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Posted: May 15th, 2023

Develop and use emotional intelligence BSBPEF502

Assessment Cover Sheet
Unit Name Develop and use emotional intelligence
Unit Code BSBPEF502
Assessment Task Number Task 2
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
¨ I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).
¨ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me.
¨ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
¨ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
¨ I understand the right to re-assessment
¨ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Student name
Student ID number
Student signature
Assessment Task 2 – Practical Task
Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about? This Task has been designed to demonstrate your competence and knowledge according to the elements and performance criteria, performance evidence and foundation skills for this unit of competency.
The assessment conditions for this unit have also been taken into consideration.
Please refer to the unit outline at https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/BSBPEF502
The Task has been designed to create realistic conditions that reflect those typically found in the workplace, and it uses a range of assessment methods:
? Direct observation – assessed in a simulated off-the-job situation that reflects the workplace, including role-plays.
? Product-based assessment – structured assessment activities such as reports, displays, work samples, role plays, presentations, or a portfolio of validated pieces of evidence.
You are required to address the following:
Task 2.1 Develop awareness of own emotional intelligence
Develop criteria for assessing emotional intelligence in Task 2.1.1
Assess your own emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses in Task 2.1.2
Reflect on your own work experience and identify at least three emotional stressors in Task 2.1.3
Seek feedback on responses to emotional stressors (Role-play) in Task 2.1.4
Task 2.2 Develop emotional intelligence
Analyse and document at least 4 emotional responses of co-workers in Task 2.2.1
Develop a plan for how to identify and respond to the emotional expressions in Task 2.2.2
Consult with your supervisor (played by your assessor) and with a colleague (played by a classmate) to identify areas for improving your own emotional intelligence (Role-play) in Task 2.2.3
Promote development of emotional intelligence in others
Develop emotional intelligence of the selected staff in Task 2.3.1
Implement opportunities and tasks in the workplace (Role-play in a simulated workplace situation with two people of the staff) in Task 2.3.2
Although the assessment requires group collaboration and consultation to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual and will be marked as such.
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily?
Submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
Adhere to the UEC Business’s submission guidelines and timelines for submission,
Complete all tasks with sufficient detail and professionally present them,
Use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
Meet the word count where required,
Use the scenario provided where required or agree on alternatives with your trainer and assessor,
Use the templates provided as instructed,
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily meet the elements and performance criteria, performance evidence and foundation skills for this unit of competency,
If part/s of this task is not completed satisfactorily, you will be asked to resubmit according to the UEC Business’s policies and procedures.
Specifications You must deliver/participate in:
Meeting with your manager (played by your trainer/assessor) on the methods for responding to the work-related stressors in Task 2.1.4
Meeting with your supervisor (played by your assessor) and with a colleague (played by a classmate) to identify areas for improving your own emotional intelligence in Task 2.2.3
Meeting with two people of the selected staff (played by your trainer/assessor or your classmates) for implementing opportunities and tasks in the workplace (Role-play in a simulated workplace situation) in Task 2.3.2
*Please note: The assessment, PowerPoint presentation, and Observation Checklist (when it is provided as a separate document) must be submitted as files, not links. Only the video of the presentation/role-play should be submitted as a link to a suitable file-sharing platform such as Google Drive, and you must keep a copy of all files until your assessment has been graded as Satisfactory.
Resources and equipment
Computer with Internet access
Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
Learning material
Scenario for assessment as provided
Appendices as provided
Relevant policies and procedures as provided
Templates as provided
Re-submission opportunities
You must speak to your Trainer/Assessor if you have any difficulty in completing this task and require reasonable adjustments (e.g., can be given as an oral assessment)
Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed.
You must carefully read an incorporate any suggestions your trainer provides in their written feedback.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
How to avoid plagiarism You must acknowledge your sources by citing them and listing them in a reference list; use quotes when directly quoting; paraphrase (using different words, grammar, word order); summarise.
quote (use the writer’s actual words); this requires the least input from you. Use the exact words the author used, put them in “ “ marks, give the reference information including page number.
paraphrase (rewrite the writer’s ideas in your own words); this requires more skill and requires you to use synonyms and change the sentence structure. Keep the same meaning, change the word order and most of the words, give reference details.
summarise (rewrite the writer’s ideas in your own words in a shorter form); this is similar to paraphrasing. Give the author’s main ideas, make it clear which ideas are the author’s and which are your own, give reference information.

