Good music has direct access to the emotions. As such it’s a fantastic tool for tweaking our moods. Sartorially and Riskier (2007) investigated the ways people use music to control and improve their mood by interviewing eight adolescents from Finland. The participants may be a small, very specific group, but they actually present a really useful list: Entertainment – At the most fundamental level music provides stimulation.
It lifts the mood before going out, it passes the time while doing the washing p, it accompanies traveling, reading and surfing the web.Revival – Music revivalists in the morning and calms in the evening. Dogtrots sensation – Music can provide deep, thrilling emotional experiences, particularly while performing. Diversion – Music distracts the mind from unpleasant thoughts which can easily fill the silence. Discharge – Music matching deep moods can release emotions: purging and cleansing. Mental work – Music encourages daydreaming, sliding into old memories, exploring the past. Solace – Shared emotion, shared experience, a connection to someone cost.
SOURCE: ( http://atheistically. Hubcap’s. Mom/hub/Music-and-the- Influence-on-Society) The Influence of Music & Rock Videos Designing and music have always played an important role in learning and the communication of culture. Children learn from the role models what they see and hear. For the past 30 years, some children’s television has very effectively used the combination of words, music and fast-paced animation to achieve learning. 00 Most parents are concerned about what their young children see ND hear, but as children grow older, parents pay less attention to the music and videos that hold their children’s interest.Octet sharing of musical tastes between generations in a family can be a pleasurable experience.
Music also is often a major part of a teenager’s separate world. It is quite common for teenagers to get pleasure from keeping adults out and causing adults some distress. IDA concern to many interested in the development and growth of teenagers is a serious deterioration in the messages of some rock music, including best-selling albums promoted by major record companies.The following troublesome themes are prominent: 00 Advocating and clamoring abuse of drugs and alcohol. Pictures and explicit lyrics presenting suicide as an “alternative” or “solution. ” Graphic violence. Depreciation with the occult; songs about Satanism and human sacrifice, and the apparent enactment of these rituals in concerts.
L]Sex which focuses on controlling sadism, masochism, incest, devaluing women, and violence toward women.DIDјParents can help their teenagers by paying attention to their teenager’s purchasing, listening and viewing patterns, and by helping them identify music that may be destructive. њDumdum is not usually a danger for a teenager whose life is happy and healthy. But if a teenager is persistently preoccupied with music that has seriously destructive themes, and there are changes in behavior such as isolation, depression, alcohol or other drug abuse, a psychological evaluation should be considered.