His use of the word “habits” is loosely related to patterns of thought and behavior that are largely shaped by the society in in which one lives but can also be altered through individual agency.
Turing defines culture as a set Of habits that are shared by a group Of people. Thus, one person can belong to many different cultures, as he may have some habits in common with one group of people and other habits in common with another group. When I was in elementary school I knew nothing about music. I listened to music that would play from the radio in the car and that would be it.However one day, came to realize that I was completely clueless in my group of rinds where they would be talking about Justine Timberland’s new song and knew and could say nothing about it. I noticed that since every of my friends would be singing along and talking about how good the song was that I found my recess to be boring and a waste of time.
Until one day after school, when my cousin came over and started to play songs on her MPEG and that was when I began to open my eyes and take a good hear of it.
Before knew it was tapping my fingers to the rhythm and closing my eyes for extra concentration. Ever since then, I grew a found love for Jesse McCarty and mound friends who I can share my interest with and so my recess turned out to be something more, sharing my inner musical side with my friends. Music helped me create friends and helped to me to grow closer to them and also with myself because music helped me realize who am and what kind of music I liked.In chapter four, Turing states, “My children, like many people, identified themselves through musical style – sounds heard outside that represented how they felt and who they felt were inside” (93). Like this quote says and like the Turing’s children whenever Jesse Ancestry’s song would mom out anywhere I could quickly respond by saying “Hey it’s my jam! ” and get excited and remembered singing along to it. Even though I had friends who shared and liked my songs, my sister never liked songs that had lyrics but liked classical songs that had no lyrics to it.As Turing states, “While musical style was used to distinguish sister, brother, and father as separate identities at home, it was also used to establish common identities among friends and along gender lines outside the home” (93).
This quote explains that everyone cannot like and share their musical style with everyone because everyone is different. Unlike myself who loves to dance and sing and go out, my sister on the other side likes to stay in her room and read book while drinking tea. Her musical taste of liking classical music is well defined by Turing’s quote.And also according to Turing this should be defined at cultural cohorts which is defined by Turing as different ways of shared habits that bind people into social groups according to specific aspects of the self (gender class, age, occupation, interests, etc. ). And this would not apply to everyone; however, I remember back in middle school “memo” fashion used to be on the trend. Memo fashion would be considered ripped jeans, black dyed hair, dark clothing with leather jackets or chained belts.
And not surprisingly all of the people who wore “memo” fashion shared the same type of music. The music that they all shared in common was heavy rock and roll or band music. Like Turing says, “Identity involves the partial selection of habits and attributes used to represent oneself to oneself and to others by oneself and by others; the emphasis on certain habits and traits is relative to specific situations” (95). And in addition to their fashion arils would paint their nails black and shockingly some guys would also paint their black too.