Provide a reference list:?this is an alphabetic list of sources and includes authors’ names, dates, page numbers and/or URLs. If you Google referencing guide, you will find many guides that can help you such as this one?https://libguides.library.usyd.edu.au/citation
How to understand the questions and how to answer them effectively
The questions in this task use a range of “instructional words” such as “identify” or “explain”, which tell you how you should answer the question. Use the definitions below to assist you to provide the type of response expected. Note that the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.
Analyse – when a question asks you to analyse something, you should identify and examine the relevant aspects and key features and how they interact to explain or interpret it. You need to show that you have understood the theoretical aspects of the course and are expected to write several paragraphs that give detail on the individual aspects of the topic of the question as well as on the bigger picture.
Compare – when a question asks you to compare something, you will need to show how two or more things are similar as well as how they are different. You should ensure that you cover the various features or key aspects as well as indicating what the consequences of these similarities or differences are in application. You will need to write several paragraphs and will likely need to provide examples.
Contrast – when a question asks you to contrast something, you will need to show how two or more things are different. You should ensure that you cover the various features or key aspects as well as indicating what the consequences of these similarities or differences are in application. You will need to write several paragraphs and will likely need to provide practical, real-world examples.
Discuss – when a question asks you to discuss something, you are required to point out important issues or features and express some form of critical judgement. You are expected to write several paragraphs that show a solid depth of understanding of the topic, how this might be experienced in real life work situations, and logically support your judgements.
Describe – when a question asks you to describe something, you should state the most noticeable qualities or features. However, at the advanced diploma level, you need to show understanding of more nuanced qualities, and features as well and when, how and why these might be important. Generally, your answers will be several paragraphs long.
Evaluate – when a question asks you to evaluate something, you need to explain the value of it in relevant contexts or assess it putting forward arguments for and against it in terms of how it might be positive or negative in certain relevant contexts. You’ll need to write several paragraphs, ensuring that you support your arguments with logical reasoning and practical examples.
Examine – this is a combination of “analyse”, where you should provide a detailed response with key points and features and provide critical analysis, and “describe”, where you show awareness of the features and/or qualities of the topic. It is generally used where the matter being examined is less clear and contained than one that would be analysed while it is also more complex than one that would be described.
Explain – when a question asks you to explain something, you should make clear how or why something happened or the way it is. At the advanced diploma level, you need to show you have specialised and integrated technical and theoretical knowledge so you will need to ensure your answers are several paragraphs long and logically structured.
Identify – when a question asks you to identify something, you need to ensure you use the correct terminology. Generally, you are expected to give practical, real-world examples and write a response two or three sentences long.
List – when a question asks you to list something, you need to ensure you use the correct terminology and ensure your list matches the number required by the question. If no number is set then you are generally required to list all the items in the group. You answer can be in point form.
Outline – when a question asks you to outline something, you need to give a high-level overview or summary, giving only the main points. Depending on the complexity of the matter and the specific question, you might be expected to write in point form, to write several sentences, or several paragraphs.
Summarise – this can be similar to “outline” and require just the main points. However, generally you will need to write in prose – not in bullet points – and, depending on the complexity of what you are summarising, it may take several paragraphs. At advanced diploma level, you should ensure you give enough depth to demonstrate depth of understanding of the matter you are summarising.

Assessment Task 2
This task is designed to prepare you to support others in developing emotional intelligence and promote emotional intelligence in the workplace.
To complete this task, you will assume that your class is the MMI’s workplace (please refer to the Case Study provided), and therefore some of your classmates will play the role of MMI’s departmental managers when required and as instructed.
The above will provide a simulated work environment when completing parts of this assessment.
Task 2.1 Develop awareness of own emotional intelligence
In this task, you will do a number of tasks that demonstrate your knowledge and skill in relation to preparing the foundations for emotional intelligence in practice.
Task 2.1.1 Criteria for assessing emotional intelligence
In this task you need to develop criteria for assessing emotional intelligence. Use the table below to demonstrate your competence in this by:
Identifying at least four (4) criteria for assessing emotional strengths and weaknesses. E.g. Awareness of own beliefs, thoughts and feelings
Add a scale with at least four levels on which a person can rate their emotional intelligence for each criteria. E.g. Very good – good – average – weak – very weak; Always – usually – often – occasionally – rarely – never.
Template 1
No. Criteria Scale

