Since 2001, funded by national and european programs, the Institute is developing new research lines focused on molecular magnets, molecular opto-electronic devices, molecular machines and supraand supermolecular structures with long lived electron transfer processes. The IcMol has employed more than 100 scientific researchers and is based at the Valencia University Campus. The Institute presents the most advanced systems for the preparation and characterization of organic light emitting diodes, organic solar cells and other molecule based opto-electronic devices.
Main tasks in the project are the following: • Preparation of p and n type solution processable charge injection layers • Wet processing of optically or electronically active small molecules • Hybrid and standard device preparation and characterization www.
uv. es – www. icmol. es Appendix 5:CombOLED Project, Partners Leti Leti is a CEA laboratory located in Grenoble which is one of the main European applied research centres in electronics. More than 85% of its activity is devoted to research that is conducted with outside partners.
We are a partner to the industrial world, with 200 collaborators and 350 contracts a year.
Leti has led to the creation of almost 30 start-ups in high-technology, including Soitec, the world leader in Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI). We files some 180 patents a year and manage a portfolio of 1,000 inventions protected by patents. Our main areas of activity are as follows: •Micro-and nano-technologies for microelectronics, • Technologies, design and integration of microsystems, • Imaging technologies, • Micro- and nano-technologies for biology and health, • Communication technologies and nomad objects.
Leti is endowed with an annual budget of 174 M€ and employs 1,000 people with, in addition, more than 500 external collaborators (postgraduates, research partners and industrialists). We have 11,000m? of clean rooms, an equipment portfolio worth 200 M€ and we invest more than 40 M€ a year on new equipment. Leti is one of the main forces behind Minatec®, Europe’s premier Centre of Excellence in Microand Nano-technologies. In the future Minatec® is destined to bring together more than 4,000 researchers, industrialists and teaching staff in Grenoble. www-leti. cea. fr Appendix 5:CombOLED Project, Partners
PPML PPML is one of the first European companies that are investing in OLED applications. PPML was born in 2005 with the aim to become the excellence in manufacturing OLED based solutions. Having collected a wide database of feasible applications, PPML is currently working in the deployment of some prototypes and general demonstrator in partnership with OSRAM-OS and with the aim to launch the first solutions in parallel with OLED introduction into the lighting market. PPML will contribute to CombOLED project leading the dissemination activities in order to accelerate OLED penetration to the final users.
For this reason, PPML will lead a wide dissemination campaign through known channels like the organization of a specific Design Contest and special Workshops with the major European Design School. www. ppml. it Appendix 5:CombOLED Project, Partners Schreiner Group Innovation, Quality, Performance and Enthusiasm are the values of Schreiner Group based in Oberschleissheim near Munich. The family-owned business develops, designs and produces high-tech products. As certified system suppliers and development partners, seven specialized divisions offer a comprehensive range of innovative products and customized solutions.
Schreiner ProTech delivers individual solutions for self-adhesive markings and functional components for engineering industries. Schreiner MediPharm focuses on self-adhesive products for medical technology and pharmaceuticals. Schreiner ProSecure offers a wide range of counterfeit-proof solutions for authenticity and value protection. Schreiner LogiData specializes in data carriers, transponders and complete systems based on RFID technology. Schreiner VarioLight develops and produces printed electronics, in particular high-grade electroluminescent lamps with electronic power supply and control components.
Schreiner Systems offers complete solutions from consulting support and development of specifications, to delivery and installation of hard- and software, all the way to after-sales service. Schreiner Labels designs and produces labels for product marking and advertising. Schreiner Group’s experience in printing electronic devices stems from various products including antennas, capacitive sensors and electroluminescent lamps.