Greener stores:-
Progressive enterprise working harder than at any other time to make their stores greener. Research about in 2010 demonstrated that 84% of customers overviewed had worries about the effect of their shopping choices on nature. As a part of the Woolworths group, they have an objective to diminish carbon discharges on anticipated development levels by 40% by 2015. This would mean keeping up our 2006 outflows levels in spite of critical development in store numbers. As a major aspect of a general supportability procedure, we are additionally attempting to lessen the natural impression of all stores. Our new general stores and furthermore those as we revamp, now incorporate attempted and-tried ecological enhancements, for example,
- Energy efficient CO2 refrigeration frameworks
- Night blinds on refrigerated cabinets and sliding spreads on coolers
- Warm recover off the refrigeration coils
- Energy Efficient lighting and use natural light where possible.
Re-usable shopping packs:-
Progressive focused on helping clients reduce their plastic bag use. Every one of their stores have re-usable packs available for clients to buy, these bags have been especially successful in recent years. Re-usable bags are aexcellent decision for customers and their new checkout plans are made to allow ease of packing into bags.
Well their four Distribution Centres across the country, lighting represents roughly 65% of Countdown’s power costs. Consequently this speaks to the greatest chance to reduce their carbon impression.
In Christchurch distribution centre, They have worked in association with the EECA to introduce a wireless LED lighting framework which gives lux control to sunlight gathering, and remote movement identification to initiate lights on an ‘as required’ premise. Thus, we have decreased lighting use by 88%.
Cargo developments:-
Delivering perishable goods to stores in the most ideal condition isn’t just about caring for our clients – it’s also minimising waste.
In 2009 they introduce a re-usable Food capsystem which, liners and ice that they would use to transport meat and fish to stores. Over a year this likens to 11 tons of bundling that is no longer sent to landfill or reused.
PROGRESSIVE SOCIAL IMAPCT ON SOCIETY: –As in my OpinionNo industry touches a larger number of individuals in the group than grocery stores. At Progressive, They are pleased with their legacy and the part their play in groups around New Zealand. They are focused on supporting great motivations that improve life for Kiwis, and they expect to do this through associations with various group associations and foundations. Their stores assume a dynamic part in their neighbourhood groups, supporting group gatherings and foundations through different raising money exercises and campaign.
The Countdown Kids Hospital Appeal raises reserves for healing centres around New Zealand. Presently in its 6th year, the Countdown Kids Hospital Appeal has so far raised $5.7 million for 10 kids’ hospitals around the nation, empowering key doctor’s facility hardware. Together with their clients, Countdown bolsters the Appeal year round, and each August through to November, we are committed to bringing reserves up in our stores. In 2012 the interest raised $1.2 million – the most the yearly interest has ever raised!

The Hospitals that receive funds from the Countdown Kids Hospital Appeal are: Whangarei Hospital, Kids First Children’s Hospital, Auckland, Waikato Hospital, Tauranga and Whakatane Hospitals, Hawkes Bay Hospital, Wellington Hospital, Greymouth Hospital, Christchurch Hospital, Dunedin Hospital, and Southland Hospital.
Progressive Food Rescue program means that wherever possibletheir approach is to give sustenance that is as yet fit for consumption to their community charity partners
This sends well in excess of $1 million of basic needs every year to nourishment banks by means of The Salvation Army, Kaibosh in Wellington, Fair Food in West Auckland and 0800 Hungry in Christchurch. As a business, we are likewise profoundly energetic to limit waste, and in light of the Countdown Food Rescue activity, have diminished waste to landfill by 31% over the most recent three years, in spite of having an extra 15 stores.
Giving Local provider framework so that each Countdown store in New Zealand can offer back to their local community through open raising money exercises. For each dollar the store raises for their local cause, the organization matches it dollar for dollar, up to an estimation of $1000.
PROGRESSIVE CULTURE IMPACT: –As Manufacturing operations are moved the world over,the efficient movement of goods is becoming more and more importance .Logistics providers are responsible for r the movements of goods and face different culture in each region that these goods move. People must realize and accept culture differences to develop strong working relationship. On the other hand Misunderstanding, loss of money and loss of contracts can occur if culture difference is not accepted
Social Difference Examples:-
In the New Zealand, profiting is the objective of generally choices. Organizations in the NZ utilize the least individuals possible to take care of business. However, in a few sections of China, the mind-set is still to keep whatever number individuals utilized as could be expected under the circumstances regardless of what they are doing. Organizations setting up operations in China must check creation limit and specialist quality to guarantee the organization has set up a proficient talented work constrain and that everybody has a significant occupation.
Raw Materials and Ingredient Control: – first of all in Progressive Enterprises Raw Material coming from many countries such as Australia, Asia, and some European countries. This Raw Material includes everything which we use every day. Moreover this Raw material exports by different transport way like Planes and ships.

