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Posted: December 24th, 2022

EC340 Midterm Exam – There are two goods (beef and chicken) and two factors of production

Previous ExamEC340 Midterm ExamInstructionsPlease remember to fill in your name and PID number on the scantron.No calculators are allowed.No books or notes are allowed.You need to turn in both the exam sheets and the scantron.There are 45 multiple-choice questions on the exam.Type ANAME____________________________SIGNATURE_______________________1. There are two goods (beef and chicken) and two factors of production (land and labor). Theamounts of land and labor used to produce one unit of each good are given in the table below, whereland is measured in hectares and labor is measured in the number of worker years. Based on thisinformation, the production of chicken is land intensive.Factor Used to ProduceBeefChickenLand 12Labor 34a. Trueb. False2. In the two-country Heckscher-Ohlin model, trade results in incomplete specialization in bothcountries.a. Trueb. False3. Inter-industry trade refers to imports and exports within the same industry.a. Trueb. False4. Both the two-country Heckscher-Ohlin and Ricardian models assume that both countries haveimperfect competitive labor markets.a. Trueb. False5. In the Ricardian model, trade generates winners and losers.a. Trueb. False6. The HO theory has been abandoned because of the Leontief paradoxa. Trueb. False7. Increasing returns to scale occur when a firm’s average costs of production increase as its outputdecreases.a. Trueb. False8. In the basic model of intra-industry trade, the average costs incurred within a firm does notdepend on the size of the market.a. Trueb. False9. One of the assumptions of the basic model of intra-industry trade is that all firms have the samefixed and marginal costs.a. Trueb. False10. Intra-industry trade is based on the logic of comparative advantage.a. Trueb. False11. If all trade was motivated by comparative advantage, the Grubel-Lloyd index for all industrieswould equal 1.a. Trueb. False12. Both the two-country Heckscher-Ohlin and Ricardian models assume that factor mobility is notallowed between countries.a. Trueb. False13. In the Specific Factor model (or Ricardo-Viner Model), a fixed factor in the exporting sector isalways better off in free trade.a. Trueb. False14. The conclusion that a labor-abundant country exports the good using labor intensively inproduction and a capital-abundant country exports the good using capital intensively in productionis known as the Rybczynski theorem.a. Trueb. False15. Consider an economy that can produce two good (icecream and soda) using labor as the only input. Theproduction possibilities curve for this economy is shownto the right. Suppose that each worker can produce 25gallons of ice cream. How many workers does thiseconomy have?Gallons of Ice Cream10050a. 100b. 50c. 5d. 4e. 216. Consider an economy that can produce either cheeseor grapes. Labor is the only factor of production. Theeconomy’s production possibilities curve is shown tothe right. In the absence of trade, this economy willproduce 80 pounds of cheese and 20 bushels of grapes.In this equilibrium, a worker would earn more byspending all of his or her time producing grapes comparedto what he or she could earn if producing cheese25a. Trueb. FalseGallons of SodaPounds of Cheese9080a. Trueb. False17. Consider an economy that can produce either jeansor shirts. Labor is the only factor of production. Theeconomy’s production possibilities curve is shown tothe right. In the absence of trade, this economy willproduce 270 pair of jeans and 90 shirts. Suppose thatthis economy is now opened to trade, and that it canbuy or sell jeans for $50 per pair and buy or sell shirtsfor $50 each. In this case, the economy will increaseproduction of shirts to 900 and reduce production ofjeans to zero5020180Bushels of GrapesJeans30027090900ShirtsQuestions 18-22 refer to the following information.Suppose that there are two countries (Home and Foreign)that can produce two goods (yogurt and milk) using laboras the only input. The production possibilities curves forthe two countries are represented in the diagram the right.To save space, both PPCs are drawn on the same set ofaxes. The Home PPC is represented by the dashed line,the Foreign PPC is represented by the solid line. Homehas 100 workers, Foreign has 200 workers. In autarky,each country produces 300 milk and 400 yogurt.Milk800Home PPC600300Foreign PPC400600800Yogurt18. Home has an absolute advantage in producing milk; Foreign has an absolute advantage inproducing yogurt.a. Trueb. False19. Home has a comparative advantage in producing milk; Foreign has a comparative advantage inproducing yogurt.a. Trueb. False20. With trade, the equilibrium wage for Home workers will equal the