Task 2.1.2 Assess emotional strengths and weaknesses
In this task you need to assess your own emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses. Using the table below:
list each at least four criteria on which you will assess yourself (you can use the criteria from the previous task)
assess your emotional intelligence on each criteria on a scale (you can use the scale from the previous task)
evaluate your emotional intelligence on each criteria as a strength or weakness with a brief explanation of impact/importance

NOTE: You must identify both strengths and weaknesses so choose criteria thoughtfully.
Template 2
No. Criteria Self-assessment rating Evaluation
e.g. Resilience – reaction to negative feedback Weak This is a weakness. I find it very upsetting to get negative feedback and it takes me days to recover

Task 2.1.3 Identify and analyse emotional stressors
In this task you need to reflect on your own work experience and identify at least three emotional stressors you have experienced and then analyse these stressors by exploring:
The nature of the experience – give a brief description of the incident or situation and the stressor
The nature of the impact they have on you – give a brief description of how you felt and behaved in response
How likely they are to occur in future workplace situations
What aspect(s) of emotional intelligence they relate to
What factors and/or reactions might make them more stressful
How you might respond to them effectively – either proactively or reactively

Template 3
Emotional Stressor
I had to reprimand a member of my team because of consistent poor work
I felt very anxious before and during giving them the negative feedback and warning. It was especially bad because I like this person and because they were resistant to the feedback
I think there is a good chance it will happen again – it is a normal part of being a manager I guess
This relates to all four dimensions of emotional intelligence – I need to be aware of how I feel and process and how I respond; I need to manage my feelings and reactions to still do my job and do it effectively despite not wanting to; I need to be aware of how I act impacts the people in my team; I need to manage my relationship with the person so that the negative feedback doesn’t cause significant problems into the future.
It might make it more stressful if I delay giving the feedback or if I let the emotions, I feel impact how I act and speak – perhaps overcompensating by being angry or under doing the feedback to avoid him not liking me
I need to prepare the feedback beforehand, perhaps imagining I am giving it to someone else who I feel neutral about; I need to accept that it will be uncomfortable; I can do some breathing exercises to stay calm; I can admit to him that I am finding it hard to give the feedback but explain why it is important that I do.

Task 2.1.4 Seek feedback on responses to emotional stressors
This task is a role play.
In this task you need to seek feedback from your manager on the methods for responding to the stressors you have identified above and how effective they are. Your trainer/assessor will play the role of your manager.
You will need to present each of the scenarios above and explain your reasoning for the method of response. You can schedule an online meeting via Zoom to do this outside of class time or you can do it during an assessment session.
During your meeting, you must:
Be open and honest
Use appropriate language and nonverbal features to present information and seek feedback
Used emotional intelligence (active listening, empathy, reframing etc..)
Be aware of emotional triggers and emotional responses
Demonstrate consideration for your own emotions
Discuss your work performance
Identify emotional stressors and agreed on methods to respond to them
Use listening and questioning skills to elicit the views of your manager and make sure you understand them effectively
Adapt your communication style and behaviour to build trust and a positive working relationship with your manager

Take notes during your meeting and afterward make adjustments to your work in task 2.1.3 in line with the feedback your manager gives you. Ensure you submit the updated version.
Your assessor will take notes during the meeting as part of the assessment.
Task 2.2 Develop emotional intelligence
In this task, you will do a number of tasks that demonstrate your knowledge and skills relating to developing your emotional intelligence.
Task 2.2.1 Emotional responses of co-workers
In this task you need to analyse and document at least 4 emotional responses of co-workers. You should do this based on scenarios from your own work experiences.
For each situation, you should note:
What the emotional response was
What the key triggers for the emotions were
What aspect(s) of emotional intelligence the co-worker displays strength or weakness in
What impact the co-worker’s emotional response had on others, including you.

