Each time period had distinct characteristics and the changes in Rock music reflected the new attitudes of each generation. Performers such as Elvis Presley and Little Richard dominated early rock in the sass. Rock and roll established a foundation in the sass and these themes carried over in the future generations. This music style originated in the United States and quickly spread around the country. The sass did not have any major political or social events, but the music was full of energy and made people get off their feet and dance.It was influenced by rhythm and blues and gospel music and included instruments such as the electric guitar and drums.
The ass consisted of small bands that eventually drew larger crowds and made rock music became an American way of life. Elvis Presley was one of the most popular composers who made many great hits. Some of these included “Jailhouse Rock,” “Love Me Tender.
” Suspicious Minds,” “If I Can Dream,” Can’t Help Falling in Love. ” Other popular performers included Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, The Overly Brothers, Ray Charles, Boo Diddled, and The Dominoes.This music had a very strong rhythm and beat. The Rolling Stones and The Beetles were the two most popular bands in the sass and greatly impacted American popular culture.
Music was becoming more popular due to that fact it was becoming more accessible to everyday Americans. Radio stations broadcasted music and records were being sold across the country. The Rolling Stones and The Beetles were one of rock music’s largest debates because people often compared the two and argued over which band was better. These bands had many common aspects and ad made multiple achievements during the sass and on.The Rolling Stones and The Beetles are both English rock bands that had made a cultural impact on American pop culture. The Beetles members included John Lennox, Paul McCarty, George Harrison, and Rings Star. “Some of their popular albums were “Help,” “Rubber Soul,” “SST.
Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band,” and “Yellow Submarine” (Nugent 2). The Rolling Stones consisted Of Brian Jones, Mice Jaeger, Keith Richards, and Charlie Watts. They performed numerous well-known songs such as “Honey Tone Woman,” “Brown Sugar,” Paint It, Black,” and “You Can’t Always Get What You Want. These bands had their similarities and differences but they both succeeded during the 1 sass. The rise of disco started in the sass and many new rock styles appeared such as hard rock, country rock, punk rock, soft rock, and R&B. Rock music spread quickly and it played an important role in American lives from the west coast to the east coast. Bands such as Led Zeppelin, Alice Cooper, Black Sabbath, ACID, Kiss, and Aerostatic were all extremely popular hard rock performers during this decade.
Rock music in the 1 sass was not as energetic and lively as previous decades. The guitar was still a popular instrument but the sounds became much heavier and faster. A new type of rock called soft rock became popular because the music was not as fast and the lyrics had more meaning. A few soft rock performers included Elton John, Billy Joel, The Carpenters, Chicago, and Flooded Mac. These composers influenced television and dance and changed American lifestyle. Music was very diverse and during the ass there was something to listen to for every music taste.