equilibrium wage for Foreignworkers.a. Trueb. False21. Suppose that with trade, the price of yogurt in terms of milk is 3/4. Both countries will producemilk, but only Foreign will produce yogurt.a. Trueb. False22. Suppose that with trade, the price of yogurt in terms of milk in the year 2010 was 3/4, butincreases to 1 in the year 2010. This price change represents an improvement in Home’s terms oftrade but a deterioration in Foreign’s terms of trade.a. Trueb. FalseQuestions 23-27 refer to the following information. There areonly two countries (Mexico and Guatemala) and two goods(avocados and broccoli). Output per worker for each of theAvocadostwo goods in each of the two countries is given in the tableBroccolito the right.Output per WorkerMexico Guatemala5410523. In this example, both countries have an absolute advantage in broccoli.a. Trueb. False24. Guatemala has a comparative advantage in avocados.a. Trueb. False25. What will be the pattern of imports and exports if trade is permitted between these two countries?a. Guatemala will import broccoli from Mexico and export avocados to Mexicob. Mexico will import broccoli from Guatemala and export avocados to Guatemalac. Guatemala will export avocados to Mexico, but neither country will export broccolid. Mexico will export broccoli to Guatemala, but neither country will export avocadose. Trade will not take place because Guatemala is not competitive with Mexico26. Suppose that with trade, the price of broccoli is $100 per unit. The highest possible equilibriumprice for avocados is $200.a. Trueb. False27. Suppose that trade is permitted between these two countries and that the Guatemalan wage is $8.What is the lowest possible equilibrium Mexican wage?a. $5b. $7c. $10d. $12e. $1628. The production possibilities curve and consumptionCheesepossibilities frontier for a hypothetical economy are100given in the diagram to the right. The heart-icon andthe smile-icon represent autarky and free trade consumptionpoint. How many shoes does this economy import?50a. 25b. 50c. 75d. 100e. 029. Suppose that there are two goods (coffee and sugar) and twocountries (Brazil and Costa Rica). Output per worker and laborsupply in each of the two countries is given in the table to the right.Suppose that these two countries trade with each other, and thatThe price of coffee in terms of sugar is 5. At this relative price,the world demand for coffee is 300 and the world demand for sugaris 250. How much coffee will Brazil produce?2550CoffeeSugarLabor100ShoesOutput perBrailCosta155510050a. 300b. 250c. 150d. 50e. 030. There are only two countries (France and Germany) andOutput pertwo goods (croissants and pretzels). Labor is the only input.France Germanyoutput per worker for each of the two goods in each of the two Croissants23countries is given in the table to the right. Suppose that bothPretzels14countries initially produce both goods. Now let Germanyswitch 10 workers from the production of croissants to theproduction of pretzels. At the same time, let France switch20 workers from the production of pretzels to the productionof croissants. What happens to the world production of thetwo goods?a. World production of croissants increases by 40, world production of pretzels increase by 40b. World production of croissants increases by 10, world production of pretzels increase by 20c. World production of croissants increases by 20, world production of pretzels increase by 10d. World production of croissants increases by 20, world production of pretzels increase by 30e. World production of croissants increases by 40, world production of pretzels increase by 2031. Consider an economy that can produce oranges or bananas.In the absence of trade, equilibrium production is 200 orangesand 300 bananas. The production possibilities curve for thiseconomy is illustrated in the diagram to the right. What isthe opportunity cost of producing one more banana?Oranges500300200a. 1/2 orangeb. 2/3 orangec. 3/4 oranged. 1 orangee. 2 orange32. Consider an economy that can produce two goods(wheat and cotton). The production possibilities frontierand trading possibilities for this economy are illustratedin the diagram to the right. The heart-icon and the smileicon stand for production and consumption with trade.Based on this diagram, we can infer that this economyhas a comparative advantage in the production of wheat.300 400500BananasWheat550500400200a. Trueb. False33. There are two countries (Korea and Japan) and two factorsof production (capital and labor). The endowments of the twofactors are given in the table to the right, where labor is measuredas number of workers years and capital is measured in dollars.Based on this information, Japan is abundant in capital whileKorea is abundant in labor.200CapitalLabor400600CottonFactorKoreaJapan300500200250a. Trueb. False34. Suppose