Should Marijuana be Decriminalised and or Legalised for Health Reasons in the U.K?
Research Plan
Today most young people use some type of drug, even though they are illegal. According to Gov (2017) marijuana is the most commonly used drug in the last year and has been for over 15 years. Marijuana originates from the cannabis sativa plant. It comes in a variety of forms such as dried plant leaves, flowers and oils which can be smoked or eaten. Better Health (2013) state that there is a chemical in cannabis called tetrahydrocannabinol (also known as THC); this is marijuana’s main mind-altering ingredient, which makes users feel high. THC is a psychoactive substance, which means that it travels in a person’s bloodstream to the brain. It disrupts the brain’s normal functioning and causes certain intoxicating effects. The fastest way to feel the effects of marijuana is to inhale the smoke, the effects are usually felt within minutes. The immediate sensations—increased heart rate, lessened coordination and balance and a “dreamy,” unreal state of mind—peak within the first 30 minutes. These short-term effects usually wear off in two to three hours, but they could last longer, depending on how much the user consumes and the potency of THC (Drug free world, 2018). According to Addiction (2011), countries such as Finland, Israel and Portugal have all decriminalised marijuana. Portugal, view drug taking as a health issue rather than a criminal issue in the country. Instead of arrests, those found with drugs are sent to medical panels, consisting of a psychologist, social workers and legal advisor for appropriate treatment. Around the world there are a growing number of countries where marijuana use is permitted and regulated for recreational purposes such as Amsterdam, Nevada and Colorado. Also, there is growth with pharmaceutical grade marijuana due to its acceptance for medicinal properties. 29 American states including Florida, Michigan and Arizona have legalised marijuana for medical reasons (Gov, 2018).
This essay will research and analyse five
areas surrounding marijuana consumption to determine whether it should be decriminalised
and/or legalised for medical reasons. This essay will investigate different
societal perspectives: who uses it and why they use it. The implications from both a legal and health
perspective and whether the health benefits outweigh the risks – all
incorporated into the following questions.
- Societal
and sociological implication of cannabis use
- Is the
current legislation fair?
- What
are the negative effects on health?
- What
are the psychological causes of using marijuana?
- What
are the benefits?
The type of research undertaken will be key
to the validity and accuracy of this document. To achieve this, three types of
research will be explained and analysed. The first to be discussed is quantitative
research. Quantitative research is factual, information gathered from
statistics and numbers. For example, how many individuals consume marijuana
regularly. This data specifies the actual number of users but does not clarify
the reasons why. Primary research involves gathering new
data that has not been collected before, such as, surveys using questionnaires
or interviews with groups of people. Secondary research
involves gathering existing data that has already been produced. For example,
researching the internet, newspapers and company reports. This essay will
utilise this method as opposed to primary reserch due to the absence of an ethics panel at the
college. The research carried out will look at statistics, legitimate websites,
journal articles and newspapers; these along with further reading will be
analysed and evaluated in an attempt to address the essay question with an
unbiased viewpoint – despite potentially conflicting findings.
Project timetable
January 11-25
Decide topic; begin research;
meet supervisor to discuss subject matter; finalise essay question.
February 1-22
Continue research; analyse
April 8-23
Compile information into essay
format; final meeting with supervisor.
May 9-14
Audit essay form a conclusion;
evaluate; proof read and submit essay.
The essay will endeavor to contain conflicting
points to enable the reader to sum up their own conclusion. The information
gathered and utilised will be obtained from reputable sources, along with the
most recent government data and health statistics to ensure reliability and
validity of the information. Health and safety will also be in mind while
completing the essay. Regular breaks will be taken whilst using a computer to
avoid the occurrence of visionary side effects and repetitive strain injury. Data will be reported accurately and contain
references throughout to avoid plagiarism.
Should Marijuana be Decriminalised and or Legalised for Medical Reasons in the U.K?
