The JOTA is a “living” document. This means that it is designed to be updated as needed to accommodate new technology, standards, and optimizations.
The newly developed systems must also be flexible and adaptable to incorporate the evolving technology and changing interfaces of commercial components into the current system architectures. The JOTA is primarily interested In open systems and other products and implementation with well defined standards. Most of the standards provided in the JOTA, do come from the commercial sector.All standards and guidelines must be stable, technically mature, and publicly available. The JOTA provides a minimum set of standards and guidelines for systems of tomorrow, not systems of today. The JOTA does not support the Implementation of standards and guidelines for legacy systems. However, It Is a mandatory implementation for all newly acquired systems and upgraded systems that produce, use, and exchange data to be compliant with the JOTA.
It Is the responsibility of each system component to establish compliance with the JOTA.For those newly acquired and upgraded systems, only those systems that require the JOTA services and Interfaces are required to be JOTA compliant. The JOTA defines Interface standards and conventions necessary to achieve system Interoperability and facilitate the exchange of Information. It defines the minimal governing arrangements, Interconnections, and Interdependencies of system parts and elements for Integration and Interoperability. The JOTA only focuses on providing standards for what Is needed, able to be Implemented, productive, and cost effective.If It Is found that additional requirements are need to facilitate Interoperability, these acquirement can be Implemented assuming they do not Interfere with those already In place by the JOTA. Joint Technical Architecture: Developed by the Department of Defense By Morton system architectures.
The JOTA is primarily interested in open systems and other tomorrow, not systems of today. The JOTA does not support the implementation of standards and guidelines for legacy systems. However, it is a mandatory use, and exchange data to be compliant with the JOTA. It is the responsibility of each interfaces are required to be JOTA compliant.The JOTA defines interface standards and conventions necessary to achieve system interoperability and facilitate the exchange of information. It defines the minimal governing arrangements, interconnections, and interdependencies of system parts and elements for integration and interoperability. The JOTA only focuses on providing standards for what is needed, able to be implemented, productive, and cost effective.
If it is found that additional requirements are need to facilitate interoperability, these requirements can be implemented assuming they do not interfere with those already in place by the JOTA.