Nowadays, people are more engrossed in mainstream music. Mainstream is something that is done, heard, or seen by the majority of this population. In other words, people would like it better to stay in track of popular songs and artists loved by many, than those that are out Of favor. Many people think of rock music as rubbish or noise. But is it really? Don’t you think there is more to it than what you think of? Music is never literal. Behind all the lyrics and melodies, there will always be a message.
Now it is always up to the people to find out what that meaning is. Rock music, throughout the ages, has always been misunderstood. Maybe because of its loud and obelisks aura, people gain bad impressions. Often it has been labeled as Satanic, demonic or evil. What the people should remember is that it is never right to criticize a thing, which they themselves never understood in the first place.
Behind all those screams and riffs, they want to tell the world something.People tend to overlook these things because maybe they are too agitated by the music’s intensity.
Rock musicians don’t bound themselves, which explains why their music is very hard-edged. Music is all about that. Music is self-expression. Music knows no boundaries. According to Michael Eldon, ‘ ‘There’s a million theories about rockabilly, what it is and what it means, but what it most obvious is most overlooked: it’s music”. Some people condemn rock music just because of their own impression on it. But they should not forget that rock is music.
Rock is an art. And these musicians just have their own ways of showing it. Rock music is not just noise, as how some people describe it. Rock music is compelling and enlivening. It brings life and energy to a crowd. In each song and chord, the composers just want to bring to their listeners a message; a message that seems negative for many, but is actually something that the charity of this population are just too blind to see. Not all people are able to understand this fact, because they are too disturbed by the music’s exterior.
Don’t judge a book by its cover,” this is a very popular quote that many should already have known or heard. No matter how many times you’ve heard or said it, it will be meaningless if you don’t apply it to real life. Rock music should not be judged too just because of its dark and dreary appearance. To love this style of music is not an obligation for everyone, the only favor asked from society is just to learn how to appreciate and understand it. To appreciate how rock music is a revolutionary art, and how extremely influential it is.To understand what message is intended to be shouted out in every lyric. As you go on reading this paper, you will find out what lies behind all what most people see as a bedlam, what the society thinks as an upheaval.
You will be able to understand what the rock musicians really want the people to realize. Like what William Culled Bryant said, “Truth crushed to earth shall rise again. ” The truth that this society cogently denounced shall once again emerge.