Posted: November 4th, 2022
Due: 10/06/2020
1. Select a medical diagnosis or condition that is patient related. I have provided a list but you can choose other conditions as long as you discuss them with me first.
2. Write a page paper – Describe the diagnosis, and give a brief overview of findings from search.
3. Write a word essay – Evaluate two web based support group sites related to the diagnosis chosen.
4. Compare and contrast the negative and positive aspects of each web site.
5. Determine if the site is influenced by evidence based practice. Be specific.
6. Include what you would do to improve the site for patients seeking support
This assignment requires the following:
1. APA format/Microsoft Word Times Roman, 12 font
2. Typed paper (2 pages, no more than 3 pages)
3. Reference page: 3 References minimum. May include class textbooks and must include at least 2 additional PROFESSIONAL journals and/or additional sources to back up your informational claims, thoughts, ideas, and conclusions. Web sites must be listed in references. Articles must be attached.
4. Topic should be clearly presented and relevant to patient care.
5. Individual work only.
6. Writing should be at college level including analytical thinking and solid conclusions.
7. English and grammar should be at college level throughout the paper.
NU 1879 Web Site Analysis Grading Rubric
Name: __________________________________ Total Points: ________/50
Unsatisfactory 0-6 Satisfactory – 7 High 8-9 Excellent 9-10 Points
Overall Organization Presentation& Flow of paper – Content is less than a page and not clearly stated, nor expanded on. – Content is noted
and mostly complete, but lacks expansion of thought on topic – Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.
Good reflection of topic.
Purpose of the writing is clear.
– All major points are stated clearly with solid conclusions of the topic
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Grammar is written poorly. Lacks evidence of proof reading prior to submission
Paper contains several grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.
Language is not clear to the reader. Paper contains less than 1-2 errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling.
– Language is clear to the reader Paper contains no punctuation or spelling errors.
– Language is clear and precise.
Outstanding work.
Medical Diagnosis &
introduction Lacking Medical Diagnosis and Introduction Satisfactory Introduction and medical diagnosis Good Introduction and Medical diagnosis Medical Diagnosis/Introduction areclearly, and concisely stated.
Web site (2) evaluation
Lacking paper requirements Met requirement of Website (s) evaluation Good Website
evaluation Web site (20 noted with clear, concise evaluation including contrast/comparison, EBP noted.
APA format utilized in the body of paper and referenced with reference page
Minimal to No evidence of APA format being used or referenced. APA format was met with minimal corrections noted. Good use of APA Excellent use of APA format in the paper. Outstanding.