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Trident LOg490 full course (all case and SLPs+ discussions)

Module 1 – Case
Case Assignment
Read the two articles below:
Dutton, Gail (2009 Sept.) Selling the supply chain upwards, World Trade,
Troy: Vol. 22, Iss. 9, pg. 34, 3 pgs.
Rudski, Robert, (2008) Supply Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment Transformation: A Leader’s
Guide, Supply Chain Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment Review, New York, Vol. 12, Iss 2; pg. 12, 1 pgs.
In an essay of 3–4 pages, answer the following questions:
1. Why have supply
chain management issues often been ignored by senior management?
2. Write a page paper – Describe the
strategy you would employ to sell senior management on the benefits of focusing
more attention on supply chain management. (Be sure in addressing the strategy
question that you incorporate examples from Abercrombie & Fitch’s
experience described in Dutton’s article and the suggestions noted in Rudski’s
3. Discuss the
benefits that might be gained from working closely with 3PLs, 4PLs, and vendors
in promoting supply chain management initiatives to senior management.
Assignment Expectations
Demonstrate critical thinking skills, clarity of thought, and breadth of
understanding in addressing the placement of logistics in modern organizations
and the reasons senior management has often overlooked the importance and
centrality of the discipline. Demonstrate and evaluate creative solutions and
strategies for increasing senior management interest in logistics and assessing
the benefits of building alliances with 3PLs and 4PLs. Reflect a synthesis of
previous course work in logistics and related courses and incorporate new
materials presented in the module’s Background readings.
Submit your assignment for grading by the end of this module.
Module 1 – SLP
The Session Long Project (SLP)
involves writing essays on contemporary logistics topics facing an organization
of your choice. Pick an organization that will allow you to examine its
approach to logistics throughout the course. It may be an organization that you
currently work for, one that you have worked for in the past, or one that is of
interest to you. Be sure when selecting the reference organization that you
will have access to data to address the five module topics. You will be
examining this organization for all five modules of the SLP assignments.
The Session Long Project for
this Capstone course is based on two major phases (activities) for each of the
five modules:
Activity 1 (Assessment
Write a page paper – Describe and evaluate how your
Case study organization approaches five contemporary logistics issues explored
in the modules. For example, Module 1 is focused on exploring and describing
the placement of logistics in the organizational structure. Module 2 gives you
the opportunity to assess the feasibility of the organization’s use of third
and fourth party logistics providers. Module 3 examines the role benchmarking
and performance assessment play in your organization. Module 4 explores
adaptations the organization is making to adjust to the volatility of geopolitical
issues. Module 5 demonstrates the role planning plays in the design of a
logistics system.
Activity 2 (Improvement
Display your creativity and
demonstrate integrative and synthesizing skills based on the current course and
on previous courses taken in logistics and related areas (i.e., LOG301, LOG302,
and LOG401). Assess how your Case study organization might better address the
five issues described in the first phase.
Whenever possible integrate
information from previous courses along with providing examples based on your
own experiences to illustrate and support the points discussed in the essay.
For Module 1, after selecting a
reference organization, write a 1- to 2-page essay that addresses the
Phase 1 (Assessment
Briefly describe the
organization you have selected for the SLP, discuss where the unit responsible
for logistics is in the organizational chart, briefly describe the duties and
responsibilities of the logistics unit, and note the level of recognition senior
management gives the unit.
Phase 2 (Improvement
Assess how and if logistics
operations could be more effectively and strategically integrated into the
organizational structure (Phase 2).
SLP Assignment Expectations
Display an in-depth
understanding of the unit responsible for logistics, the responsibilities of
the unit, and the placement of logistics in the organizational chart of the
reference organization. Assess the selection feasibility and rationale that the
Case study organization will support in the two phases of the SLP exercise.
Show critical thinking skills in evaluating the current placement of logistics
in the reference organization and how logistics might be more effectively
integrated into the organizational structure.
Module 2 – Case
Case Assignment
Read all of the articles on the Background page.
After reading the articles, answer the following questions in a 3- to
4-page paper:
1. Compare and
differentiate the functions normally associated with 4PLs to those of 3PLs.
2. What are the
factors responsible for more and more companies relying on the services of
3. Explain why it is
important to establish metrics that can help determine the “value” a 4PL can
contribute to the supply chain when entering into these agreements.
