- INTRODUCTION ——————————————————————– 3
- STRATEGIC POSTURE (first deliverable?)
CRH Position ——————————————————————————–4
Building Materials Industry —————————————————————4
Building Materials Growth —————————————————————-4
- STRATEGIC AUDIT (second deliverable?)
Outside-In View —————————————————————————-4
PESTLE —————————————————————————-4
Porter’s 5 Forces ——————————————————————-4
SWOT Analysis ——————————————————————–4
Inside-Out View —————————————————————————-5
VRINO ——————————————————————————4
Strategic Positioning ———————————————————————–7
Strategy Clock ———————————————————————5
Internationalisation ————————————————————————-7
Drivers ——————————————————————————5
Methods —————————————————————————–5
Stakeholder Expectations ——————————————————————7
CRH Future ———————————————————————————-7
- CONCLUSION ———————————————————————— 3
BIBLIOGRAPHY ————————————————————————12
APPENDICES —————————————————————————-13
The Modern Roots of Strategic Management
CRH Position

Cement Roadstone Holding (CRH) is a global leader in building materials, acting as the parent company for an international group of diversified building materials (CRH 2015). CRH was listed as Ireland’s biggest company until early 2016, when Ryanair took over the top spot (Mulligan 2016). To date, CRH operates in 31 countries and employs 89,000 people, acting as the largest building materials company in North America, a regional leader in Europe and a growing presence in Asia (Roadstone 2016) (Appendix A). Operating across multiple industries, CRH focuses on three divisions: Materials, Products and Distribution with Materials being their largest division and core competency (CRH 2015) (Appendix B).
Mission |
To be the leading building materials business in the world. |
Objective |
To be a responsible international leader (Appendix C) in building materials, delivering superior and sustained shareholder returns, while reducing its dependence on individual markets and achieving a balance in its geographic presence and portfolio of products. |
Vision |