Rush Lumbago’s speech, given to argue against this study. In the first segment of Rush’s speech he refers to the NCAA as “environmentalist wacko” which is a common fallacy made throughout his statement.
This is referred to as a TU queue fallacy, which shows that Just because you are connected with a certain group of people does not mean you apply to commonly used stereotypes. The NCAA may have done a study relating to the environment but that doesn’t mean they are environmentalists.When Rush refers to the NCAA as “wacko”, this is attacking arsenal character that is not directly relevant to the issue at hand, this fallacy is know as ad homing. Rush argues with the study, by first defending American farmers and exploiting the fact that farmers “never” receive praise for feeding the world. We can conclude two fallacies from this accusation, one being over-generalizing( using such words as never can easily be proven wrong) and ignorant lioncel, which is an irrelevant response.
Feeding the world and using chemical fertilizers are two different topics hat cannot be compared logically. If you consider the statement closely you will also know that farmers do receive praise, their paycheck Is the reward.
When the NCAA concluded their study, they stated that America was waste generating. Rush attacked the NCAA for not considering our “economy a beckon of hope”. He argued that people from all around the world want to come to America. This is again a ignorant fallacy because it is simply irrelevant information.Rush is also attempting to appeal to a certain popular prejudice, he stated “American implies have worked generations for a high standard of living, no they’re not held up for praise. No! Instead they’re all trashed”. This statement Is an ad populous fallacy, because he is appealing to a certain group without any connection to America being a waste generating society.
He continues on during his speech to sarcastically suggest that the NCAA would rather us give up our technology and “live more like the Soviets”. This is an ad peplum statement appealing to people that fear communism.Rush Is attacking the personal character of Soviets, which is ad homing and he Is omitting a TU queue, which Is stating that Just because someone Is a Soviet does statement and a slippery sloppiest because one event takes place does not place any connection to another event) because it is completely irrelevant to America and its waste. In Rush’s conclusion he tells the “environmentalist wacko” to shut up and stop speaking their opinion. Rush is familiar of the rights of every American, their freedom of speech, and is violating other peoples views and is being unconstitutional.Rush hints that by shutting up the environmentalists and asking them to turn to more constructive work like himself, he will eliminate the problem. This is a straw-man fallacy, because he is twisting the issue around.
After learning about fallacies and there use in proving someone to be illogical, I have determined that Rush Lumbago has a very blest view point and does not always use the correct solutions for a problem. He comes across like a very strong assertive person with a convincing argument but does not use logic to strengthen his beliefs.