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Cyp 3.3

CYP 33-1. 1 Outline current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within own UK Home Nation affecting the safeguarding ofChildren and young people. Nspcc Nspcc is providing help and support for children who are in poverty or in danger and make a difference for all children. UK is registered with Nspcc and gets help for children who are in the country. They provide service, advice, support, campaigning and education activities for children. The NSPCC’s local services will concentrate on important issues and groups of children most at risk: •those who experience neglect physical abuse in high-risk families (those families with violent adults, alcohol and drug abuse and mental health issues) •those who experience sexual abuse •children under the age of one •disabled children •children from certain black and minority ethnic (BME) communities •children under care. Local Nspcc provides advice and support for adults and professionals worried about a child who is in the setting. They provide service for protecting children and their safety, online services about child abuse, neglecting, bullying etc. So the setting can get help and advice from them.
In the setting, children who are at risk because of their disability or family situation, the practitioner can get help and support to help the child. Nspcc will research about the child abuse and development and help us to get new information. Child Act 2004 The Children Act 2004 provides the legal basis for children’s services set out in the Every Child Matters: This includes a common assessment of children’s needs, shared database of information that is relevant to the safety and welfare of children, early support for parent and work closely with children.
This was highlighted by the tragic death of Victoria Climbie at the hands of carers, resulting in an independent inquiry in to her death. The five outcomes of child matters are; Being healthy – children in the setting should have a good diet, go out, get fresh air, exercise and stay healthy. According to their illness, the setting provides Doctor prescribed medication at the appropriate time.. Stay safety- Every day in the setting, we risk asses the toys, in and out door and the kitchen area because it makes the environment safe for children.

Also we ensure staff children ratio, in the setting and the outing. Most toys and equipments are based on the UK safety bench marked and safety information is on it for the user to read and understand. Enjoying and achieving- ensuring the environment is safe for children so that they can explore and investigate safely, explore their knowledge and enjoy and achieve good progress. Making a positive contribution- Setting provides key person care and help and encourage children to make good relationship with staff and peers. So all of these help children to make/ achieve economic well-being in later life.
Child Act 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers- The Childcare Act 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers is the first piece of legislation that is concerned with Early Years and Childcare and introduces the early years foundation stage (EYFS). This supports settings in delivering high quality early education. In any childcare setting responsibility is the welfare and well-being of all the children in their care. All staffs are appropriately trained and that procedures are put into practice. Today settings follow early years that is introduced to child care and education system and use EYFS child development book as guidelines.
Also setting ensures all staff know how to put these policies into practise. So, the setting ensures to send all staff into safeguarding training which is provided from local authority such as how to promote children’s behaviour. If it is good behaviour, you must praise or give stickers. Children Act 1989 The Children Act in 1989 sets out principles to guide the work of local authorities and courts and also defined ‘significant harm’ and a child ‘in need’ of intervention. The act made it clear to all who worked with children what their duties were and how they should worked together in the event of child abuse.
It includes children’s rights to protection from abuse, their right to express their views and be listened to and the right to care and services for disabled children or children living away from home. In the setting, we provide a healthy and safe environment for children. For children’s safety, all visitors must sign the visitor’s book, security camera systems are in place, password protection for children and marked registration. So the setting tries to protect children from harm. The setting arranges parents and teachers meeting and gets parental advice and opinion.
The setting has its own policy and procedure which included children’s safety, parental rights and their welfare requirement and safeguarding anyone in the setting. Each and every setting in the country follows policy and procedure that belongs to the national and local legislation guidelines. The setting keeps contact with local children authority/local safeguarding children board and provides information about child abuse, neglect and any complaints. CYP 33-1. 2 Explain child protection within the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people.