4. Would you consider
Unyson’s logistics solutions defined for Big Lots consistent with the role of a
4PL in adding value to a supply chain? (Explain and illustrate.)
Assignment Expectations
Display comparative analysis skills in differentiating the roles of
traditional logistics service providers with virtual logistics service
providers. Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of why virtual logistics services
are important, the reason for increased specialization among third and fourth
party service providers, and how these services support collaborative logistics
management initiatives. Demonstrate synthesis skills in incorporating previous
course work in assessing the changing roles and character of the decision to
outsource logistics to specialized providers.
Submit your assignment for grading by the end of the module.
Module 2 – SLP
The Session Long Project (SLP)
requires writing an essay on a contemporary logistics topic facing your
organization. As noted in the instructions for the Module 1 SLP page, the SLP
consists of two activities: (1) an assessment phase that describes how the
module topic applies to your Case study organization’s logistics operations,
and (2) an improvement phase that asks you how the organization might better
adjust logistics operations to respond to the module topic.
Whenever possible, integrate
information from previous courses along with providing examples based on your
own experiences to illustrate and support the points discussed in the essay.
For the module two SLP, write
an essay of 1–2 pages discussing the following:
Phase 1 (Assessment
Write a page paper – Describe and assess your
organization’s experience, if any, with 4PLs (“virtual” logistics service
providers [VLSP]).
Phase 2 (Improvement
Determine if your organization
could more effectively use the services of 4PLs (VLSP). If your organization
has no experience with 4PLs (VLSP), discuss the major advantages and
disadvantages that might result from using a VLSP for the organization.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Incorporate the background
materials and previous course work in assessing the reference organization’s
experience, if any, with virtual logistics service providers. Demonstrate
critical thinking, logic, and an in-depth knowledge of the virtual logistics
service concept and how it could be introduced or more effectively utilized in
the reference organization’s supply chain management effort.
Module 3 – Case
Case Assignment
Read the following articles:
Chan, Felix T. S., Chan, H. K., Lau, Henry C. W., & Ip, Ralph W. L.
(2006), An AHP approach in benchmarking logistics performance of the postal
industry, Benchmarking, Bradford 2006, Vol. 13, Iss. 6, pg 636.
Anonymous, (2008 Dec) Time to take stock of the supply chain, Logistics
Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage r, London: p. 34.
Many practices can continue almost as a habit without anyone actually
sitting down and thrashing out the rationale for each process or operation. DHL
understands that its success and that of its clients are intrinsically linked
to efficiency and effectiveness of operational processes. Sharing the value
delivered through these improvements between the partners is a key enabler in
driving out cost. “Within the retail and consumer group at DHL Exel Supply
Chain, we’ve already held almost 100 Process Improvement/DMAIC workshops this
year, which have contributed to continuous improvements and identified
effectiveness equating to pound 4m.”
Another tactic for cutting supply chain costs is to look at the whole
value chain—physical flows, information, financial flows, systems, business
structure/silos, culture, etc. “We offer our customers these as ‘Value Chain
Assessments’ (VCA), where a customer may have a broad question—where is the
risk in my supply chain? Where are my major costs and how can I impact them?
Answering these questions is often easier said than done as many in-company
logistics or supply chain managers lack visibility beyond their own supply
chain operations. We can fill in the gaps in the picture—especially with
today’s highly complex and extended retail supply chains. With a wide range of
clients, 3PLs can provide benchmarking and information on best practice drawn
from a range of industries, as well as practical deliverable solutions. Our VCA
methodology challenges our customers to embrace change—but it also challenges
our own teams to do likewise. Success is not in the delivery of VCA report—it’s
in being a catalyst to deliver benefits to our customers.”
In an essay of 3–4 pages, answer the following questions:
1. Explain why a
two-stage benchmarking methodology that utilizes performance evaluation metrics
followed by continuous improvement metrics could be a useful tool for achieving
a competitive advantage.
2. Discuss why the
inclusion of the second phase, related to continuous improvement, represents a
step forward from traditional benchmarking approaches.
3. Write a word essay – Evaluate the
general adequacy of the major performance criteria used in the AHP article for
assessing logistics applied to other types of organizations. Feel free to
suggest additions or modifications in the performance criteria if you believe
there are inadequacies in the current criteria.
4. Write a page paper – Describe the role a
3PL could play in implementing an effective benchmarking approach.
