Posted: December 11th, 2024
3500 words Assignment; Critical analysis and a holistic evaluation of a shipyard undergoing major loss (Learning outcomes 2,3& 4)
Assignment task 3
Task description: Critical analysis and a holistic evaluation of a shipyard undergoing major loss (Learning outcomes 2,3& 4).
Task Length: 3500 words
Due date: 20th October 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online
XYZ shipyard is located in Singapore and specialises in the production of tankers, bulk carriers and general cargo vessels. Of late the shipyard orders for new building has come down by 40%, on account of lower freight rate and uncertainty in the bulk carrier market. Also 3 months ago there was a fire in the paint shop involving 5 fatalities.
You are the Chief Executive of PQR shipping consultancy also located in Singapore. You are an experience player and have ample experience in the operation and management of shipyards.
XYZ shipyard approaches PQR consultancy for advise and would like to get back on track, to first offset the losses and make reasonable profit in 2 years’ time.
The Task:
You need to look holistically into the activities of the shipyard, evaluate the present state of shipyard activities and produce a report for XYZ shipyard. You need to look into the following steps
01. Identify any drawbacks in the ship production processes.
02. How can you eliminate such drawbacks?
03. Is there any wastage in the process and if so how could you eliminate the same?
04. Has there been any drop in the efficiency and if so what are the probable reasons?
05. How is the morale of the work force in the shipyard?
06. Do you need to make any changes in the OHSE management procedure?
07. Any other factor/s which you would consider.
08. Does the shipyard need to divert to produce different types of vessels, based on your market evaluation?
You are required to choose a title for your report, justifying the choice in your introductory paragraph. In composing your report, you should consider the following points which will form the basis of the assessment.
• Justification of the title
• Discussion of the fundamental issues
• Analysis of the variety of roles with comments
• Conflict of interest under different engagement
Structure and presentation
• Introduction and conclusion
• Accompanying paragraphs to be linked
• Smooth and crisp writing
• Usage of correct grammar and spelling
Use large number of references form a variety of resources.
JND514 Shipyard production processes Assignment 3, a written report
Developed by Mohan Anantharaman
Synopsis of the task and context
To devise this criteria sheet for a written report of 3500 words (weighting 50 %), criteria were developed from the unrevised learning outcomes (refer to table below)
The unit coordinator, Mohan, intends to use these criteria to revise the outcomes in the next iteration of the unit, so they are fewer in number and more closely
aligned to the new criteria. For this task, students are required to look into the overall function of the shipyard operation & production processes. The perational,
safety, technical and strategic management of a shipyard.
Match between learning outcomes and criteria for the task
Learning outcomes (unrevised) Task specific criteria
On completing this unit you should be able to: To complete this task, you should:
2. Define the shipyard assembly processes including welding technology and their impacts in the issues related to fabrication.
• Demonstrate an understanding of your unit module 3,4,5
• readings and videos in modules 3,4 7 5.
• other relevant sources
• Give examples to explain the questions related Assignment 3
3.Write a word essay – Evaluate methods of dry-docking of vessels and performing various on board repairs.
• Demonstrtae an understanding of technical issuesand classification societies involvement in dry docks and shipyards. Information in earlier modules and module 6.
• Information in Module 6.
• Other relevant resources
• Give examples to explain the questions related Assignment 3
4. Develop strategies for best practices and quality assurance and safety in the shipbuilding process • Demonstrate an understanding of the iShipyard safety an strategic management as explained in modules 7 7 *. Go trough all readgings & information provided in the modules 7 & 8.
• Give examples to explain the questions related Assignment 3
Assignment 3 Weighting 50%
Criteria HD DN CR PP NN
In this report In this report In this report In this report In this report
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the Superintendent’s role in the planning process of dry docking, selection of the appropriate dry dock and preparation of the schedule for repairs/modification work to be carried out in the dry dock.. covered in your unit module 7 readings 7.1 to 7.5
• other relevant sources
2. Give examples to explain the planning and procedures for repairs and modifications. • Gone outside the unit literature to find details on dry docks, selection of dry dock and the planning process.
• You have shown how this information is relevant to effective planning of repairs and justified with appropriate examples.
• You have covered all the aspects of dry docking.
• You have provided all factors taken into account for the selection of dry dock.
• You have looked into all aspercts of the planning process.
• You have justified the planning, selection of drydock, repairs undertaken with examples and explained why they are relevant.
• Provided most of the aspects of selection and planning of drydocks.
• Provided examples to cover the above aspects
• Provided some points dealing with planning and selection of dry docks.
• Listed repairs indertaken at the drydocks.
• Some examples relevant to the above selction and planning process.
A short and general description on the Maritime conventions
1. Demonstrtae an understanding of budget planning, preparation and budget control, with respect to dry dock selection, repairs and modifications, covered in
Module 8Readings 8.1
and 8.2
2. Other relevant resources
3. P rovide relevant examples supporting your budgets.. • Your investigation is deeper incorporating details, literature and ideas from outside sources. And resources not specifically included in the course material.
• Presented examples and used case studies from outside the course material
• You may have applied real world techniques in the writing of the report or made the task more authentic. • All features of budget palnning and control have been dealt with
• All the examples you have provided are relevant and clear.
• All examples are justified using links to relevant literature and case studies.
• You have listed most of the features of budget planning and control.
• You provided more details regarding the budget and budget control but not all of sufficient detail.
• You have included some relevant examples • List a few mfeatures..
• Provided a few examples for each feature but no clear justification of why these are important.
• Didn’t cover all of the essential methods of budget and budget control..
• wrote generally about the topic rather than demonstrating an understanding of the subject matter.
Demonstrate an understanding of the inventory management of spare gear and stores for your vessel covered in
2. Your unit module 9
3. Readings 9.1 to 9.4
4. Other resources5. • Your investigation is deeper incorporating details, literature and ideas from outside sources. And resources not specifically included in the course material.
• Presented examples and used case studies from outside the course material
• All aspects of inventory control have been dealt with
• All the examples you have provided are relevant and clear.
• You have listed most of the features inventory control.
• You provided more details regarding inventory controll but not all of sufficient detail.
• You have included some relevant examples • List a few points on inventory control..
• Provided a few examples for eachpoint but no clear justification of why these are important.
• Didn’t cover all of the elements of inventory control.
• • wrote generally about the topic rather than demonstrating an understanding of the subject matter.
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