Within every company there are organisational functions. I am going to investigate the main functions of the famous chocolate company Cadbury. Cadbury is a very successful business and have over 70,000 employees working for them. For Cadbury to remain a successful business it has to maintain some structure and business functions to be able to meet their aims and objectives. Throughout my findings of Cadbury the main activities of the following areas are what help and maintain the objectives that have been set by the business and allow Cadbury to continue to have a success an reach their aims.
The production department is the department that produce the products. The department has to be in control of the turnaround of the production. When producing a product, materials and labour values are added so that the products can meet customer’s needs. The production team need to have a high maintained system to be able to provide, produce and reduce the amount of food waste within Cadbury.
You would find that the production team in Cadbury would be concerned with the following issues: