped off of that cloud rather quickly. So, what exactly was the point of this trip down memory lane, especially when this essay is about the future? Well, just like my childhood dreams, my future is going to have to be very flexible and adept to change.What I want now, more than anything else, is to be able to study political science. As a person who loves learning and fears becoming bored, politics is perfect because while it is many things, boring is not one of them. After I graduate, I hope to go to law school. I know that my life’s current trajectory will not come about without effort, but I know that I am capable. After becoming a lawyer, well, I haven’t quite gotten that far yet.
I plan on learning more about the person I want to be in college, and I hope that her and I become really close friends. For now, though, I must be content with the person I have become during the last seventeen years: a person who is argumentative, bitingly sarcastic, and more than slightly nerdy; a person who would really appreciate the chance to prove herself a person that belongs at your institution. (Then I can focus on tackling that Presidency).