Safeguarding means minimising risk, protecting children from harm and providing welfare requirements for children. Child protection is much more than safeguarding or protecting children from direct abuse. The ‘Safe action plan’ is a piece of legislation that shows an understanding that children need to be protected with a wider view of safeguarding and there are number of aspects in the wider view of safeguarding that include ? Missing children ?Children pictures passed onto the wrong hands ?Actively promoting their welfare in a health and safety environment ? Crime and bullying Forced marriages ?Provide service for children who live away from home. ?Service for disabled children ?Keep children safe from accidents Our setting will work with the children, parents/carer’s and the community to ensure the rights and safety of children and to give them the very best start in life. Our safe guarding policy is based on the three key commitment of the pre-school learning alliance safeguarding children policy and EYFS key themes and commitment. They are positive relationships, unique children, learning and development in an enabling environment.
In the setting, we ensure to encourage children and give them understanding of wider concepts of safeguarding such as road safety ? How to cross the roads, the road safety signs and when and where to cross the roads. For example, cross through zebra crossing. ?In the setting, we explain to children that without adults, they do not leave the setting. They are always going out with parents or teachers. ?Based on children’s age, their interests are different such as toddlers like to explore more than babies. So parents/carers have to pay more attention.
Explain clearly such as we are not using any tablet without permission. So if they see a tablet they will bring it to you. Children are clever and they learn and understand quickly, if you repeat again and again. ? Encourage children to understand different cultures and backgrounds so they can live in a friendly manner and help them to understand diversity. ?If anyone who comes into the contact with children directly or indirectly, they have a duty to keep children safe. For example, we ask the password protection of the child and that person should have the ability to recognise the child.
Setting uses this system to protect children from harm and ensure their safety. CYP 33-1. 3 Analyse how national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day to day work with children and young people. It is very important everyone working with children should be recognising the capability of the children. This helps carers/ parents/ practitioners to understand when and where to give help and support for them and minimise the risk of harm for the children. Every department authorities and agencies are aiming to protect children from harm and they use guidelines, policies and procedures.
So the education department has the responsibility of safeguarding children and providing guidance to local authority. Setting uses the guidelines and makes their policy and procedures to run the setting according to the law/legislation. ?Health and safety – Health and safety at work act 1974 according to this law the setting follows health and safety policy and procedure. Every day risk assessment to ensure there are no safeguarding threats in the setting and children and staff are safe. Ensure, day to day, in the setting there are proper children and staff ratio and children are not in danger.
Resource, equipments and toys are suitable for use and all hazardous things and objects are out of reach from the children. According to policy, staff can take pictures/ photos for proof of activity but it must be kept confident ial ?Child protection- Child act 1989 helps the practitioner to understand their rights and duties so practitioner can understand their duties clearly and work towards children’s wellbeing. Also, it gives guidelines and support for practitioner to deal with the allegation of abuse of the child.
Setting can follow this act to understand how to work when an incident happens and help set up setting policies and procedures in accordance with the act. The Act says ? The welfare of children must be the paramount. ?the concept of parental responsibility has replaced that of parental rights; ? local authorities are charged with duties to identify children in need and to safeguard and promote their welfare Ensure to protect children from abuse such as physical, emotional, verbal and sexual abuse, neglect and bullying. Avoid treating children in a rough, cruel manner and stop any domestic violence. Ensure children’s interests are a priority.
Outing and visiting, mobile phone complaints, uncollected/missing children, whistle blowing etc are part of safeguarding children policy and come under the legislation. ?Outing and visiting- our setting has this policy that says before an outing, the outing book should be signed with details, risk asses the way and the area, correct children and staff ratio and ensure parental permissions. Ensure staff take setting mobile phone and fast aid kit in an emergency. In and out visitors must sign in the visitors log book. ?Mobile phone- this policy says staff can’t use mobile phones in the setting and all M/phones should be in the staff locker.
During group outings a nominated staff will access the setting mobile phone. ?Making complaints – Any parent who has concerns about any aspect of the setting should talk to the manager and solve this informally. If this IS NOT SATISFACTTORY, put the complaint in writing to the setting director. This should be placed in the complaint file and the parent needs to sign. If the parent is not happy with the investigation, then there are several stages to follow such as personal meeting, recording the conversation and decision. This helps to improve the setting and protect children from harm or danger.
