Pulau Pinang or Penang is one of the unique and attractive places in Malaysia with its many cultures which make Penang one of tourist’s favorite places and tourists attractions. Basically, Penang is famous for their food, religions, cultures and tourism site. According to the UNESCO Worlds Heritage Site of Georgetown says that there are many religions, cultures and foods in Penang, therefore they can blend it well together to make Penang one of the well known states in Malaysia [1].
There is press statement by YB Danny Law Heng Kiang the Penang State Exco for Tourism Development and Culture said that Penang is ranked in the third place under Kuala Lumpur, and Genting Highland (Pahang) for their tourism destination in Malaysia [1]. At first, Malacca is on top of Penang as tourism destination because they receive approximately 8.9 million tourist arrival in the year 2009. Unfortunately, that statement by Datuk Seri Dr. Ng Yen Yen may be a mistake because as we can see from the table 2, Penang has more tourists’ arrival compare to Malacca [1].
According Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, Penang is an island with an area of 108 sq mi/280 sq km and it is known as one of the busiest ports in the past and it is located in the straits of Malacca, on the North-West Coast of Malaysia. Penang is very famous for their beautiful beaches and islands, foods, cultural, religions and many more [2].
During 16th century, Portuguese merchants Penang was travel from Goa (India) to Far East search for spices, fresh water so they stopped in Penang. In 1786, Penang was very popular among the pirates because they steal ships that cross along Straits of Malacca. At one point, Penang became popular in 18th century and at the same time, Captain Francis Light enter to Penang and start to have good relationship with the locals and also the Sultan of Kedah in 1771. Unfortunately, at that moment itself Sultan of Kedah handed Penang to Captain Francis Light in order to get protection against the threats of Burmese and Siamese. After that, they called Penang as “Prince of Wales Island” and after the settlement; Sultan Abdullah found out that he is being cheated by the British by not willing to offer protection thus he gathered his army to retake Penang. Lastly, after extensive years of struggling between the locals and the British, Malaysia achieves independence in 31st August 1957 and Penang is one of the 13 states. Penang now is known as Pulau Pinang [3].
What is the Culture in Penang?
The cultures in Penang are very unique and most of the tourists interested to know more about Penang’s culture. In 2008, the population is Penang approximately 2 million on the island and 1 million is in Seberai Prai which consists of 42% Chinese, 41% Malay, 10% for Indian and also 5% for the Peranakan or Baba Nyonya. Baba Nyonya’s culture in Penang is different from Malacca. Baba Nyonya’s in Malacca can speak fluent Malay whereby in Penang, the Baba Nyonya’s speaks mixture of Hokkien, Malay and English and most of the Baba Nyonya’s in Penang still practice their Chinese religion and ancestral worshipping [4].
Basically, language that being spoken in Penang is Malay language whereby English and the Chinese (Hokkien) also being spoken widely in Penang. And lastly the Tamil language is being spoken by the tamils among their community. Next is the religion in Penang which most of the people believes such as Buddhist, Islam, Hindu, Christian, and many more. Basically, Buddhism is one of the main religions in Penang whereby Islam still the official religion of the state. As you can see that Penang’s culture is a mixture of Malay, Chinese Indian and it is very interesting for tourist’s attractions [4].
Furthermore, Penang is famous for their food and this is one of the Penang’s cultures. The food in Penang can easily get almost everywhere and anytime in Penang. According the time magazine in 2004, Penang has been the best street food in Asia. Penang is the only place to find such a wonderful, tasty and nice food and also it is so cheap compared to Kuala Lumpur and sometimes people called Penang is the food heaven to eat. The food in Penang is an assortment of Chinese, Nyonya, Malay, India, Thai cuisine. There in Penang also famous for the hawkers’ food which they sell and served by the road side [4].
Besides that, one of the reason why Penang famous is because they have various of events and festivals that they celebrates such as Penang International Dragon Boat Festival, Chin-gay, Pesta Pulau Pinang, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Thaipusam, Chinese New Year, Hungry Ghost Festival and many more. These festivals would attract many tourists from all over the world to come and experience throughout the festivals. Moreover, it would be nice if tourists from Malaysia or outside Malaysia to give support and celebrates together in these interesting events. The international dragon boat festival usually held around June and July during the school holidays. Chingay is one of the famous cultural events in penang because it is being celebrated because of the birthday of Kuan Yin or the Goodness of Mercy. Normally, this event is being celebrated every year and attracts tourists as far from United States, Japan, South Africa and also Netherlands. Chingay festival is a parade which teams of people will show their skills at balancing 40 foot bamboo flagpoles on their body such as heads, shoulder, hands, and knees. And lastly, Pesta Pulau Pinang is one of the cultural events that being celebrated by all races in Penang. Pesta Pulau Pinang is a carnival that being celebrated in December and it always be lively, happening and colorful carnival every year. There would have a lots of activity includes open air concerts, variety shows, food bazaars, fun fairs, pet shows, exhibitions, games and many more [5].
What is an event?
Basically events is about to have a particular function or to inform our guest that when some exciting things is going to happen and going to celebrate. For example, book launches weddings, concerts, carnivals and many more. It is more like a preparations for that particular functions to make it runs smoothly and beautifully. It starts from the PA systems, music, VIP rooms, foods, red carpet, guests and many more [6].
Cultural events that being celebrated by in Penang
Penang is famous for their cultures, ethnicities, foods and festivals. Penang’s has so many events and festivals that being celebrated throughout the year. Hence, the entire tourist from every parts of the world celebrates together with colorful happenings events in Penang. There are few festivals that being celebrated by all races in Penang such As Chinese New Year, International Dragon Boat Festival, Penang Beach Carnival, Penang Cultural Festival, Malaysia Festival and Pesta Pulau Festivals. The purpose all these festivals are held because is to gather everyone and celebrates the harmonious and unique multi culture in Penang. Many activities are held on the festival’s example fashion parades, inter-hotel competition, performance, sell handicrafts, and many more [7].
1.2 The Problem Statement
The purpose of me choosing this topic is because as we can see Penang is developing to one of the leading tourism states. Cultural and events tourism is a product which is difficult to be tested first before use, so by having the cultural events in Penang can also gives Penang recognition as a world heritage site and will be portraying the cultural diversity of Penang. On top of that, by having cultural events and festivals in Penang can analyze the number of tourists inbounds to Penang. Besides that, tourists can come over and try to experience and spread the news to everyone out there about the cultural events that being celebrated by all races in Penang. There are few popular cultural events that being celebrated such as Thaipusam, Chap Goh Meh, St. Anne’s festival, hungry ghost festival and many more. Basically, Penang is famous for their cultural diversity where they preserve their own traditions and performing arts. On top of that, Penang has own tradition of street culture, celebrations, festivals, and ethnic groups and it will be the most unforgettable moments for the tourists who come and experience the festivals. Lastly, the “Visit Calendar 2010” has their plans to make Penang as the active tourism sector.
Research Objectives/ Aims
The objective of this proposal is: