Posted: November 4th, 2022
Dnp 805 | Information Systems Assignment: I need help writing a research paper.
Need about 150-200 words for each assignment. Please answer each question individually with individual References
TOPIC 1: Introduction to Health Care Informatics: Language and Theories of Informatics
Select a specific health care technology-related regulation, law, statute, or ethical standard that applies to informatics. Provide a summary of your example and a statement describing your reasoning either in support of the example you select, or in opposition to it.
Select one informatics theory from the areas of Communication Theories, Change Theories, or Human Factors. Discuss how the application of the theory you select can guide the use of technology in advanced practice. What strengths does the theory possess that would make it useful to the DNP-prepared nurse? What weaknesses does the theory present that might prevent its use?
TOPIC 2: Health Care Technologies
Discuss the usefulness of the electronic health record (EHR) and its impact on patient safety and quality outcomes. Write a page paper – Describe strengths and limitations that might apply to its usage.
You are now a DNP-prepared nurse in a new leadership position in clinical practice. Analyze your new practice workflow to incorporate seeing patients and in regards to communication with the health care team and the infusion of the EHR into your practice. What elements do you need to consider if this position is in a magnet acute-care hospital in a busy metropolitan area? How might your practice change if the setting was a rural regional clinic system?
TOPIC 3: Computer Provider Order Entry (CPOE) Systems and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)
Write a page paper – Describe how CPOE and CDSS embedded in the EHR can be useful towards a specific patient population of your choice. Identify one element of either the CPOE or CDSS you would improve that could enhance the effectiveness of the system for that patient population.
Select a particular medication or clinical problem. Write a page paper – Describe how the CPOE and/or CDSS technologies support care decisions in this area.
TOPIC 4: Databe Design
Select a defined patient population for example; diabetic patients over 65 years of age. List elements that you think will be valuable in a database. Write a page paper – Describe each element and explain each terms of its type of data (text, numbers, date, time, binary, etc.). If an element can be more than one type of data explain how that is possible. Be sure to post an element different from that of your peers.
Discuss the type of integration data from your defined patient population in Topic 4 DQ 1 would require. How could the EHR database facilitate this type of integration between clinical and administration systems
TOPIC 5: Data Mining
Select a specific clinical problem and post a clinical question that could potentially be answered using data mining. Identify data mining techniques you would apply to this challenge, and provide your rationale. Are there any specific data mining techniques you would not use? Support your decision.
Using the clinical question you identified from above, determine the individual components to that question and pinpoint the location in the hypothetical database where the information you require will be extracted.
TOPIC 6: Telehealth
A patient of your choice is being discharged to home and will use telehealth technology. Post the technology your patient will use at home and how will you connect with the patient using this technology.
Consider current telehealth strategies and alternatives. Write a word essay – Evaluate current implementation strategies for telehealth systems and provide an assessment of the pros and cons. Identify a particular practice area (e.g., clinic, hospital, primary care site) and discuss how you as a health care leader might you implement a similar strategy in that area?
TOPIC 7: Trends in Informatics: Global and Consumer Informatics
Write a page paper – Describe one technology that you use on a daily basis that you thoroughly like or appreciate. What features or elements does that technology provide to you that make it easy, enjoyable, or necessary to use? Name one element of the technology you would change to improve its functionality for your needs?
Write a page paper – Describe one technology that you use on a daily basis that you dislike or that is dissatisfying in some manner. What features or elements of that technology make it difficult, frustrating, or not enjoyable to use? Name one element of the technology you would change to improve its functionality for your needs?
TOPIC 8: Evaluation of Technology in Human-Computer Interaction
For a specific patient population, select one application or a technology that could effectively increase patient engagement and patient outcomes for your future practice area or work focus. What elements of this application or technology are the most valuable to you? How could you improve this technology?
Write a page paper – Describe how you can apply the spectrum of health care technology options to develop a plan to manage your patient from acute care to home care and then into the community. What organizational, societal, cultural, or other factors might impact your plan, and how could you address these?
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