In any stage, parents can approach Ofsted directly. However, parents and setting leaders are informed and the setting leader will work with Ofsted or the LSCB AND ENSURE TO PRPOER INVEASTIGATION. ?Uncollected child- If the child is uncollected, at first the setting will contact the parents or guardians. If the parents provide a second authorised person, we can ask them to collect the child. If the children are not collected within one hour after the setting has closed and staff can no longer supervise the child on the premises, we contact our local authority children’s social services care team or LBE children’s Services. ?Missing child Sharing information policy Employees and employers must cooperate with authorities and outside agencies, be aware of all safety rules, procedures, safe working practices and regulations. Setting provider must check CRB for all the staff that work with the children and make sure legally they are allowed to work with children so that it is under the rules and regulations. , CYP 33-1. 4 Explain when and why inquiries and serious case reviews are required and how the sharing of the findings informs practice. There are several policies and the procedure in the setting and staff are well informed about it but some don’t follow it.
This is the reason the community or society (such as practitioners and other workers) fail to do their duty and abuse cases, bullying or neglect of young children becomes prevalent. The sharing of findings can serve as a deterrent to the practitioners who might not be practising optimally and sharing the effects of such practice will inform every one of the consequences to children, staff and parents. This will further educate and prove as a deterrent. A serious case review will always be undertaken when a child dies, and when abuse or neglect is the suspected cause of a child’s death.
In the serious case reviews, called by the local safeguarding children board (LSCB), when a child dies of abuse or neglect, the case is reviewed in depth which can help them to find more loop holes, weaknesses, carelessness or by mistakes of professionals or accuse. These points help LSCB to improve to make better progress such as provide further training or make changes in the policy or legislation. In the baby P case, the social workers failed to challenge. “Social workers were reluctant to press Baby P’s mother over her inability to explain his injuries. If social services did investigate in more depth, they could have saved the child’s life. Baby P case shows the importance of partnership working, sharing information on a need to know basis, communicate and co-operate with agencies, groups involved in the welfare and overcome problems especially amongst the hard to reach families. Also in the setting, you must follow routine or keep an accurate timeline of event. How to share infor=======================1111 CYP 33-1. 5 Explain how the processes used by own work setting or service comply with legislation that covers data protection, information handling and sharing.
The data protection Act 1998 covers personal information about individuals. In our setting, having a child protection policy covers information handling and sharing. It states that information held about children’s detail should be held for a specific purpose only. It should be adequate and kept for no longer than necessary and process with right data/information. Any data information that is changed by the parents, as soon as possible, should be updated. Individuals have the right to know about any data kept and the purpose for which it is being processed.
Individuals have the right to have any inaccurate information held about them, to be corrected, removed or destroyed. On behalf of children, the parents have right to correct the information or data. In the setting, before processing, consider if it is necessary and 100% accurate. Our setting provides forms to parents to fill and bring with proof if necessary. Any doubts about the information should be cleared by parents. All personal data must be kept secure to stop it from being lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Ensure the data is placed on a computer and make sure to place password protection on it.
The password should only be known by the designated person. Paper records should be locked and the key should be kept safe. Place all document/files out of site of unauthorised persons. When the data is no longer necessary, you can return or destroyed it. Photos of each child should be placed in a locker and not lying around the setting and out of reach of parents, cleaners or visitors. Avoid taking unnecessary photos, destroy unnecessary photos and make children’s safety a priority. Staff must ensure parent’s permission is granted to take photos in the setting.
Individual children’s information such as bullying, abuse or family matters shouldn’t be shared with all staff and can be shared with the designated child protection officer in the setting. Any problems such as abuse, talk to the child and you can record the points from the child. Use age appropriate language and do not promise the child that you are keeping this information confidential. Ensure, to tell the child that their safety will be ensured. Talk to the designated officer and share the information and also talk to the parent/carer. Any doubtful information should be verified with the parent.
If necessary, call the local children’s board. Ensure that the child is safe. CYPCore33-2. 1 Explain the importance of safeguarding children and young people. Safeguarding is not just protecting children from abuse and neglect. It also ensures good health and development, safe and effective care and ensures that children the best life chances to develop their skills and achieve. The number of children and young people suffering from abuse, neglect and maltreatment by parents and carers is increasing. Also children are dying as a result of abuse and accidents. In England, statistic shows children abused in 2003 and 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers.
In 2003, in England there were 25,700 children on the child protection legislation. In 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers this figure had risen in England to 26,400. That means the abuse rate is increasing within three years. Abuse is most common in families who were using drugs and alcohol. Children get frustration, low self-esteem and affect their development and feel sad because of abuse, neglect, and bullying. They can’t build good relationships with others and the child always feels anxious. In the society, these children are likely to be bullied by others and have behaviour problems.
In the school or setting, these children are less likely to participate in the activity and don’t develop their skills. To avoid these situations, children and young people need a happy and stimulating environment to explore and build their skills and have a good start to life. As parents and carers don’t do their duty properly/accurately and abuse children, safeguarding is important to give good opportunities to their life. Also, no one deserves to be abused whether it be physical, sexual or emotional abuse and no child or young person deserves to be neglected and we as a society have a duty to protect them from harm.
Every child deserves to live without the fear of harm or abuse. Safeguarding helps to protect children from harm and they are more likely to grow up as confident members of society. CYPCore33-2. 2 Explain the importance of a child or young person centred approach. Child centred approach means giving much importance to the idea that children need to be protected, loved, cared, nurtured and protected from the adults neglect and abuse and ensure living happily. Parents, guardians or carers should promote children’s rights to choose according to children’s interest, make connections and communicate.
From a child’s point of view, child- centred approach is completely respects them and they are not violated. Centred approach provide children with choices that encourages children to be independent and explore such as in the setting drawers are made at a suitable height for children’s age and the stage they can open and explore based on their interest. Exploring helps children to investigate and gain experience and expand their knowledge without help which means children are encouraged to follow their own educational path.
Child centred approach can be individually or in a small group, they can communicate with each other and listen to one another which helps to improve their communication. Children’s senses play a big role such as children listen, see different things, touch and feel different textures. So a child centred approach helps children to use their senses and develop their knowledge and explore their surrounding. Adult can understand that every child is different, the national framework of Every Child Matters was set up to support the joining up of service to ensure every child can achieve five outcomes.
During the play, children are encouraged to interact with each other, explore materials and relationship, build friendships and self-esteem, learn to socialise, work in a group and share things. Also children can involve in decision making. In child centred play, the setting practitioner takes on a new role in seeing how play develops rather than directing play. Therefore, children become more creative and enhance communication skill with one another. Materials are child centred so ccording to individual’s interest, age and the stage of development, they use their own knowledge and ability independently to explore the environment according to children’s likes and dislikes. Early years EYFS development is the best way of learning for children according to their age and stage. CYPCore33-2. 3 Explain what is meant by partnership working in the context of safeguarding? The importance of partnership working to safeguard is that the agencies, organizations, local authorities and professionals need to work together to share information about children and reduce the harm and risk to children and promote their welfare.
In the safeguarding partnership context, each professional has different roles, there are policies, procedures and legislations for them to follow and these are the guidelines. Different agencies have professionals /experts and vulnerable children need coordinated help from health, education, social care, senco and other voluntary organisation and advice. So it is important to have relationship or communication with all the different services available.
Such as the setting needs to know when and where to contact if a child has speech problem, learning difficulties or physical disabilities to get help and develop/establish the child’s situation. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children depends on effective partnership working between agencies and professionals. People who are involved in the children’s welfare such as doctors, health visitor, police, social service, child minder, schools, children’s clubs and all community members have a duty and responsibility to safeguard children by communicating with each other.
The common assessment framework is a shared assessment tool for usage across all Children’s Services and all Local Areas. It aims to help early identification of needs and promote co-ordinated service provision. It is a shared assessment and planning framework for all communication and that information is shared between different professionals and organisations. The assessment framework centres on child safeguarding and promoting welfare. According to the practitioner’s judgment, provide extra support for children’s additional needs, to achieve the 5 outcomes. CYPCore33-2. Write a page paper – Describe the roles and responsibilities of the different organisations that may be involved when a child or young person has been abused or harmed. Social services/police roles and responsibilities are: • Social services provide support for vulnerable children and families. During an alleged child abuse case, both of these investigate the situation and find evidence to support abuse or neglect. This is known as child protection inquiries. If the child is not abused or neglected, the enquiry ends. Otherwise, if there are any supportive evidences of any suspicion, the investigation will continue.
