Executive Summary:
This report shows an in-depth study of Target Corporation, the accomplishments, and the programs offered, it shows why this is a place where consumers can shop in comfort and security. It also shows a place where people like to shop, and why people like Target Corporation. It goes beyond the cash registers, with a multitude of socioeconomic programs and community outreach endeavors. Target gives back to local communities on a large scale in education and internships for the development of our future leaders and business people. Target offers a workforce and a workplace that embrace diversity, which gives the corporation an economic advantage, which makes them more competitive in this global economy. Although, if you searched for bad comments about a corporation you can find them and this will hold true of any corporate giant. These articles are misleading and should not be taken out of context. We are dealing with the positive aspects of this Corporation that far outweigh the negative. So take a trip to your local Target store and see for yourself. Experience the helpful staff, the clean and bright shopping environment, and everything that Target is offering over the competition! The founder’s vision, for a company that is focused on all of the stakeholders remains clear.
Team 1 has concluded that we do in fact like Target very much, and have enjoyed writing this report. Every one of us has formed a positive opinion of the discount chain, although the company is not perfect it does stand out as the best in its class. Other discount stores that compete with our favorite just do not measure up to the same commitment to the quality of the shopping experience. If you compared how the stores are kept and organized Target is always in the lead. Kmart and Wal-Mart may try to beat the pricing, but Target will match prices and always beat them with the overall shopping experience. We hope that this report will give you a better insight into why Target is the leader, from their commitment to the environment and local communities to the generosity shown to the educational system and charitable organizations. In addition, above all else it really is fun, pleasant, clean and economical to shop there.
Our report focuses on five major things to consider:
* The Business Plan. Their history plays a major factor in their success and we have found this is why it is a sound investment. It is why they are still a growing company worldwide.
· Environmental Concerns and Local Communities: How this company approaches the concerns of our environment is to be admired. As well as, their giving back to education and a multiple of charities is noteworthy.
· Employee Experience: People who work for this innovative entity have stated their overall satisfaction with their jobs. To mirror the community is a diversification goal also.
· Marketing Strategies: A clean, orderly and safe atmosphere coupled with competitively lower prices, and offering their own brands, is their true strategy.
· Advertizing: Top rated commercials, national popular sponsorships, and choice of logo and colors are the core of their advertizing campaigns.
Because of these findings, we have concluded that Target is everything we love and more. We recommend that you do your shopping at a local Target store this holiday season, and enjoy your shopping experience as we do.
Why is Target so successful and why do we like shopping there so much?
The purpose of this report is to show the details of positive attributes that this corporate giant has to offer, as individuals, as well as the local communities, the environment, and the world.
* What are their economic standings, growth, and investment opportunities? Are they what we are looking for?
* Are they a responsible company to the environment and local areas in which they do business? Are they kind to the less fortunate?
* How do their employees feel about working there? Is diversity truly a goal and do they mirror their local communities?
* When you enter the store do you feel comfortable and safe? Are the prices and products what you want to see?
* Are the commercials and sponsorships memorable? Does the Target logo and colors stick with you afterwards?
This report is part of our Business Communications Class at College of the Sequoias; our topic (Target Corporation) was first chosen with others by our professor Lucy DeCaro then chosen again by Susan McCormick. All of us on Team 1 voted unanimously to claim Target as our company to research. We wanted to see if Target held up to our impressions we had prior to researching this company.
If you have never shopped at a Target store, this might give you a reason to do so. Target is in almost every city in United States and is gaining a foothold in the global market place. Their logos are a household name with good feeling attached to it. Targets’ integrity is unmatched in the discount franchise market place.
Our goal is to show the direct and indirect benefits that Target has to offer. We intend to prove that this store lives up to the advertizing and slogans we have heard and seen for years. We will highlight the key points and attributes of this company to show how even a corporate giant can be a down to earth positive force for our own personnel benefit and the benefit of others.
Their Business Plan: The Target Way