Posted: May 21st, 2023
Fat contains ________ Kcal/g.
Question 1 (5 points)Fat contains ________ Kcal/g.Question 1 options:A4)B4)C9)D) 12SaveQuestion 2 (5 points)Polypeptides containQuestion 2 options:twoaminoacidsjoined bypeptidebondsfouraminoacidsjoined bypeptidebondsfiveto tenaminoacidsjoined bypeptidebondsfiveto tenaminoacidsjoined bypeptidebondsQuestion 3 (5 points)five to ten amino acids joined by peptide bondsQuestion 3 options:A)B)infantteenagerC)adultD)elderlypersonSaveQuestion 4 (5 points)Replacing lost nutrients in foods is calledQuestion 4 options:A)B)fortificationpasteurizationC)enrichmentD)modificationSaveQuestion 5 (5 points)A common deficiency associated with thiamin isQuestion 5 options:A)scurvyB)beriberiC)ricketsD)pellagraSaveQuestion 6 (5 points)Fat burns in a flame ofQuestion 6 options:carbohydrateA)B)C)D)proteinaminoacidlipidQuestion 7 (5 points)______ is particularly dangerous in uncontrolled type 1 diabetesQuestion 7 options:A)B)C)D)ketoacidosisbiosynthesisglycolysisnone ofthe aboveSaveQuestion 8 (5 points)The following three are risk factors for osteoporosis.Question 8 options:A)B)C)advanced age,overweight, cigarettesmokingexcessive use of alcoholbinge-eating disorder, lacbearing exercisebeing female, having asmall frame, diabetesD)early menopause, insufficiendietary calcium, advanced aSavePrevious PageNext PageQuestion 9 (5 points)_____ picks up cholesterol from arterial plaques, reducing their accumulation and picks upcholesterol released by dying cells.Question 9 options:A)VLDLB)IDLC)LDLD)HDLSaveQuestion 10 (5 points)Our main sources of magnesium areQuestion 10 options:A)plantfoods.B)animalfoods.C)organmeatsD)milk ororangejuiceSaveQuestion 11 (5 points)Essential fatty acid deficiencies are extremely common.Question 11 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 12 (5 points)The body will burn protein prior to carbohydrate as a source of energy.Question 12 options:TrueFalseSavePrevious PageNext PageQuestion 13 (5 points)Kidney beans are considered to be a complete or high-quality protein.Question 13 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 14 (5 points)People who eat high sodium, low-potassium diets often have lower bloodpressure.Question 14 options:TrueFalseQuestion 15 (5 points)Vitamin C is needed for calcium absorption, and should be considered for the preventionof osteoporosisQuestion 15 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 16 (5 points)Fasting stimulates anabolic processes such as glycogen and fat synthesis.Question 16 options:TrueFalseSavePrevious PageNext PageQuestion 17 (5 points)Cholesterol occurs only in foods of plant origin.Question 17 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 18 (5 points)Vitamin K toxicity from food sources is common.Question 18 options:TrueFalseSavePrevious PageNext PageQuestion 19 (5 points)Your body can make glucose through a process called photosynthesis.Question 19 options:TrueFalseSaveQuestion 20 (5 points)Generally, high-protein plant foods do not contribute complex carbohydrates tothe body.Question 20 options:TrueFalseQuestion 21 (5 points)Eicosanoids – Select the defintionQuestion 21 options:Eicosanoids1.2. A condition caused by vitamin A deficiencydries the cornea and mucous membranes ofeyes.Synthesis of glucose within the body from n3. carbohydrate precursors such as amino acidlactic acid, and glycerol.The major enzyme responsible for the break4.of lipoproteins and triglycerides in the bloodA four carbon intermediate compound in theacid cycle. Acetyl CoA combines with free5.oxaloacetate in the mitochondria, forming cacid and beginning the cycleSaveQuestion 22 (5 points)Chylomicron – Select the definitionQuestion 22 options:Chylomicron1.amino group(-NHan amino acidInactive forms of vitamins that the body can conv2. into active usable forms. Also referred to asprovitamins3.A large lipoprotein formed in intestinal cells follothe absorption of dietary fats.The most abundant fibrous protein in the body. Itmajor constituent of connective tissue, forms of bones and teeth, and helps maintainstructure of blood vessels and other tissueThe aerobic metabolic pathway in the mitochondthat breaks down acetyl CoA to yield two molecu5. carbon dioxide, one molecule of GTP, and pairs ohigh-energy electrons. It transfers the electrons tomolecules of NAD+ and one molecule of FAD.Lipoprotein lipase – Select the definitionQuestion 23 options:1.2.LipoproteinlipaseA condition caused by vitamin A deficiency that dcornea and mucous membranes of the eyes.Synthesis of glucose within the body from non3. carbohydrate precursors such as amino acids, lactand glycerol.4.The major enzyme responsible for the breakdownlipoproteins and triglycerides in the blood.A four carbon intermediate