If the child’s name is placed on the Child Protection Register, then a Protection Plan is put in place and specific professionals are given responsibilities towards the child. *If the allegation concerns sexual abuse, serious physical abuse or neglect, the Police will also be involved. The family, if the first language is not English, can get interpreter’s help and advice to check their culture. The police have an investigation unit call CAIU. This unit gathers information about abuse from different agencies and departments such as social services, school and take emergency action if the child is in danger.
This may result in the child being removed from home, investigated and make their decision. If the crime has been committed, then attend the court. Paediatrician- (a doctor who specialises in treating children(Department of NHS). With parent’s permission, a paediatrician can examine/check the children’s health and physical and medical condition and issue the report about the child. If the parental permission is refused, a court order may be sought, so the examination can continue. The paediatrician issues the report about children’s health condition.
General practitioner (Department of NHS primary care): the role of a GP is to maintain their skills in recognising if a child is being abused or neglected. If the GP has any doubt about any individuals, he/she must report to the social local services. GP must submit the abused child’s previous medical reports to the police or social services. They should contribute to children’s social care report and attend to the court. Setting/practitioner – Share the information only on a need to know basis according to their policy. They should pass the abuse or neglect information to child protection officer or setting manager.
They should talk to the parent and get their explanation and information and any doubt must be passed onto social services or local children’s board as soon as possible. Ensure the child’s safety. NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) the NSPCC is the only third-sector organisation (charity) which has the statutory power, alongside the police and children’s social services, to take action when children are at risk of abuse. The NSPCC also uses confidentiality information sharing system. First priority is to protect the child from further abuse or neglect.
Child welfare is the main priority during the investigation. An investigation by the local authority’s child protection team may lead to a child being placed on the child protection register and/or being removed from home if they are considered to still be at risk. NSPCC: •Provides support for children and families in situations such as domestic violence or abuse. • Provides support via telephone line to home-based childcare workers on whether to refer a situation to social services. •Provides helpline for people to call if a child is in danger, getting abused, harmed or neglected. Local Safeguarding children’s board-
LSCB’s duty is to protect children from harm, abuse or neglect. Ensure the effectiveness of the work including undertaking serious case reviews and collecting and analysing information about child deaths. School Develop awareness of children’s knowledge about what is accepted and unaccepted behaviour in the school/setting. Know, support and protect children who are identified as being at greater risk – that is on the ‘at risk register’. Observe signs of abuse and record. School and settings should provide information to the police for future criminal proceedings that might take place under child protection issues.
A Health Visitor’ s roles and responsibilities are: • A health visitor has a crucial role in protecting children from harm and abuse. They are one of the first to recognise children who are likely to be abused or neglected. A health visitor plays a big part in all stages of a child protection process including case reviews. They support the health of babies and children under the age of five. • They are trained to a high level to recognise any risks that the child might be in. The health visitor will visit parent’s home so they can gather information such as signs which will enable a health visitor to understand the home situation e. . any signs of neglect, abuse. The health visitor will need to have ongoing contact with the family if abuse or neglect is suspected. Health visitors should use their own judgement on when to share information with other agencies. Child Psychology service: Child psychology deals not only with how children grow physically but with their mental, emotional and social development as well. It is the responsibility of all adults to work to prevent abuse and neglect, to protect children from harm and to identify and report concerns about child abuse. Provide support for children who have experienced abuse or harm.
Mental Health Services •Identify whether abuse or neglect is a factor in a child’s mental health problems. •Assess whether a child’s illness is real or made up by a carer seeking attention. • Assessment and treatment of people with mental health problems who abuse and creating reports for court. • -CAFCASS- is the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service. •Safeguard the welfare of children in court cases involving the family. •Ensure that the child’s views are heard and that they are properly represented in court. •Provide information, advice and support to families and children.
