Posted: November 28th, 2022
HCCS NUTRITION 1322 The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to produce food is sustainable
1. The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to produce food issustainable.Select one:a. Trueb. False2.Genetically modified organisms have no known health risks.Select one:a. Trueb. False3.When an author is affiliated with the public sector, the reliability of theinformation increases.Select one:a. Trueb. False4.A person with the credentials of R.D. would make a credible author for anarticle providing nutrition information.Select one:a. Trueb. False5. When the results of an American scientific study are favorable, thegovernment will form a dietary recommendation for all Americans to follow.Select one:a. Trueb. False6. When an author of an article on dietary supplements has the credentials ofPh.D., it is important to know if his/her degree is in the area of nutrition.Select one:a. Trueb. False7. When an author cites published journal articles regarding laboratory,animal, and human studies as references in his or her article, the overallreliability of the article decreases.Select one:a. Trueb. False8. When the author of an article on diet aids is affiliated with private industry,credibility of the information increases.Select one:a. Trueb. False9. When surfing the internet, a Web site ending in .gov implies that the site isgovernmental and public domain.Select one:a. Trueb. False10.When reading an article on weight loss, you notice that the author lackscredentials but interviews and quotes individuals who have the credentials ofM.D., Ph.D., and R.D. This would increase the overall reliability of the article.Select one:a. Trueb. False11. A celebrity providing a personal testimony about a product or dietprovides evidence that the product is safe and effective.Select one:a. Trueb. False12. When the author of an article on diet aids uses before and after picturesof a single person as research evidence, credibility of the informationincreases.Select one:a. Trueb. False13. The term nutritionist has no legal definition; therefore, a nutritionist is notalways a credible person in regards to nutrition information.Select one:a. Trueb. False14. The American Heart Association is a reliable source for nutritioninformation about heart disease.Select one:a. Trueb. False15. The reliability of a health-information source is reduced when theindividuals on the editorial board lack the credentials of M.D., Ph.D., M.S., orR.D.Select one:a. Trueb. False16. When information is used to increase health awareness, the reliability isreduced as compared to information provided to promote the sales of aproduct.Select one:a. Trueb. False17. The cattle on a farm would represent a population in terms of levels oforganization in a food production system.Select one:a. Trueb. False18. In the nitrogen cycle, excretion, death, and decomposition contributenitrogen to the soil, which supports plant growth.Select one:a. Trueb. False19. Hepatitis A is a virus that infects primates.Select one:a. Trueb. False20. Which of the following criteria can be useful in identifying an infection ofGiardia lamblia?Select one:a. A stool specimenb. The appearance of flagellate trophozoites under the microscopec. An adhesive diskd. Binary fissione. All of the above21.Which of the following microorganisms is useful to reestablish a healthyflora in the gastrointestinal tract after antibiotic use?Select one:a. Giardiab. Lactobacillusc. Clostridiumd. Bifidobacteriume. B and D22.Which of the following processes is used to kill or minimizemicroorganisms?Select one:a. Dehydrationb. Heatc. Sugar and saltd. Irradiatione. All of the above23.The FDA is responsible for labeling a farm-fresh food with the insignia oforganic.Select one:a. Trueb. False24. Olestra and sucralose are examples of synthetic food additives.Select one:a. Trueb. False25. Food additives that are on the GRAS list pose no adverse reactions topeople when consumed at levels allowed in the manufacturing processes.Select one:a. Trueb. False26. Which of the following agencies oversees the safety of meat, poultry, andeggs?Select one:a. FDAb. USDAc. EPAd. NMFe. None of these answers27.Which of the following agencies oversees the safety of food additives inthe United States?Select one:a. FDAb. USDAc. EPAd. NMFe. None of these answers28.Which of the following agencies monitors foodborne illness in thecommunity?Select one:a. FDAb. USDAc. EPAd. NMFe. None of the above29.Which of the following agencies regulates pesticide use in the UnitedStates?Select one:a. FDAb. USDAc. EPAd. NMFe. None of these answers30.Which of the following agencies oversees the safety of seafood in theUnited States?Select one:a. FDAb. USDAc. EPAd. NMFe. None of these answers31.Which of the following industries require substantial research and is tightlyregulated by the FDA?Select one:a. Food other than meat, poultry, eggs, and seafoodb. Prescription drugsc. Dietary supplementsd. Herbal supplementse. None of these answers32.Which of the following laws regulates the safety of dietary supplements?Select one:a. DSHEAb. Miller Pesticide Actc. GRAS listd. All of the abovee. None of these answers33.Which of the following laws governs the safety of food additives?Select one:a. DSHEAb. Miller Pesticide Actc. The Delaney Clause (GRAS list)d. All of the abovee. None of these answers34.The most common microorganisms that cause food-borne illness divide:Select one:a. Occasionallyb. Periodicallyc. Rapidlyd. Slowlye. None of these answers35.Which of the following classes of microorganism is the least likely to causefoodborne illness?Select one:a. Bacteriab. Protozoac. Fungid. Freshwater algaee. None of these answers36.A common symptom of foodborne illness is:Select one:a. Fluid retentionb. Nauseac. Heart palpitationsd. Blurred visione. None of these answers37.A bacterium that causes foodborne illness is:Select one:a. Hepatitis Ab. Clostridium perfringinsc. Giardia lambliad. Trichinellaspiralise. None of these answers38.A virus that causes foodborne illness is:Select one:a. Hepatitis Ab. Clostridium perfringinsc. Giardia lambliad. Trichinellaspiralise. None of these answers39.A protozoan that causes foodborne illness is:Select one:a. Hepatitis Ab. Clostridium perfringinsc. Giardia lambliad. Trichinellaspiralise. None of these answers40.A parasite that causes foodborne illness is:Select one:a. Hepatitis Ab. Clostridium perfringinsc. Giardia Lambliad. Trichinellaspiralise. None of these answers41.A microorganism that lives in an anaerobic environment is:Select one:a. Clostridium botulinumb. Staphylococcus aureusc. Campylobacter jejunid. Listeriosise. None of these answers42.The best way to prevent food-borne illness is to:Select one:a. Store foods at room temperatureb. Rinse vegetables before cookingc. Wash hands before handling foodd. Say prayers before eating a meale. Salt the food before serving43.A food additive that enhances flavor is:Select one:a. Vitamin Eb. Monosodium glutamatec. Pectind. Acetic acide. Tartrazine44.A food additive that prevents microbial growth is:Select one:a. Vitamin Eb. Monosodium glutamatec. Pectind. Acetic acide. Tartrazine45.A food additive that thickens food is:Select one:a. Vitamin Eb. Monosodium glutamatec. Pectind. Acetic acide. Tartrazine46.A food additive that prevents fats from going rancid is:Select one:a. Vitamin Eb. Monosodium glutamatec. Pectind. Acetic acide. Tartrazine47.Which of the following substances is a fake fat?Select one:a. Olestrab. Carrageenanc. Aspartamed. Sorbic acide. BHT48.Which of the following substances is a stabilizing agent?Select one:a. Olestrab. Carrageenanc. Aspartamed. Sorbic acide. BHT49.Which of the following heavy metals causes liver damage when present ata high level in food?Select one:a. Cadmiumb. Leadc. Mercuryd. A and Be. A, B, and C50.Which of the following heavy metals damages the nervous system whenpresent at a high level in food?Select one:a. Cadmiumb. Leadc. Mercuryd. A and Be. A, B, and C
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