that there are two factors of production (capital and labor). By definition, an economyis capital abundant if the ratio of capital per worker is larger than 1/2.a. Trueb. False35. There are two countries (Germany and France) and twoFactorsfactors of production (skilled labor and unskilled labor).Germany FranceThe endowments of the two factors are given in the tableSkilled labor600400to the right, where both types of labor are measured asUnskilled200100number of worker years. Which of the following results canbe deduced from combining Heckscher-Ohlin theorem withStolper Samuelson theorem?a. Trade benefits both German and French skilled workers.b. Trade harms both German and French unskilled workers.c. Trade benefits all German workers and harms all French workers.d. Trade benefits German skilled workers and harms German unskilled workers.e. Trade benefits French skilled workers and harms French unskilled workers.36. There are two goods (beef and chicken) and two factors ofProduction (land and labor). The amounts of land and laborUsed to produce one unit of each good are given in the tableto the right, where land is measured in hectares and labor ismeasured in the number of workers years. Based on thisinformation, the production of beef is land intensive.Factors Used to ProduceBeefChickenLand31Labor41a. Trueb. False37. The production possibilities curve for two countries(Home and Foreign) are shown in the diagram to the right.Assume that capital and labor are the two inputs and thatForeign is relatively labor abundant. Given all of theassumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin model, which of thefollowing statements can be inferred?Steela. Foreign is also capital abundantb. Aluminium is intensive in the use of laborc. Steel uses more capital than labord. Foreign workers would be harmed by trade with Homee. Foreign has an absolute advantage in the production of both goodsForeignHomeAluminium38. Consider an economy that satisfies all of the assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin model. Callthe two goods computers and televisions and the two inputs capital and labor. Assume thattelevisions are labor intensive. Suppose that the economy moves along its production possibilitiescurve to produce more televisions and fewer computers. What happens to the economy-widedemand for capital and labora. Demand for capital falls; demand for labor increasesb. Demand for capital is unchanged; demand for labor increasesc. Demand for capital may increase or decrease; demand for labor fallsd. Demand for capital increases; demand for labor fallse. Demand for capital increases; demand for labor is unchanged39. Consider an economy that can produce two goods (cars and shoes) using capital and labor.Assume that in the short run, the capital used to produce cars cannot be used produce shoes, and thecapital used to produce shoes cannot be used to produce cars. In contrast, labor can easily moveback and forth between sectors. Suppose there is an increase in the price of shoes, holding constantthe price of cars. In this case, the demand for capital used to produce shoes increases; demand forcapital used to produce cars is unchanged, and the economy-wide demand for labor increases.a. Trueb. False40. Chile and the United States use capital and labor to produce wheat and automobiles. The UnitedStates is capital abundant, and Chile is labor abundant. Wheat production is more labor intensivethan automobile production. According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model:a. Chilean workers should support U.S.-Chile free trade.b. Chilean owners of capital should support U.S.-Chile free trade.c. U.S. owners of capital should oppose U.S.-Chile free trade.d. Both U.S. and Chilean owners of capital should oppose US-Chile free trade.41. Wassily Leontief reported that the capital intensity of U.S. imports appeared to be higher thanthe capital intensity of U.S. exports. Why was this result considered paradoxical?a. The United States was considered to be capital abundant, and this result would be the opposite ofthat predicted by the Heckscher-Ohlin modelb. The United States was considered to be technologically advanced, and this result would be theopposite of that predicted by the Heckscher-Ohlin modelc. The United States was considered to be an economic superpower, and this result would be theopposite of that predicted by the Ricardo-Viner modeld. The United States was considered to be a highly unionized economy, and this result would be theopposite of that predicted by the Ricardo-Viner modele. The United States was considered to host many multinational corporations, and this result wouldbe the opposite of that predicted by the Heckscher-Ohlin model-42, 43, 44, 45 are omitted-The End-

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