CYPCore33-3. 1 Explain why it is important to ensure children and young people are protected from harm within the work setting. Ensuring children and young people’s safety and protection in the setting is an essential part of safeguarding and promoting their welfare. One step to ensure that children and young people are safe from harm is to ensure that every member of staff has undergone a Criminal Records Bureau check. All workers in the setting, starting from the manager to the dinner ladies and cleaner needs to be CRB approved because all of them are working in the children’s environment.
Everyone within the work setting has, theoretically, the opportunity to harm children and therefore every one need to have a CRB check. This means every staff have permission to work with children. According to safeguarding, there are so many policies and procedures such as outing and visiting, medicine, sharing information, mobile phone usage, missing and uncollected children etc. These policies are in place for children’s safety and wellbeing. We have a duty to read and follow that to protect children’s lives and fulfill their needs similar to that of a parent’s care.
As a carer/practitioner, if we have a doubt about children’s welfare, we should discuss this with child protection officer in the setting and make sure all the information id up to date and kept confidential. Children and young people need energy to play, so in the setting ensure to provide good healthy foods with good nutrients. Help them and provide good hygienic routine such as nappy change on time, encourage washing their hands etc. Children have opportunity to make decisions and develop the level of independence that is age appropriate. The setting must be child centred and plan activities according to the children’s interest.
Ensure their cultural and religious beliefs are included. Part of our responsibility is ensuring that no child is left behind at work. Some children may have development delays and others need extra support and may have additional learning needs. The practitioner ensures to encourage these children and provide extra care to learn and develop. These children and young people have an equal right to be protected from harm and develop their knowledge within their educational setting in accordance with safeguarding policies. Young people and children are vulnerable.
They need support and are less likely to defend themselves. So they can easily be bullied, neglected, harmed or abused. In the setting, ensure to take care and provide safety such as observe the children in and out of the setting, make note of any signs of abuse and always ask parent/carer to explain the signs or symptoms that are of any concern. Practitioners need to be a good role model so that children can follow you to build up their skills. Parents leave their children in the care of practitioners with high expectations and they trust the setting members/staff that their children are safe.
They expect people will provide good care and education and develop children’s knowledge and ability. We as professionals have duty to fulfil their expectations and prove we are trustworthy and respect the rules and regulations. We are professionals, have a responsibility to follow the setting rules and regulations and safeguard the children in the setting. Our duty of work is to protect children from harm and abuse and develop their skills and knowledge such as provide opportunity for children to learn and develop, to play, communicate and make relationships etc.
So as practitioners, we have to carry out our duty actively and promote the wellbeing of every child. Failing to do so is not only unprofessional but a gross breach of professionalism. CYPCore33-3. 2 Explain policies and procedures that are in place to protect children and young people and adults who work with them. Policy and procedure for children and adult-In the setting, policies and procedure are in place to help make a safe environment for children and adults who are working in the setting. Employers have a duty of care towards their employees under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and require safe working environments.
Some policies are made not only for children but includes both children and adult such as health and safety policy, Equality opportunity etc. Health and safety policy in the setting covers children’s and adult’s safety in the work place. Lifting and handling and creating safe environments are all part of the health and safety policy. Also, health and safety policy includes children’s safety as well such as making sure the environment is safe for children and that all staff must be CRB clear. That is a way of protecting children and young people in the premises.
The setting has a policy and procedure that supports safe working environment. Duty and trust- adult working in the education setting is a position of trust related to young people in their care. We are working in a trust worthy position, so setting, parent and children trust on you, behalf of children’s welfare and safeguarding. That mean you have authority or responsibility over the children such as take care of the children, make recoding of the routine in honestly, managing children’s behaviour effectively ect.
Power of position- Use your position to gain access to information for children’s own advantage and need of parents. Everyone has a legal obligation that involves a duty to care. Policies and procedures will guide practice through appropriate recording processes where concern is present or daily logbooks completed eg. nappy changing, providing medicine, regulate against mobile phone and video use, ensure that everyone in contact with children has the correct clearance to be tending for children alone, or work in partnership that supports witness testimony.
