Aerofoil Lab Report
In this experiment, a NACA 2415 was placed in a wind tunnel and was tested by changing the angle of attack to examine how this will vary the coefficient of lift and hence how much lift is generated at a certain angle. It was found that the lift coefficient increased linearly up to a maximum and suddenly dropped at a certain angle called the critical angle of attack. The aerofoil was then altered by adding a leading-edge slat which was found to increase the angle of attack at which stall occurs. Throughout the experiment, pressure arrow diagrams were drawn on aerofoils at different angles of attack and on an aerofoil with a leading-edge slat. This helped in understanding why stall occurs and the effect of adding a leading-edge slat to an aerofoil. This experiment was compared with an experiment made by NACA in the 20th century at higher Reynolds number.
Table of Contents
Experimental Procedure
Appendix 1: Boeing 747 Questions
Appendix 2: Data