Official statistics from Gov (2017) show that in 2016/17, 6.6% (around 2.2 million) of people
aged 16 to 59 consumed marijuana. This has dropped since measurements began in
1996 (when the proportion was 9.4%). Since 2009/10 it has remained essentially
stable at between 6 and 7 per cent. Out of the possible 2.2 million users, one
million of these were 16-24-year olds. In addition to this, 34% of 16-24-year
olds who consume marijuana claim to be frequent users. Its use is also more
prevalent among men than women, in the 2017 survey 9% of men admitted to using
marijuana compared with just 4.2% of women. Lastly, people living in deprived
areas were more likely to be frequent drug users. A larger proportion (4.5%) of
respondents who lived in deprived areas consumed marijuana frequently compared
with those who lived in the least deprived areas (2.3%). Therefore, young
working-class boys are the biggest consumers of marijuana. However, official
statistics need to be treated with caution as they can be misleading and
misinterpreted, – not everyone who uses marijuana will give admission of their
consumption. On the other hand, official statistics are useful in determining
the changing rate of crime in certain areas over a period. In addition to this
they can also help to highlight police bias and stereotyping. Interactionist
Howard Becker (1963) cited in Hazeldine
et al, (2016), attributed that
the police label and target young working-class people as potentially criminal
and frequently stop, search and arrest them. Meaning, it is more likely for young
working-class boys to be found with possession. Sociologists Richard Cloward
and Lloyd Ohlin (1961) suggested that adolescents form retreatist subcultures (drug
gang) because they have failed in the opportunity structure of society (Haralambos et al, 2013). Although, this is a naïve explanation of drug
misuse. Drug misuse is also common among successful middle-class professionals
and not just failed criminals or gang members as suggested by Cloward and
Ohlin. Also, interactionist Albert Cohen (1955) cited in Giddens and Sutton (2015) claims that
working-class boys lack opportunities to succeed, largely due to cultural
deprivation. Tension from status frustration is realised through the creation
of a deviant subculture in which the values of society are reversed. Like the interactionists view-point marxists
argue that the exploitation and oppression from the capitalist’s system leads
to feelings of alienation. Thus, encouraging drug consumption which leads to
dangerous addictions. However, not everyone suffering alienation from the
capitalist system turns to drugs (Browne et al, 2014).
has been classified as a Class B drug in the UK since 2008 and carries
significant penalties associated with possession and production including a
maximum prison sentence of 14 years (Legislation, 2018). Statistics from Gov (2017) show that in 2016 there were 99,779
seizures of cannabis in the U.K. According to Browne et al
(2014) marxists argue that illegal drugs help to safeguard class
inequalities by providing excuses for the police to criminalise the
working-class by giving drug convictions; whereas, the ruling class are more
likely to be let off with a slap on the wrist. Interactionist Jock Young (1971) cited in Haralambos et al (2013) studied marijuana users in London. Young argued
that police respond to marijuana users as ‘dirty, scruffy’ deviants which
consequently, pushes them into that role. They no longer feel a conventional
part of society and so become more unconventional as a reaction. Marijuana has
been placed in the same category as the dangerous drug Ketamine. Talk to Frank (2018) write
that Ketamine is a powerful general anaesthetic and is used for operations on
humans and animals. Ketamine temporarily paralyses the body and gives a ‘out of
body’ near death experience which can cause hallucinations and bad ‘trips’.
Overdose can result in a coma, respiratory failure and death. According to I the Office of National Statistics
(2016) Ketamine was responsible for 160 deaths in 2016. Furthermore, in the U.K alcohol comes top of
the list in the most commonly used recreational drugs. Alcohol is legal and widely available to
adults over the age of 18 in the U.K. According to MPP (2018), marijuana is less toxic than alcohol,
less addictive, less harmful to the body, and less likely to contribute to
violent or reckless behaviour. Alcohol related car accidents are far more
likely than marijuana related car accidents. In 2015, over 200 people were
killed in a road collision involving a driver over the legal limit (Department of Transport, 2017).
Alcohol is also connected to many long-term
side effects such as high blood pressure, raised cholesterol, liver disease and
cancers. Alarmingly, in 2016 there were 7,327 alcohol specific deaths (Official for National Statistics,
2016). Many online articles claim that marijuana cannot and is not
responsible for any deaths due to overdose. However, Dr Robert Gable (2004) of
the Psychology department of Clermont university, cited in Caulkins,
Kilmer and Kleinman (2016), concluded from a review into marijuana
that it may be responsible for two deaths of a direct overdose. While it may be
factual that it is extremely rare to die from a marijuana overdose, it is an
undeniable fact that nobody dies from a tobacco overdose. People do not smoke
themselves to death, tobacco causes lung cancer, which is what causes death.
So, in that same way marijuana can kill
people in the form of mental illnesses, suicide and in the form of a car
accident while driving under the influence. In addition, there are also
problems with consuming marijuana that is sold on the black market. It is often
contaminated with toxic components which may cause more harm than the substance
itself. Thus, a regulated legal supply can be contaminant free, pure and
therefore safer as correct dosage can be prescribed.
