Posted: December 11th, 2024
Could you please assist me with my Discussion Questions?
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Could you please assist me with my discussion questions?”Computer Crime Techniques” Please respond to the following:Design a mock phishing method that is commonly observed today. In your method, describe details that could be asked to a victim, in order to compromise their identity or electronic account. Relate your experience of instances where you have received an email from a phishing scam. Write a page paper – Describe how you knew the email was fraudulent and rate its capacity to confuse victims into providing the targeted information. If you have never received a phishing scam by email, provide details as to what signs, or characteristics of the email, one must look out for, in order to detect a phishing scam. “Cyber-Terrorism Attacks” Please respond to the following:From the e-Activity, identify two types of cyber-terrorism attacks. Write a page paper – Describe the impact that each attack made to the organizations. Provide details on what organizations or industries across the board have done to minimize these threats from reoccurring. Write a word essay – Evaluate government agency initiatives and programs that may have been developed, as a response to cyber-terrorism attacks. “Security Ethics” Please respond to the following:Assume that you are part of a management team of a medium-size business that sells goods to consumers online. You know that your system was recently hacked, and that accounts and customer information may have been stolen. How do you respond to the situation? Will you report the incident to the authorities? Will you notify your customers? What are the reasons for your decisions? Discuss this problem as a class and draw up an action plan.”International Security Laws” Please respond to the following: You will be assigned an international security law to research. Develop a presentation outlining the impact of the US law you were assigned. A valuable resource could be soon as I get the international security law I will be assigned, I will submit it to you if that’s ok. Thanks.
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