PROCESS CONTROL: –After export from Different countries this products comes in progressive enterprise where this products are Manufacturing and Making order for to delivering this products to different supermarkets in New Zealand
PRODUCT LABELLING: –The purpose of product labelling is to provide complete information on the content and composition of products in order to protect the consumer’s health and interest. In turn the incentive for manufacturers is that a well labelled product significantly decreases liability. Therefore it is in the best interests of both the consumers AND manufacturer that all product labelling is kept up to date with the requisite legal standard.
PACKGING: –In progressive Packaging is used to protect the product from damage during shipping and handling and to lessen spoilage if the project is exposed to air or other elements.

VISIBILTY: –Packaging design is used to capture customers’ attention as they are shopping or glancing through a catalo or website. This is particularly important for customers who are not familiar with the product and in situations, such as those found in grocery stores, where a product must stand out among thousands of other products. Packaging designs that standout are more likely to be remembered on future shopping trips.
STORAGE: –Storage in Progressive is an act of storing and assorting the finished goods so as to create maximum time utility at minimum cost. In addition both raw material and in addition completed items stockpiling includes appropriate administration for protecting merchandise from the season of their creation of procurement till real utilize when the capacity is done on a substantial scale and in a predefined way it is called Warehousing.
DISTRIBUTION:-In progressive Distribution process of planning ,Implementing and efficiency control the flow of Materials, storage, in process inventory, finished products and relevant information from the point of origin of origin to point of consumption at the lowest possible cost .
TRANSPORTATION: –Well in progressive the role that transportation is more complex than carrying goods for the proprietors. Its many-sided quality can produce results just through very quality administration. By methods for all around took care of transport framework, products could be sent to the perfect place at ideal time keeping in mind the end goal to fulfil clients’ requests. It brings adequacy, and furthermore it assembles an extension amongst makers and purchasers. In this way, transportation is the base of effectiveness and economy in business coordination’s and grows different elements of coordination’s framework. What’s more, a great transport framework performing in Logistics activities conveys benefits to administration quality as well as to organization aggressiveness.
Progressive Enterprise their Positive and negative effect on their Service.
Progressive Enterprise
Negative Effect of Progressive service.
Positive Impact of
Progressive Service.
(1) Customers are expressing Dissatisfaction with Delivery Leads times.
(1) In progressive material handling system is one of the best way to significantly lower their operating cost.
(2) In progressive have too much Inventory in their network and find it hard to reduce it.
(2) Progressive creating safe environment to reduce injuries and operating safe work.
(3) Progressive service is under or over rated.
(3) In Progressive ultimately material Handling make it easy to store their product.
There are two general classes of risk influencing production network plan and administration:
(1) Risk arising from the issues of organizing free market activity, and (2) dangers emerging from disturbances to ordinary exercises. This paper is worried with the second class of dangers, which may emerge from
Catastrophic events, from strikes and financial disturbances, and from demonstrations of intentional specialists, including fear based oppressors. The paper gives an applied structure that mirrors the joint exercises of hazard evaluation what’s more, hazard alleviation that are key to interruption chance administration in supply chains.
In New Zealand, Woolworth Owns Progressive which through sits subsidiaries, operate supermarkets under the Woolworth food town and countdown brands. It also Owens approximately 10% of WHS
Through Woolworth wholly owned subsidiary brancott limited. In Australia Woolworth principally operate food, liquor and grocery (Operating under Woolworth and Safeway brands) dedicated Liquor stores (operating under the Dan Murphy and BWS brands), consumer electronics (operating under the dick smith electronics, Powerhouse and Trendy brands)
Woolworth sees WHS as an entry point into general merchandise in New Zealand An Acquisition would see the WHs business operated by Woolworth in parallei with its Australia, Big W brands and as a complement to its existing New Zealand Food, Liquor and grocery and consumer electronic business, Woolworth has for some time identified the acquisition of WHS as the most efficient, timely and sustainable means of entering general merchandise in New Zealand.
As in the last I have given the all references from where got some information regarding my assignment.