Many argue that legalisation for medicinal purposes could make cannabis more socially acceptable and so encourage use of the substance and other drugs alike which may be more dangerous. However, according to Cerda et al (2015) research has shown that countries which have already legalised marijuana for medical reasons like the US have not seen an upsurge in the numbers of individuals using it. Additionally, the NHS (2017) write that 10% of regular cannabis users become dependent. Despite this, many claim that marijuana does not have addictive properties and that individuals become addicted to the nicotine (which the marijuana is smoked with) and not the marijuana itself. While this may have some truth, withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, difficulty sleeping, mood swings, irritability and restlessness are all common among individuals who consume marijuana regularly making it difficult to quit. Correspondingly, if a person smokes marijuana with tobacco, there is also great risk of contracting tobacco-related diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Although, this criticism has a contradictive element. Hartney (2018) points out that there are already many highly addictive medications currently being prescribed by doctors in the U.K which have more dangerous side effects than marijuana. One being Tramadol, according to Office for National Statistics (2016) Tramadol was responsible for the lives of 208 people in 2015. However, when consuming marijuana it is common for the user to inhale more smoke and hold it in longer than they would a cigarette, to maximise the effects. Like other addictive drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, individuals can develop a tolerance to marijuana. Therefore, individuals need to consume more and more to get the same effect (Drug Wise, 2017). The mental consequences of marijuana use are equally severe. Marijuana smokers have poorer memories and mental aptitude than do non-users. Baler et al (2014) state that recent studies on young adults who smoke marijuana, found abnormalities in the brain related to emotion, motivation and decision-making. Regular cannabis use from a young age can also increase the risk of developing psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia. This is because the brain does not stop growing and forming connections until it is 25, and cannabis interferes with this process (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 2018). Although, this statement is a tricky one, According to Casarett (2015), a surprising number of people especially men will not seek professional help because they do not like the idea that they require help to manage their issues. This may be another reason why the vast majority of marijuana smokers are men. Some individuals report consuming marijuana helps relieve their depression and anxiety. It could be argued that they turn to marijuana to self-medicate as opposed to admitting to another individual, for example, a doctor that they cannot cope. In other words, individuals may have turned to marijuana to help with their psychological problems in the first place. Thus, the psychological issues were not created from consuming marijuana. Despite the negative, the harm and benefit of marijuana should depend on patient’s medical severity situation and needs; the addiction of marijuana trades off with the expected length of a patient’s life. If a situation is terminal, it could be argued that the benefits meaningfully outweigh the risks.
According to the
Behaviourist Model addictive behaviour is considered as learned. Therefore, the root to smoking marijuana is a
psychological one. Albert Bandura’s (1961) cited in Gross (2015) social learning theory
suggests that children learn social behaviour from observing a model. Children
are four times more likely to smoke if their parents do (Ash, 2018). Additionally, individuals who
smoke are also more likely to divulge further in recreational drugs such as
marijuana. Some individuals may use
marijuana to gain acceptance. A behaviour explained by psychologist B. F.
Skinner (1948), cited in Eysenck (2012), through operant conditioning – a
person starts to smoke to gain the powerful reinforcement of peer
approval. The new smoker associates
these positive feelings with smoking. Positive reinforces cause production of
dopamine which provide the positive feelings and reward the behaviour. Thus, behaviour which is followed by pleasant
consequences is likely to be repeated. Another
psychological theory is Ivan Pavlov’s (1927) cited in Gross (2015) classical conditioning.
Classical conditioning is realised when a specific stimulus causes a specific response. For example, individuals who regularly consume
marijuana to relax and de-stress after work while watching the soaps, will
start to associate relax time in front of the tv as a time to light up a joint.
In this case, sitting in front of the television after work and watching the
soaps (specific stimulus), can induce powerful cravings for marijuana (specific
response) which can lead to relapse behaviours.
