Compose Benjamin Franklin Intellectual, politician, scientist, and peacemaker, these are Just a few words to describe Benjamin Franklin, one of the most influential men in history. His roles in all aspects of life are quite important, especially in politics. Benjamin Franklin is called the “first American” because of his role in the formation of the United States.
Aside from that he is one of our founding fathers, helped to write the Declaration of Independence, he served as a U. S ambassador to France, and before his death contributed to the constitutional convention and worked to free slaves. BenjaminFranklin was born of the working class family; his father was a candle maker while his mom raised a family of thirteen children.
Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 but his political career didn’t escalate until the sass’s. In 1751 Franklin was elected into the Pennsylvania assembly, and a couple years after was appointed post master of the United States. In 1957 he was sent to England by the Assembly, Franklin was on the good side of the British until the stamp Act. The stamp act outraged Franklin, shortly after that Franklin found secret letters from Thomas Hutchinson, the governor of Massachusetts who was working for the king.Franklin sent these letters back to the U. S which caused a major scandal and caused him to have to leave Europe. When Franklin arrived to Philadelphia, the American Revolution had already begun and was just in time to help draft and sign the Declaration of Independence.
Franklin continues to help unite and aid the country by becoming the first ambassador to France. While in France Franklin talked wonders about the new country and won the French people over, creating a French American alliance. HIS work didn’t end there, after that he sat through the constitutional convention and helps convince the other tastes to sign for the constitution.Lastly before he dies he also started to work on eliminating slavery and became president of the Pennsylvania Abolitionist society. It’s difficult to summarize the contributions that Benjamin Franklin has Compose accomplished on behalf of The United States. Benjamin Franklins basic principles come from his Puritan background and his hard working attitude derives from his working class family (which he Is proud of). Another way political colonization affected Franklins political views Is his travels to Europe making him more open indeed and realizing the colonies had to unify.
Living In England also caused him to like the British Just because their living conditions were superior to the young nation and could relate to Intellectual minds In Europe. Also due to Franklins travels and contributions as a scientist, this led him to be a messenger of Enlightenment to America which had already spread throughout most of Europe. All In all he was considered liberal for his time and one of the greatest contributors to all aspects of life Including government. Most Influential Man in History: Benjamin Franklin By valorousFrench people over, creating a French American alliance. His work didn’t end there, accomplished on behalf of The United States. Benjamin Franklins basic principles working class family (which he is proud of). Another way political colonization affected Franklins political views is his travels to Europe making him more open minded and realizing the colonies had to unify.
Living in England also caused him to and could relate to intellectual minds in Europe. Also due to Franklins travels and America which had already spread throughout most of Europe. All in all he was life including government.