Assignment Expectations
Display an in-depth understanding of the role of benchmarking, the
metrics that can be used in benchmarking to assess best practices, and how the
benchmarking process is integrated into the strategic management effort.
Display a critical assessment of the benefits and limitations of the two phases
of a double Analytic Hierarchical Process approach to benchmarking. Use
critical thinking, clarity of logic, and synthesis of the current course
materials with previous courses in assessing the relationship of the AHP
approach to a continuous process improvement initiative.
Module 3 – SLP
The Session Long Project (SLP)
requires writing an essay on a contemporary logistics topic facing your
organization. As noted in the instructions for the Module 1 SLP page, the SLP
consists of two activities: (1) an assessment phase that asks you to explain
and assess how the module topic applies to your Case study organization’s
logistics operations, and (2) an improvement phase that asks you how the
organization might better adjust logistics operations to respond to the module
topic. Whenever possible, integrate information from previous courses along
with providing examples based on your own experiences to illustrate and support
the points discussed in the essay.
For the Module 3 SLP, write a
1- to 2-page essay addressing the following:
Activity 1 (Assessment
Write a page paper – Describe and assess how
benchmarking is used to evaluate the performance of the logistics function
within your organization.
Activity 2 (Improvement
Explore how your organization
might enhance logistics operations by incorporating greater use of benchmarking
and performance metrics.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Demonstrate an understanding of
how benchmarking is used to assess logistics performance in the reference
organization. Display an in-depth understanding of how benchmarking is
implemented and the role played by quantitative and qualitative benchmarking
measures when applied to monitoring logistics performance of the reference
organization. Provide a critical analysis that assesses if the reference
organization could enhance the strategic implications of logistics operations
through greater use of benchmarking.
Submit your assignment for
grading by the end of the modu
Module 4 – Case
Case Assignment
Read the following articles:
Zalud, Bill, (2010 May) Every Link in the Chain, Security,
Troy: Vol. 47, Iss.5; pg. 28, 3 pgs.
Closs, David, Cheri Speier, Judith Whipple, M. Douglas Voss (2008 Sep) A
Framework for Protecting your Supply Chain, Logistics Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment (2002) Highland
Ranch: Vol.47, Iss. 9; pg. 45, 1 pg.
After reading these and the other articles in the assigned reading, in
an essay of 3-4 pages, answer the following questions:
1. Is a
security-oriented culture applied to the supply chain just good business?
2. What are the
benefits of viewing security issues beyond the individual firm?
3. Why is RFID
technology viewed by many to be an important tool in securing a supply chain?
4. Which of the 10
security competencies discussed in the Closs, Speier, Whipple, and Voss article
are likely to be the most challenging to implement? Why?
Assignment Expectations
Display a contextual understanding of the security implications of
logistics management under the threat of domestic and global terrorism. Display
in-depth knowledge of the vulnerabilities of logistics systems and creativity
in assessing the security competencies that could mitigate the risks. In a
broader perspective, demonstrate critical thinking, clarity of logic, and
synthesis from previous course work in logistics in assessing the implications
of implementing a security-oriented culture as a central element of the
business equation.
Submit your assignment for grading by the end of the module.
Module 4 – SLP
The Session Long Project (SLP)
requires writing an essay on a contemporary logistics topic facing your
organization. As noted in the instructions for the Module 1 SLP Page, the SLP
consists of two activities: (1) an assessment phase that asks you to explain
and evaluate how the module topic applies to your Case study organization’s
logistics operations, and (2) an improvement phase that asks you how the
organization might better adjust logistics operations to respond to the module
topic. Your essay should, whenever possible, integrate information from
previous courses along with providing examples based on your own experiences to
illustrate and support the points discussed in the essay.
For the Module 4 SLP, write a
1- to 2-page essay addressing the following:
Activity 1 (Assessment
Discuss the major operational
threats your organization’s logistics functions face as a result of global
Activity 2 (Improvement
How might your organization
better mitigate the threats of terrorism relative to its logistics operations?
Armed forces personnel who
believe they may have difficulty answering these questions because of security
concerns should shift the scale of inquiry to the logistics risks the nation
faces and how it might better mitigate vulnerability to these risks.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Demonstrate an understanding of
how domestic and global terrorism affect the logistics of the reference
organization. Identify the risks of terrorism facing the organization’s
logistics and offer creative solutions to mitigating the risks. Integrate the
background materials, employ synthesis from previous courses, and use creative
thinking in determining feasible solutions and strategies for balancing
security initiatives with efficiency and effectiveness objectives.
