Instead of printing the output conventionally they decided to put the output onto sounds. They realized that the patterns sounded familiar and contained the sound of baroque, Eastern and New Age music (Anderson, 2000).
Why does this matter? The fact that the output came out to sound like that type of music indicates that there is a very real possibility Of a relationship between them. The relationship that could occur is that when you present that child with the music previously mentioned, it could actually strengthen those bonds.By doing this, in turn, you could stimulate the child’s learning curve therefore speeding up the development of the mind. This is an assumption hat would definitely need some solid evidence to back it up. “Does the educated listener “hear more” in a composition than a naive listener? Certainly. (Weinberg 2000). ” This in turn can be used as a measure of attentiveness in class.
If someone is trained to hear more in a composition, they would be more adaptive to learning a technique for hearing, not just listening, more in a class room environment.The more a person hears in a class could also then in turn lead to them learning more from that particular class. This shows that the improvement of one’s listening could also lead to the improvement of learning ability. This will lead to one being more capable of grasping knowledge than they would without this improved hearing ability. Even though Mozart didn’t directly improve scores on the cognitive portion of the test, it did have an effect on the scores of moods (Kendall, 1 997; Spies, Hess, & Humanistic, 1996).This in fact shows that it could unintentionally cause people to score higher on the cognitive sections. The reason behind this is that if it can affect your mood, then in turn your mood can affect your scores.
The reason being a calmer and more soothed tester will have less stress and be more relaxed to take the test. Mozart music is known as soothing and comforting so if you are calm and collected during the tests then you will score better. However, “One group of scientists used a test where students listened to a list of numbers, and then repeat them backwards, known as a backwards digit span test.However, listening to Mozart before this test had no effect on the students. (Shin, 2003). ” This information shows us that even though the logic behind the theory, that since the output creates a certain tune Of music that that music will increase the learning curve, it isn’t necessarily true. It also shows us that at certain times ND under certain conditions this theory isn’t necessarily true.
It does show that when it was disproved in certain tests, that those tests were about kids playing the piano and other instruments and not listening to music.However, they are also similar because even though it doesn’t back up The Mozart Theory it also doesn’t disprove it. It continues to say that there is still a possibility of it being a real phenomenon. Also, the effect of music on scores doesn’t exceed a 10-15 minute time spans where testers were completing spatial tasks (Earaches, Shaw, & KY, 1993). This would indicate towards that even though the music could help its effects wouldn’t be permanent. It shows that when people are doing other spatial events that the time the music helps would be limited to a short term span.If it only works for a short period of time then it wouldn’t necessarily be helpful to play to infants, and children.
Therefore, this is technically not improving intelligence, but instead short term memory. Out of these sources I find that the first source, Anderson (2000), is more credible. The reason being is that he is a doctor and has put in many years of hard work and dedication to the field of psychology in order to et to the point where he is at. The second is a student’s paper for a college class.Now although it is Someone who has done many hours Of research, it doesn’t compare to the amount of work the Anderson put into becoming a doctor in the field at question. I believe that The Mozart Effect is a real and at work phenomenon that parents should start using on their children. For me it makes a lot of sense that if the brain creates an output with a certain pattern or rhythm, and one then in response replicates those patterns or rhythms as an input back to the brain that it would have a positive impact on the function of the brain.