Template 4
Number Analysis
e.g. i. I saw a colleague react in a very agitated and angry way towards a customer.
ii. The colleague was clearly very tired, and I know she had been extremely busy for some time with lots of deadlines and pressure from others to deliver work on time. I heard the customer talking a bit abruptly and rudely to the colleague and demanding that she hurry up.
iii. The colleague appeared to be struggling with self-management, but this might not be fair to say – perhaps it was an impossible level of stress she had been put under.
iv. the customer was offended and left without making a purchase and several staff members who saw and heard felt quite shocked and one was upset that the colleague has sworn.
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Scenario 4

Task 2.2.2 Planning for emotional expressions by others
In this task you need to consider the scenarios below and develop a plan for how you would identify and respond to the emotional expressions. To do this you need to write:
How will you identify the emotional expression mentioned in the scenario
What are the triggers for these emotions and what, if anything, will you do about them
What are the impacts of the emotional expressions on others and you and what will you do to manage these
What techniques will you apply in response that offer flexibility and adaptability to the worker and that show consideration for the emotions of others
Template 5
Scenario Details Plans and techniques
Scenario 1
Tired John
Often late at work
Looks tired
Concentration difficulties
An increasing number of errors in reports
Consistently in a bad mood
Was clearly angry and frustrated when asked to correct an error in his work

Background: recently had a baby
i. I would identify the emotions of anger and frustration in John’s facial expression – creased brow, bulging eyes, clenched jaw or downward mouth; in his voice – louder than normal, deeper and harsher than normal; in his language – “come on!” or “seriously?!” or maybe even swearing
ii. being tired can definitely make a person short tempered. Making lots of errors can lead to frustration. Definitely having a new baby is a very exhausting and stressful time
iii. a person reacting angrily to negative news or feedback can be very uncomfortable for others, especially the person giving the news or feedback. Some might stay away, some might get angry back, others might become anxious
iv. as John has a new baby at home, it might be a suggestion that they take some time off or work reduced hours. John’s duties might be changed to avoid overly complex work. Ensuring that everyone knows that John is exhausted because of the baby might help everyone – including John – understand.
Scenario 2
Jaded Jim
Has been with the organisation for 20 years but in a junior role
Never volunteers to help
Socialises only with similar employees
Often makes negative comments about company
Argues with colleagues

Background: they applied for a senior position twice and did not get it

Scenario 3
Anxious Adam
Not very sociable at work
Very productive and hard working
Often wears tinted glasses and headphones while in the office working
Has a very tidy desk
Has been very anxious lately – since a new colleague who is quite messy and where a lot of perfume has started in a nearby desk
Recently, became very agitated and rushed out of the office and then called in sick for several days

Background: Adam has mentioned that he is autistic.

Scenario 4
Bossy Barbara
Senior manager
Doesn’t appear to care about others’ feelings
Bossy and sometimes verbally aggressive
Dismisses ideas from others

Task 2.2.3 Planning for emotional expressions by others
This task is a role play.
In this task you need to consult with your supervisor (played by your assessor) and with a colleague (played by a classmate) to identify areas for improving your own emotional intelligence.
Before the meeting:
Complete Templates in Tasks 2.1.2 and 2.2.2
During your meeting, you must:
Using the rating you gave yourself in task 2.1.2 and the responses you wrote to task 2.2.2 discuss with your supervisor and then your colleague what areas you might focus on in your future efforts to improve your emotional intelligence. Ask for their input.
Discuss your work performance
Propose solutions to develop/improve emotional intelligence and improve work performance
Demonstrate flexibility and adaptability when proposing solutions for improvement
Conducted a task/exercise to assist the manager in understanding the effect of personal behaviours and emotions on others in the workplace
Use appropriate language and nonverbal features to present information and seek feedback.
Use listening and questioning skills to elicit the views of your supervisor and your colleague, and make sure you understand them effectively.
Adapt your communication style and behaviour to build trust and a positive working relationship with the participants.
Your trainer assessor will assess your interaction with them as part of this task.
Take notes during your meetings and record your notes below in Template 6

Template 6
Area Response 1 Response 2
e.g. social awareness – I sometimes don’t notice how others are feeling
Take the time to ask people how they are feeling. Wait for them to respond to you – don’t just ask and then move on. If you forget to ask someone, you can always go back afterward and say, “hey, I didn’t ask how you were. Is everything okay – you must be stressed about…”
An alternative option:
As an alternative approach for this task, if you are unable to arrange a suitable time with your supervisor (your trainer/assessor), you can arrange time to meet with one of your classmates (played role of the Supervisor) and with a colleague (played by another classmate).
If you use this alternative approach, you must meet via Zoom and record the meeting and submit the recording link for your assessor to review and assess.
Provide an audio or video clip of this meeting. Allocate 10- 15 minutes for this meeting.
The student`s participation in the meeting could be presented and recorded during the online class in person – observed by the assessor – or the student may do it via zoom and submit a video recording or the link of the recording.

You can use a simple video camera and voice recorder such as those found on most smartphones.
For video:
You must ensure you are clearly visible and clearly audible in the video. Complete a test run first. If your assessor is not able to clearly see or hear you – you will have to redo the task.
Introduce yourself and state the date and purpose of the video.
If your video includes another person, record them saying that they agree to be in the video.
Consider stopping and starting the recording to capture the relevant items of the task/presentation.
When you share the link with your trainer using Google Drive, please select the option below prior to sharing the link.

Record the session and include the link to the recording below or email the link to your trainer.

The trainer and assessor will provide feedback about your performance during the Role-Play in the Observation Checklist (the Observation Checklist is provided).
Note* insert URL bellow:
Meeting link:
Task 2.3 Promote development of emotional intelligence in others
In this task you will do a number of tasks that demonstrate your knowledge and skills relating to helping others develop their emotional intelligence.
Task 2.3.1 Opportunities to express & tasks for understanding
In this task you need to help the people identified in each of the scenarios below (the same scenarios you focused on above in task 2.2.2) to develop their emotional intelligence. To do this you must complete the table below for each of the scenarios by:
Describing at least two opportunities for each of the people to express their thoughts and feelings in relation to the challenge they are having
Describing at least two tasks that the person can do to help them understand the impact their behaviours and emotions are having on others

Template 7
Scenario Opportunities to express Tasks for understanding impact
Scenario 1
Tired John
Scenario 2
Jaded Jim
Scenario 3
Anxious Adam
Scenario 4
Bossy Barbara

Task 2.3.2 Implementing opportunities and tasks in the workplace
This task is a role play activity.
In this task you need to show that you can implement the steps you developed in the previous task. To do this you need to choose two of the scenarios from task 2.2.2 and then (in a simulated workplace situation) you need to meet with the person involved and talk them through your thoughts on the:
Opportunities for them to express their thoughts and emotions
Tasks for helping them understand the effect of their behaviour and emotions on their colleagues.
This will be an uncomfortable conversation so you will need to plan carefully to make sure you demonstrate your own emotional intelligence throughout the role play.
Duration: 15-20 minutes
During your meeting, you must:
Explain the meeting objectives
Demonstrate ability to implement the steps you developed in Task 2.3.1 (Template 7)
Demonstrate ability to understand the effect of your behaviour and emotions on the colleagues.
Use appropriate language and nonverbal features to present information and seek feedback
Use listening and questioning skills to elicit the views of the person involved in the conversation and make sure you understand them effectively
Adapt your communication style and behaviour to build trust and a positive working relationship with staff members

You can do this activity with your trainer/assessor during an assessment session – your trainer/assessor will play the role of the two people from the two scenarios you chose.
An alternative option:
Alternatively, you can do it in an online meeting via Zoom with either your trainer/assessor or a classmate playing the role of the two people from the two scenarios you chose. If you choose this option, you must record the Zoom session and send the trainer the recording as a link. Remember, if you do share a link to a Dropbox or One-drive or similar app, make sure the link is ‘sharable’ and your assessor can view it.
When you share the link with your trainer using Google Drive, please select the option below prior to sharing the link.
The trainer and assessor will provide feedback about your performance during the Role-Play in the Observation Checklist (the Observation Checklist is provided).
Record the session and include the link to the recording below or email the link to your trainer.
Scenario Recording link

Please include your references below:
Assessment Task 2 – Practical Task
Marking Sheet – Assessor to complete
Completed satisfactorily

Comments Y N DNS
The student has satisfactorily completed and submitted the following:
Develop criteria for assessing emotional intelligence in Task 2.1.1
Assess your own emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses in Task 2.1.2
Reflect on your own work experience and identify at least three emotional stressors in Task 2.1.3
Seek feedback on responses to emotional stressors (Role-play) in Task 2.1.4
Analyse and document at least 4 emotional responses of co-workers in Task 2.2.1
Develop a plan for how to identify and respond to the emotional expressions in Task 2.2.2
Consult with your supervisor (played by your assessor) and with a colleague (played by a classmate) to identify areas for improving your own emotional intelligence (Role-play) in Task 2.2.3
Develop emotional intelligence of the selected staff in Task 2.3.1
Implement opportunities and tasks in the workplace (Role-play in a simulated workplace situation with two people of the staff) in Task 2.3.2