Submit your assignment for
grading by the end of the module.
Module 5 – Case
Case Assignment
Read the article below and answer the following questions in a 3- to
4-page paper:
1. Is Subway’s effort
aimed at “greening” the supply chain compatible with “bottom line” objectives?
2. Write a page paper – Describe the major
logistics strategies and tactics associated with Subway’s approach for aligning
logistics operations with environmental initiatives.
3. Assess the
transferability of Subway’s logistics plan applied to other businesses within
and outside the food sector.
Fitzgerald, Tina, Tim Brown, Elizabeth Stewart (2009 Apr) Subway’s
Journey to Green, Logistics Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment (2002), Highland Ranch, Vol. 48, Iss. 4,
pg. 22.
Assignment Expectations
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the elements involved in
developing comprehensive logistics planning and its implications for achieving
environmental and “bottom line” objectives. Display clarity of logic and depth
in describing how logistics planning can be aligned with economic and
environmental objectives. Apply previous course experiences, critical thinking,
and creativity in assessing the transferability and adaptability of logistics
planning solutions from one organization to other related businesses and
Submit your assignment for grading by the end of the module.
Module 5 – SLP
The Session Long Project (SLP)
requires writing an essay on a contemporary logistics topic facing your
organization. As noted in the instructions for the Module 1 SLP Page, the SLP
consists of two activities: (1) an assessment phase that asks you to explain
and evaluate how the module topic applies to your Case study organization’s
logistics operations, and (2) an improvement phase that asks you how the
organization might better adjust logistics operations to respond to the module
topic. Your essay should, whenever possible, integrate information from the
previous courses along with providing examples based on your own experiences to
illustrate and support the points discussed in the essay.
For the Module 5 SLP, write an
essay of 1–2 pages discussing the following:
Activity 1 (Assessment
Write a page paper – Describe and assess whether
your organization uses comprehensive logistics planning effectively.
Activity 2 (Improvement
Explore how your reference
organization might more effectively implement comprehensive logistics planning.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Assess knowledge of the stages
involved in comprehensive logistics planning and the relevance of the planning
process to the reference organization’s logistics management effort.
Demonstrate synthesis from previous course work and creativity in evaluating
and suggesting how comprehensive logistics planning could be more effectively
integrated into the management of the reference organization’s supply chain.
Module 1 Discussions
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What is logistics and
what does someone in logistics do?
What is logistics and
what does someone in logistics do? Explain logistics involved in one service
supply chain, say a restaurant. Can you identify the logistics that would have
to take place in order for the product/service to be available for you?

Module 2 Discussions
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Also the delivery of
e-books when you purchase online. Is it
more convenient?
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Electronic Data? Subscribe
Is Electronic Data
transfer critical to Logistics in today’s business environment? Think about the
digital signatures when UPS deliver products to you. Is it better?

Module 3 Discussions
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Logistics Systems
Performance Subscribe
What type of Methodology
(i.e., Comparing Unit Productivity within the Same Organization; Relative
Service; “Best Practices”) is used for Benchmarking Logistics Systems
performance within an organization with which you are familiar? Would you
recommend alternative measures by which to assess such performance? If so,
please briefly describe these measures.

Module 4 Discussions
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Global Logistics Subscribe
Think of a product you
are familiar with—the clothes you are wearing or the beverage you just drank or
the book you are reading. Identify the challenges that would be involved in
distributing this product on a global scale to different markets.
Module 5 Discussions
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Third-Party Logistics Subscribe
According to the Council
of Supply Chain Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment Professionals, third-party Logistics is defined as
“a firm that provides multiple logistics services for use by customers.
Preferably, these services are integrated, or bundled together, by the
provider. Among the services 3PLs provide are transportation, warehousing,
cross-docking, inventory management, packaging, and freight forwarding.”
Are UPS, FedEx, or DHL third-party Logistics or First-party Logistics?
Module 6
The capstone course has
given you the opportunity to integrate past course work in exploring the major
challenges and technological transformations associated with modern logistics.
Based on this course and previous courses, speculate on what you anticipate to
be the major trends in logistics over the next 10 years.

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