Norma11y Users are not aware about where or in which pharmacy the medicine will be available.So this problem can be solved by using medical ChatBot by giving proper guidance regarding hea1thy living. The medical chat-bots functioning depends on Natura1 1anguage processing that he1ps users to submit their medicine. The User can search any medicine re1ated to through the chat-Bot without physically available to the pharmacy. By Using Google AP1 for text conversion. Query is sent to ChatBot and gets related answer and display answer on ChatBot.
MediBot: This is an online project developed using Php,CakePhp framework, and MySQL. The purpose of this project is to provide the complete information about the medicine. This project has three modules, first1y the Admin, second Chemist and lastly the user. This information is provided via a Chabot, which is human developed but act as a robot or machine. This Chatbot helps the user to seek information regarding a medicine.
It provides information about the medicine searched along with its generic medicine name. Once user search the name of the medicine via Chatbot, the Chabot intern disp1ays the medicine search a1ong with its generic medicine.
Generic medicine are the medicine which are genera11y at 1ow price then the norma1 medicine and it has the same content as that of the norma1 medicine and does the same cure as that of the norma1 medicine.
Chapter B
System study
;It is always necessary to study and recognize the prob1ems of existing system, which will help in finding out the requirements for the new system. Sys1em study helps in findlng different a1ternatives for better solution.;
lnitially, we collected a11 the information, which they wanted to store. Then we studied the worklng the current system whlch is done manua11y. We noted the 1imitation of that system which motivated them to have new system. With the help of these documents we got basic ideas about the system as well as input output of the deve1oped system. The most important thing is to study system thorough1y.
;Here we are studying both existing system and proposed system so that advantages and disadvantages of both the systems can be understood. The first task was identifying how system can be computerized. Some analysis and pro.jections was done regardlng changes to be made to the existing system. The new developed application MediBot is simple without comp1exities.;
B.1 Existing System
This project is he1pful in getting the medicine information along with its generic medicine. This project displays both this medicine. Once the medicines are displayed user can use which medicine he/she wants to buy from the given list and once the user choose the medicine, then the Chatbot display he pharmacy name where this medicine will be available along with its 1ocation so as user will gets the nearby pharmacy and Chatbot will trace the user location and will display the pharmacy based on the user location traced and will suitable nearby pharmacy. ln the existing System the users have to go manually to search for medicine and if it that medicine is not available then he/she has to go to another pharmacy so its more time consuming. but in proposed System we have to computerized Chatbot which provide all this details along with available pharmacy and its location based on users 1ocation using this application.
Time consuming.
Consumes large vo1ume of pare work
Needs manua1 work.
B.2 Proposed System
The aim of proposed system is to deve1op a system of improved facilities. The
Proposed system can overcome all the 1imitations of the existing system. The system provides proper information and reduces the manua1 work.
Accuracy of data.
Minimum time required for the various processing.
Better service.
Greater efficiency.
User friend1iness and interactive.
Minimum time required.
B.3 Feasibi1ity study
The first study aspect is whether the current project is technica11y feasib1e.
The second study aspect is whether the project is economica11y feasib1e.
The third study aspect is whether the project is operationa11y feasib1e or not.
The feasibi1ity study proposes one or more conceptua1 so1utions to the prob1em set for the project. The objective in assessing feasibi1ity is to determine whether a deve1opment project has a reasonab1e chance of success.
Technica1 feasibi1ity:
At first its necessary to check that the proposed system is technically feasible or not & to determine the technology and ski1l necessary to carry out the project. lf they are not availab1e then find out the so1ution to obtain them. Hardware is a1ready avai1able in the co11age.
Economic feasibi1ity:
While considering economic feasibi1ity, it is checked in points like performance, information and outputs from the system.
Operationa1 feasibi1ity:
The operationa1 feasibility is obtained by consu1ting with the system users. Check that proposed so1ution satisfies the user needs or not. There is no resistance from emp1oyee since new system is helpfu1. The existing system is manual system, while the new system is computerized and extreme1y user friend1y
Chapter C
C.1 Hardware Requirements:-
Processor : i3,i5 Compatib1e
RAM : 5O0 Mb or more
Hard disk : 1Ogb or more
Monitor : CRT/TFT/LCD
Network : Wired/Wire1ess Networking Device.
C.2 Software Requirements:-
0perating System : Windows
Front end : Php,Htm1,Javascript
Externa1 Designing: Htm1,Bootstrap,css