? ? ?
Demonstrated ability to:
Develop evaluation criteria for assessing emotional strengths and weaknesses
Assess emotional strengths and weaknesses against evaluation criteria
Identify and analyse potential emotional stressors in the workplace
Identify methods for responding to emotional stressors
Seek feedback from others to identify and confirm methods for responding to emotional stressors in the workplace

? ?
Evidenced by:
Develop criteria for assessing emotional intelligence in Task 2.1.1 (Template 1)
Assess your own emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses in Task 2.1.2 (Template 2)
Reflect on your own work experience and identify at least three emotional stressors in Task 2.1.3 (Template 3)
Seek feedback on responses to emotional stressors (Role-play) in Task 2.1.4.
Adjusted Task 2.1.3 in line with the received feedback from the manager.
Submitted the updated version of Template 3
Observation checklist in a separate document
The student conducted the Role-Play to seek feedback from the manager on the methods for responding to the stressors and how effective they are:
Used appropriate language and nonverbal features to present information and seek feedback
Used emotional intelligence (active listening, empathy, reframing etc..)
Demonstrated consideration for their emotions
Discussed their work performance
Identified emotional stressors and agreed on methods to respond to them
Proposed solutions to develop/improve emotional intelligence and improve work performance
Demonstrated flexibility and adaptability when proposing solutions for improvement
Conducted a task/exercise to assist the manager in understanding the effect of personal behaviours and emotions on others in the workplace
Used listening and questioning skills to elicit the views of your manager and make sure you understand them effectively
Adapted their communication style and behaviour to build trust and a positive working relationship with the manager

Feedback in Comments ?
? ?
Demonstrated ability to:
Analyse and document emotional responses of co-workers
Develop a plan for identifying and responding to a range of emotional expressions
Apply techniques that indicate flexibility and adaptability in dealing with others in the workplace
Apply techniques that show consideration for the emotions of others when making decisions
Consult with relevant stakeholders and identify improvement areas for own emotional intelligence

? ? ?
Evidenced by:
Analyse and document at least 4 emotional responses of co-workers in Task 2.2.1 (Template 4)
Develop a plan for how to identify and respond to the emotional expressions in Task 2.2.2 (Template 5)
Consult with your supervisor (played by your assessor) and with a colleague (played by a classmate) to identify areas for improving your own emotional intelligence (Role-play) in Task 2.2.3 (Template 6)
Provided a recording link of the meeting
Demonstrated ability to:
Identify workplace opportunities for others to express their thoughts and feelings
Develop tasks for assisting others to understand effect of personal behaviour and emotions on others in the workplace
Implement identified opportunities and tasks in the workplace according to organisational policy and procedures
? ? ?
Evidenced by:
Develop emotional intelligence of the selected staff in Task 2.3.1 (Template 7)
Implement opportunities and tasks in the workplace (Role-play in a simulated workplace situation with two people of the staff) in Task 2.3.2
Provided a recording link of the meeting
The student participated in the role-play to consult with the supervisor (played by the assessor) and with a colleague (played by a classmate) to identify areas for improving the student own emotional intelligence
Completed Notes in Template 6
Used the rating of themself in task 2.1.2 and the responses written to task 2.2.2
Discussed with the supervisor and then with the colleague what areas the student might focus on in their future efforts to improve their emotional intelligence.
Used appropriate language and nonverbal features to present information and seek feedback
Used active listening
Asked questions
Led by example

Evidenced by:
Submitted recording link
Y ? N ?
Feedback in comments. ? ? ?
The student participated in the role-play to implement opportunities and tasks in the workplace.
In simulated work conditions the trainer/assessor will play the selected staff.
The student met with at least two staff members
Demonstrated ability to implement the steps they developed in Task 2.3.1 (Template 7)
Demonstrated ability to understand the effect of their behaviour and emotions on their colleagues.
Used appropriate language and nonverbal features to present information and seek feedback
Used listening and questioning skills to elicit the views of the person involved in the conversation and make sure you understand them effectively
Adapted their communication style and behaviour to build trust and a positive working relationship with your staff members

Evidenced by:
Submitted recording link
Y ? N ?
Feedback in comments.
Additional Notes:

Task Outcome: Satisfactory ? Not Yet Satisfactory ?
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature:

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