Information System 3B
Yenziwe Zondi
Information System 3B
Yenziwe Zondi
Table of Contents
Question 1
Discuss two SDLC approaches__________________________________Page 1
Which SDLC approach will you choose to develop__________________ Page1
Discuss the SDLC phases line with the development_________________Page3
Draw Water Fall Model..________________________________________ Page4
Discuss 2 approaches of software.._______________________________Page5
Discuss the difference between a project and project manager_________Page5
Discuss the reason that can make project failure_____________________Page5
Discuss your role as project manager_____________________________Page6
Draw Class Notation__________________________________________Page7
Question 1
Predictive approach SDLC
Utilizes the cascade model accept the undertaking can be arranged ahead of time and that the data framework can be created by the arrangement. Also, necessities are surely known and have a low specialized hazard.
Prerequisite surely knew and all around characterized.
Adaptive approach SDLC
Utilizes the iterative model expect the venture must be increasingly adaptable and adjust to changing needs as the task advances. Whats more, prerequisite needs are unsure and have a high-specialized hazard.
Differences between Predictive approach and Adaptive approach SDLC:-
Predictive approach SDLC:-
Prerequisite surely knew and all around characterized
Low specialized hazard
Adaptive approach SDLC:-
prerequisite and requirements unsure
high specialized hazard
Because Predictive SDLC is a methodology that presumes that all the anticipating, the task can be delineated ahead of time and that the new data framework can be created or created by the arrangement.
1) Requirement Gathering and Analysis
During this stage, all the important data is gathered from the student to build up an item according to their desire. Any ambiguities must be settled in this stage as it were.
Business examiner and Project Manager set up a gathering with the student to assemble all the data like what the student needs to construct, will’s identity the student, what is the motivation behind the item. Before structure, an item a centre comprehension or information of the item is significant.
2) Design
In this stage, the necessity assembled in the SRS archive is utilized as an info and programming engineering that is utilized for actualizing framework advancement is determined.
3) Implementation or Coding
Execution/Coding begins once the designer gets the Design record. The Software configuration is converted into source code. Every one of the segments of the product are executed in this stage.
4) Testing
Testing begins once the coding is finished and the modules are discharged for testing. In this stage, the created programming is tried completely and any deformities found are doled out to designers to make them fixed. Retesting, relapse testing is done until the time when the product is according to the client’s desire. Analysers allude SRS record to ensure that the product is according to the client’s standard
5) Deployment
Once the product is tested, it is deployed in the production environment or first UAT (User Acceptance testing) is done depending on the Student expectation. In the case of UAT, a replica of the production environment is created and the student along with the developers does the testing. If the student finds the application as expected, then sign off is provided by the student to go live.
6) Maintenance
After the organization of an item on the generation condition, support of the item for example on the off chance that any issue comes up and should be fixed or any improvement is to be done is taken consideration by the engineers.
left350701Requirement analysis
a0Requirement analysis
3701141547591262744263979System Design
00System Design
The Waterfall Model was first Process Model to be presented. It is likewise alluded to as a direct consecutive life cycle model. It is easy to comprehend and utilize. In a cascade model, each stage must be finished completely before the following stage can start. This sort of programming improvement model is essentially utilized for the undertaking which is little and there are no questionable prerequisites.
The Structured Approach:-
Structure framework improvement: structure examination, organized plan, and organized writing computer programs are the three system that make up structure approach. Now and again these system are on the whole alluded to as organized examination and structure strategy.
The Object-Oriented Approach
The item situated methodology sees a data framework as a gathering of collaborating object that work together to achieve task. An article is a thing in the PC framework that is equipped for reacting messages.
For the registration system, I will choose Object- oriented approach because Given that the article arranged methodology sees data framework as accumulation of cooperating objects, object-situated examination characterizes the item that take every necessary step and figures out what client collaborations called(use cases) are required to finish task.
A project is an activity designed to meet the creation of a unique product or service and therefore activities undertaken to carry out routine activities cannot be regarded projects.
Project manager
A project manager is the individual responsible from the beginning to the execution for guiding a project. This involves the planning, implementation and management of the project’s individuals, resources and scope.
The primary reason for failure of the system registration is-
Undefined methods of project management
Poor IT administration and bad IT processes
Inadequate project management support
Untrained project managers
Unclear company needs and project goals
Insufficient participation of users
Project management organizes and directs other individuals within a predetermined timetable and budget to obtain a scheduled outcome. Project managers must be efficient internally and externally (managing individuals and resources) (managing public relations)
Develop the planning of the project
Recruitment and training of members of the team
Teams and team members are assigned work
Evaluation of project risks
Monitoring and monitoring of successful projects and milestones
Report the status and advancement of the project
Working directly with the customer (sponsor of the project) and other interested parties
Identification of resource requires and resource collection
Accessed on 13/ 08/ 19
Accessed on 13/ 08/ 19 BIBLIOGRAPHY l 7177 Satzinger.elal, 2015. System Analysis and Design in a changing World. sixth edition ed. 20 Channel Center Street Boston, MA 02210 USA: Cengage.