It has been proven that chemicals found in
marijuana can relieve pain in people living with illnesses like multiple
sclerosis and arthritis. According to Goldacre (2013), scientific studies of the chemicals in marijuana,
called cannabinoids, has
led to two FDA-approved medications that contain cannabinoid chemicals in pill
form in Canada, USA and some parts of Europe. Marijuana has also been effective
at relieving some of the highly stressful side effects that emerge from
chemotherapy treatment such as nausea and vomiting (Doweiko, 2015). According to Drug abuse (2017), there is
also evidence to suggest that the marijuana chemical cannabidiol (CBD) can
treat certain conditions such as childhood epilepsy, a disorder that causes a
child to have violent seizures. Scientists in the US have been reproducing
marijuana plants and making CBD in oil form for treatment purposes. CBD oil has low levels of the mind-altering
THC, making it unpopular for recreational use.
Nancy and Willard
(2014) suggest that marijuana is used in a similar manner to alcohol.
Most adults consume marijuana while socialising with friends or to relax after
work. Some use marijuana for medical benefits, with others consuming marijuana
for therapeutic purposes, such as, help to facilitate with falling asleep and
to alleviate arthritis. Some advocates believe that marijuana can relieve
stress, anxiety and depression. On the contrary, many argue that consuming
marijuana can trigger anxiety and depression. In fact, it is true the THC is
linked to feelings of paranoia and anxiety as it activates the amygdala area of
the brain, which is responsible for fear. However, CBD counteracts such
feelings from THC. Studies show that taking CBD on its own can lower – even
eliminate anxiety (Gould,
2015). According to the American
Cancer Society (2018), scientists reported that THC and other
cannabinoids such as CBD slow growth and/or caused death in certain types of
cancer cells growing in lab dishes. Studies on animals also suggest that
certain cannabinoids slow growth and reduce the spread of certain forms of
essay has investigated various aspects of marijuana consumption – why people
use it what are the consequences in regard to legislation and health. Many
argue that marijuana has been put on a pedestal and falsely labelled a miracle
drug. It is inevitable to say that there has been a lot of scaremongering and
wishful thinking concerning marijuana consumption. However, there is not enough
reliable evidence into the extent of how good or bad marijuana is for ones’
health. Some evidence and findings are
very controversial and contradict one another. For example, the claim that
consuming marijuana can reduce the risk of certain cancers when it is a well-known
fact that smoking in the first place is responsible for almost all lung
cancers. Due to the insufficient amounts of reliable evidence more independent
unbiased research needs to be carried out to fully determine the abilities and
side effects of marijuana. In conclusion, based on the current evidence marijuana
should be decriminalised in the U.K. – individuals who are caught consuming
marijuana and who may have an addiction should be helped and not punished and
labelled a criminal. Correspondingly, marijuana should be made legal for
medicinal purposes as it clearly carries benefits for some people. However, only
if the benefits outweigh the risks. For example, if the individual has a
possible life-threatening illness. Moreover,
advances in science, accompanied with further research into the current
medications already available, (in the US) additional medications can be administered. If the drug is as beneficial as some research
suggests then science could be bordering major breakthroughs concerning
marijuana, accepting and encouraging use further.
Reference List
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essay introduction stated some clear figures of the trends of marijuana over
the last few years and determined who in society is most likely to consume
marijuana. On the contrary, the introduction failed to generate a definitive
answer as to why young working-class boys are the biggest consumers of marijuana,
due to the absence of primary research. However, links to sociological theories
supported the results that young working-class boys are the biggest consumers
of marijuana.
research within the essay was obtained from a wide range of reputable sources
with the most recent information available. As discussed, due to the absence of
primary research there was not an opportunity to examine the reasons on a more
personal level as to why young working-class boys choose to consume marijuana when
evidence portrayed from the UK government suggest that it can lead to
psychological issues and can cause certain types of cancers.
data researched and presented was analysed and evaluated where possible; official
statistics from legitimate sources are generally accepted as reliable and
informative in their own right. In addition, further relations to sociological
theories along with psychological theories strengthened the conclusions of
certain studies. In comparison, due to the lack of reliable sufficient unbiased
research, there could have been further analysis into the government’s
role. With the recent claims that
marijuana has certain cancer killing properties along with many other health
benefits, the government should be aiming to provide newly found definitive
answers concerning the risks and gains of marijuana.
conclusion acknowledged that the lack of reliable and thorough research into
the strengths and weaknesses of using marijuana has influenced the answer to
the question; that it should be decriminalised and legalised on the grounds of
medicinal use only if the benefits outweigh the risks. However, the conclusion
is based only on the research analysed within the essay. Due to a limited word
count further research and analysis which may have had an influence on the
overall conclusion may have been missed. Thus, the conclusion is relevant to
the findings within the essay however, additional and future research may lead
to a different prognosis.