The main target objective for advertisement through flyer is to promote the product, which is the Fipper. The distribution of flyer is to give message to target consumers about the latest promotion which is with every 2 pair’s purchase of Fipper slipper, buyer will able to get RM3 discount for the 2nd pair of Fipper slipper. This promotion is targeted to consumer within area of 50 selected flagship outlets all around Malaysia. During this advertising campaign, there will be 50,000 copies of promotion flyers will be distribute to these resident areas, which means there will be as much as 1000 copies of flyers distribute to each selected flagship outlets’ area.
The flyer has stated that the discount promotion will be start on 1st May 2013 to 31st May 2013. That means the advertising will be run for 31 days constantly. The objective of having this promotion is to increase range of audience and attract more customers to go to the Fipper outlets. This promotion only generate small amount of profit but it is a good way to target customers which are going to give a first try on Fipper’s product. By delivering a great positive post-consume evaluation, this discount promotion enables Fipper to put up long-term relationship with its regular customers and having better opportunity getting market share from other competitors.
Magazine Advertisement:
The main target objective for advertisement through this advertising medium is to attract magazine readers to the products. This is also because magazines advertisement can last very well in long-term since a magazine can be use as long as it is useable unlike flyer. For this advertisement, there will be 3 different sizes of magazines advertisement to be used, which are full page size, half page size and quarter page size. The best magazine to insert the Fipper advertisement into the magazine page is “SEVENTEEN magazine Malaysia”. The reason is because Fipper is target from teenage to young adult consumer and should be advertise through magazines that target in the same age group. This advertisement will be scheduled in the duration of 5 months starting from May issue until September issue. A full page size of Fipper ads will be used for the May and June issue of “SEVENTEEN magazine Malaysia”, half page for July and August issue and quarter size for September issue. These 3 different sizes of ads will also be appear in different design and layout for each size but primarily will promote the Fipper latest product such as the Fipper Canvas. Advertisement will be designed according to teenagers and young adult personalities to have higher rate of readers or audiences.
Newspaper Advertisement:
The main target of newspaper advertisement is to give information about the Fipper sales promotion and promote one of the Fipper products, which is the Fipper Comfort. The price for 2 Fipper Comfort is RM51.80 but will have 10% discount during promotion period which make it only RM46.60. This promotion is recommended for consumers who are seeking for a extra softness and comfort for their feet. This promotion with the strategy of “buy more for more discounts” will persuade the consumers to buy more products of Fipper. This strategy enables Fipper to increase their sales in other products such as Fipper Classic and Fipper Slick. The lower profit of product does not affect the profit in overall sales with higher selling rate even there is a discount.
New Straits Times Newspaper has been chosen in advertising Fipper’s promotion. The reason New Straits Times Newspaper has been chosen is because it is one of the highest readership among all the newspapers and it may be the most efficient medium ads for Fipper to promote its brand and deliver the message of the advertiser to its target consumers. The length of period for advertisement in New Straits Times Newspaper is 3 days in row corresponding towards the sales promotion by the Fipper. That means within the 3 days of promotion, the advertisement will be appear in New Straits Times Newspaper which will be on 16 May, 17 May and 18 May 2013. New Straits Times is the perfect newspaper to advertise the Fipper promotion because it is one of the highest readership media in Malaysia and also target for younger consumer such as young adult. This is also because since it only last for 3 days, daily newspaper should able to deliver the message because it is published daily rather than like magazine which monthly.
The main target objective for advertisement through billboard is to promote and to give impact to road user about the Fipper product. The advertisement which published on billboard on the road side does not only include the messages of latest product of Fipper but it is also to remind the road user about the brand and grab attention of road user. Through the use of billboard advertisement, brand recognition among consumers will be increased. The great brand recognition of Fipper will reach the objectives of increasing sales and generating profits.
Spectrum Outdoor Marketing has been selected in the billboard advertising company. This is because Spectrum Outdoor Marketing billboard advertising company is one of the most famous billboard suppliers in Malaysia and it has the biggest coverage on road side billboard along the South-East Highway. The advertisement duration for Fipper on billboard has been set to 3 months. The venue of the billboard will be placed at South-East Highway in Kuala Lumpur area because Kuala Lumpur is the most populated place in Malaysia and there is high number of road user go through Kuala Lumpur.
Television Commercial (TVC):
The main target advertising through TVC is to provide information about Fipper to mass audience and at the same time to persuade audience for the purchasing Fipper’s product. The use of TVC is the most effective way to reach to high population of mass audience and delivering the message in an interesting way which include of moving images, sound effects, music, and subtitle. Besides that, the background music and sound effects that being used in TVC will create an opportunity for Fipper to be recognized by audience.
8TV is selected by Fipper to advertise their TVC because most of the audiences of 8TV are from youngster and they are the demographically main target audience in the Fipper’s target segmentation. The advertisement on 8TV can be considered as the most efficient way to reach to the main target consumers for Fipper.
The TVC scheduling for Fipper are set and to be advertised on 8TV in week days. Due to the high cost of TVC advertisement, the advertisement of Fipper will appear on 8TV for 3 days in a week. The advertisement will be last for 1 month, which is from 1st May 2013 until 31st May 2013. The time slots taken for Fipper would be in afternoon starting from 2pm until 4pm and in night from 7pm until 10pm. The frequency for the TVC will once for each session which will appear 2 times every day for 31 days.
The web will also be used as advertisement medium for Fipper product. The reason that web used for advertisement is because it can deliver the message to mass consumer than any other type of advertisement medium. It is also the best way to approach audience since the target consumer which age group is between 13 and 30 years old use internet very frequently nowadays. MSN Malaysia webpage will be used as advertisement site for the Fipper products because it is used by large amount of internet surfer. This method will able to deliver its advertisement message to target audience effectively.
The time slot for this advertisement will be starting from the first week of May which is 1st May until 2nd week of May which is 14th May 2013. Therefore, it is a total of 14 days of advertisement execution. The advertisement will promote the benefit of Fipper products from other competitors and giving a positive way towards Fipper products from audiences’ perspective. This will show the uniqueness of Fipper and consumer able to differentiates it from other products brand.