compound in theacid cycle. Acetyl CoA combines with free5.oxaloacetate in the mitochondria, forming cacid and beginning the cycleSaveQuestion 24 (5 points)Collagen – Select the definitionQuestion 24 options:Collagen1.2.Inactive forms of vitamins that the body can convactive usable forms. Also referred to as provitamiA large lipoprotein formed in intestinal cellfollowing the absorption of dietary fats.The most abundant fibrous protein in the bothe major constituent of connective tissue, of bones and teeth, and helps mastructure of blood vessels and other tissues5. The aerobic metabolic pathway in the mitocthat breaks down acetyl CoA to yield two mof carbon dioxide, one molecule of GTP, an3.high-energy electrons. It transfers the electrothree molecules of NAD+ and one moleculeQuestion 25 (5 points)Deamination – Select the definitionQuestion 25 options:1.Inactive forms of vitamins that the body canconvert into active usable forms. Also provitamins3.DeaminationA large lipoprotein formed in intestinal cells follothe absorption of dietary fats.The most abundant fibrous protein in the bothe major constituent of connective tissue, f4. the foundation of bones and teeth, and helpsmaintain the structure of blood vessels and otissuesThe aerobic metabolic pathway in the mitochondbreaks down acetyl CoA to yield two molecules o5. dioxide, one molecule of GTP, and pairs of high-eelectrons. It transfers the electrons to three molecNAD+ and one molecule of FAD.SaveQuestion 26 (5 points)Gluconeogenesis – Select the definitionQuestion 26 options:Gluconeogenesis1.A class of hormone lisubstances formed inbody from long chainessential fatty acids2.A condition caused by vitamin A deficiency that dthe cornea and mucous membranes of the eyes.Synthesis of glucose within the body from non3. carbohydrate precursors such as amino acids, lactacid, and glycerolThe major enzyme responsible for thebreakdown of lipoproteins and triglycerides4.the blood.A four carbon intermediate compound in thecitric acid cycle. Acetyl CoA combines with5. free oxaloacetate in the mitochondria, formicitric acid and beginning the cycleQuestion 27 (5 points)Oxaloacetate- Select the definitionQuestion 27 options:Oxaloacetate1.2.A condition caused by vitamin A deficiency that dcornea and mucous membranes of the eyes.Synthesis of glucose within the body from non3. carbohydrate precursors such as amino acids, lactand glycerol.The major enzyme responsible for the breakof lipoproteins and triglycerides in the blood5. A four carbon intermediate compound in the4.acid cycle. Acetyl CoA combines with freeoxaloacetate in the mitochondria, forming cacid and beginning the cycleSaveQuestion 28 (5 points)Citric acid cycle – Select the definitionQuestion 28 options:1.2.3.CitricacidcycleInactive forms of vitamins that the body caninto active usable forms. Also referred to asA large lipoprotein formed in intestinal cells folloabsorption of dietary fats.The most abundant fibrous protein in the body. Itconstituent of connective tissue, forms the founda4.and teeth, and helps maintain the structure of blooother tissuesThe aerobic metabolic pathway in the mitocbreaks down acetyl CoA to yield two molec5. carbon dioxide, one molecule of GTP, and penergy electrons. It transfers the electrons tomolecules of NAD+ and one molecule of FASavePrevious PageNext PageQuestion 29 (5 points)Vitamin precursors – Select the definitionQuestion 29 options:1.Inactive forms of vitamins that the body can2. convert into active usable forms. Also referrprovitamins3.VitaminprecursorsA large lipoprotein formed in intestinal cells folloabsorption of dietary fats.The most abundant fibrous protein in the body. Itmajor constituent of connective tissue, forms of bones and teeth, and helps maintainstructure of blood vessels and other tissuesThe aerobic metabolic pathway in the mitocthat breaks down acetyl CoA to yield two mof carbon dioxide, one molecule of GTP, an5.of high-energy electrons. It transfers the eleto three molecules of NAD+ and one molecFAD.SaveQuestion 30 (5 points)Xerophthalmia – Select the definitionQuestion 30 options:Xerophthalmia1.A class of hormone likesubstances formed in thbody from long chainessential fatty acidsA condition caused by vitamin A deficiency2. that dries the cornea and mucous membraneof the eyes.Synthesis of glucose within the body from3. non-carbohydrate precursors such as aminoacids, lactic acid, and glycerol.4. The major enzyme responsible for thebreakdown of lipoproteins and triglyceridesthe blood.A four carbon intermediate compound in thecitric acid cycle. Acetyl CoA combines oxaloacetate in the mitochondria, formicitric acid and beginning the cycleSavePrevious PageNext Page
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