Posted: December 26th, 2022
ECO 201 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
ECO 201 Milestone Two Guidelines and RubricThe purpose of this milestone is for students to begin their firm analysis from a microeconomic perspective, applying concepts learned in Modules One, Two, andThree. Specifically, students will examine the supply and demand conditions for the goods or services the firm produces, paying special attention to how salesand product development have evolved over time. Students will then apply the elasticity concept to determine how the price elasticity of demand for the firmâsgoods or services would be categorized, and they will examine what that suggests for the firmâs ability to increase or decrease prices.Prompt: Submit a draft of the supply and demand conditions (Section II) and price elasticity of demand (Section III) of your research paper, including all criticalelements listed below. You will analyze data on firm sales and in the market overall to identify trends and inform your recommendation for the firmâs futureactions. You will also use available data to determine the price elasticity for the goods or services your firm produces and explain the factors that influenceconsumersâ reactions and the firmâs pricing decisions.Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:II.III.Explore the supply and demand conditions for your firmâs product.a) Evaluate trends in demand over time and explain their impact on the industry and the firm. You should consider including annual sales figures forthe product your firm sells.b) Analyze information and data related to the demand and supply for your firmâs product(s) to support your recommendation for the firmâsactions. Remember to include a graphical representation of the data and information used in your analysis.Examine the price elasticity of demand for the product(s) your firm sells.a) Analyze the available data and information, such as pricing and the availability of substitutes, and justify how you determine the price elasticityof demand for your firmâs product.b) Explain the factors that affect consumer responsiveness to price changes for this product, using the concept of price elasticity of demand as yourguide.c) Assess how the price elasticity of demand impacts the firmâs pricing decisions and revenue growth.RubricGuidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a two- to three-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Romanfont, one-inch margins, and sources cited in APA format.Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information,review these instructions.Critical ElementsConditions: ImpactConditions: FirmâsActionsProficient (100%)Effectively evaluates trends indemand over time and explainstheir impact on the industry andthe firmAnalyzes information and datarelated to the demand and supplyfor the firmâs product(s) tosupport recommendation for thefirmâs actions and includesgraphical representation of dataand informationPrice Elasticity ofDemand: AnalyzeAnalyzes the available data andinformation and justifies how theprice elasticity of demand for thefirmâs product was determinedPrice Elasticity ofDemand: ConsumerResponsivenessExplains the factors that affectconsumer responsiveness to pricechanges for the product using theconcept of price elasticity ofdemand as a guideAccurately assesses how the priceelasticity of demand impacts thefirmâs pricing decisions andrevenue growthPrice Elasticity ofDemand: PricingDecisionsNeeds Improvement (75%)Evaluates trends in demand overtime, but evaluation is ineffectiveor does not explain their impacton the industry and firmAnalyzes information and datarelated to the demand and supplyfor the firmâs product(s), butinformation and data do notsupport recommendation for thefirmâs actions or do not includegraphical representation of dataand informationAnalyzes the available data andinformation, but does not justifyhow the price of elasticity ofdemand for the firmâs productwas determinedExplains the factors that affectconsumer responsiveness to pricechanges for the product, but doesnot use the concept of priceelasticity of demand as a guideAssesses how the price elasticityof demand impacts the firmâspricing decisions and revenuegrowth, but assessment isinaccurateNot Evident (0%)Does not evaluate trends indemand over timeValue18Does not analyze information anddata related to the demand andsupply for the firmâs product(s)18Does not analyze the availabledata and information todetermine the price elasticity ofdemand18Does not explain the factors thataffect consumer responsivenessto price changes for the product18Does not assess how the priceelasticity of demand impacts thefirmâs pricing decisions andrevenue growth18Articulation ofResponseSubmission has no major errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationSubmission has major errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationthat negatively impact readabilityand articulation of main ideasSubmission has critical errorsrelated to citations, grammar,spelling, syntax, or organizationthat prevent understanding ofideasEarned Total10100%
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