Posted: February 2nd, 2023
Case Study 3: anxiety disorders
Case Study 3: anxiety disorders
Please read the following chapter and respond to the following questions.
Manualized Cognitive theraphy for anxiety nd depression.pdf
. What are the pros and cons of using a CBT treatment manual with adults?
Discuss fidelity with flexibility.
2. What is an automatic negative thought that you “catch” yourself saying to yourself in times of stress?
3. CBT requires collaboration and active participation from the participant. If you are working with a highly anxious adult female patient, what strategies might you use to help her cope with the anxiety using this modality?
4. With the content of the sessions described and the skills taught, what do you think will be the more challenging skills? Please use examples and cite the literature?
APA citation guidelines for citations and references.
Pros of using a CBT treatment manual with adults include: standardized and structured approach, increased accountability and consistency in treatment delivery, and improved client understanding and engagement in therapy. Cons include: potential for limited creativity in treatment delivery, potential for decreased therapist flexibility in response to client needs, and potential for decreased individualization of treatment.
Fidelity with flexibility refers to the balance between following the treatment manual and adapting it to meet the individual needs of the client. While using a manual can provide structure and consistency, it is important to also be flexible in response to the unique needs and characteristics of the client.
An example of an automatic negative thought is “I can’t handle this situation, I’ll never be able to.”
To help a highly anxious adult female patient cope with anxiety using CBT, strategies may include: providing education on the nature of anxiety and CBT, normalizing the experience of anxiety, teaching relaxation techniques, challenging negative thoughts and beliefs, and encouraging active participation in therapy.
According to the literature, one of the more challenging skills for clients in CBT for anxiety and depression is learning to identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs. This can be difficult for clients as they may have developed negative thought patterns over a long period of time and may be deeply ingrained. However, with consistent practice and support from the therapist, clients can learn to recognize and challenge their negative thoughts and beliefs, leading to improvement in symptoms.