Listening to children and young people- Ensure to listen to the children and concern about what they saying to you, that can give use full information. Avoid keeping / never keeping that information secret if it is related to safeguarding. It is important that you record and report any concern. Working in open and trans parent way-The benefit of children and staff, setting is planed as an open plan such as inside the setting and it rooms’ layout are open pland and clear of vision, practitioner can see the whole room without barriers, that help to observe children in any ware.
Also the practitioner/staff tolerate alone in the setting. This helps staff to work in a more appropriate way. Physical contact and propriety behaviour – All setting have a policy about how to manage physical contact with young people and behaviour management, as a staff/carer you can fallen over cuddle and recover children and get back in to the play or routine. Also you have to show good expectable behaviour that help children to follow you. The setting has nature of the routine some time during the routine children can be vulnerable such as during the examination, toileting, nappy or clothes changing, soiling and cleaning.
These are normal in day to day task but never do this in the room out of sight. Ensure staff should be there with professional contact. Physical contact with children never is secretive. If member of staff can be misinterpret the action, which you done. During these time children are not victim of abuse, bulling or discrimination, experiences of this can damage lives and prevent what a setting aims to provide in terms of children achieving their potential and securing positive outcomes for themselves.
Photograph and video recording- photograph and videoing are good proof for parent, which shows day to day how children are occupied in the setting and enjoying. There are some people are misuse this system and misguide the children’s photos. So it is important to follow rules; •Children’s photos and video are not available to anyone other than parent, carer and guardian. Need parental permission to take photos and videos by writing. Parents, carer or visitors can’t use their own cameras in the setting without permission.
Safety of children staff/key person can’t use their own mobile camera to take pictures, photos or videos according to setting policy. CYPCore33-3. 3 Write a word essay – Evaluate ways in which concerns about poor practice can be reported whilst ensuring that whistleblowers and those whose practice or behaviour is being questioned are protected. There is a legislation in place called the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 which was put in place to protect whistleblowers. Also, there is a body called the Standards Board for England Whistle blowing policy and procedure which works within the legislation.
Firstly, there is a standard procedure in place for whistleblowers in terms of who they should report their concerns to e. g. line manager if it is about an employee, if it concerns the line manager then it should be reported to the Human Resources Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage r and further up the chain. This in itself is important in minimising chaos and increases the likelihood of preventing victimisation for the whistleblower. In the child care setting manager deal the situation. She can give warning to the accuse 1. Easy warning 2. Written warning 3. Immediate action, during the immediate action the can dismiss the accuse.
Likewise, the nature of the concern should be described in detail and this will ensure fairness and thoroughness which again will prevent injustice to either party. The information received will be held under the data protection act and therefore confidentiality is maintained as much as possible. This prevents publicising details and victimising both parties. Employees are informed thoroughly that such concerns ought to be in good faith and they ought to believe what they out forth to be reasonably true. This encourages truth/ deters employees whose intentions are questionable.
Finally, the report against an individual ought to be qualified i. e. threat to an invidual’s safety, criminal offence, damaging to the environment etc. The whistleblower has rights to take the employer to employer’s tribunal if they feel they have been unfairly treated following a valid concern being reported. All concerns are investigated discreetly unless it becomes necessary to know and discuss with the individuals involved. Their identity will not be disclosed without their consent. The managers ought to take necessary actions to protect the parties involved once they have received the complaint and feel it is necessary.
Finally, the HR department has to ensure the following: Informing the individual about the concerns and any evidence available, inform in writing the next steps, allow the accused person to reply to the concerns made, make them aware that they can be accompanied at any interview by a trade union rep etc, give details of employee support systems and the Standards Board can also provide support or counselling in ensuring smooth working relationships in the future. CYPCore33-3. 4 Explain how practitioners can take steps to protect themselves within their everyday practice in the work setting and on off site visits.
Gift given and receiving- this is unaccepted according to the setting. This is against the low for public servant to take bribes. Staff takes care and do not accept the gift they might be consider as a bribes. Generally, only give gifts to an individual young person as part of an agreed reward system where giving gifts other than as above, ensure that these are of insignificant value and given to all children equally. Sing in and out for safety- singing in and out of the setting is important because that shows at what time you are availability.
During that time something happen in the setting may be you are not available. Some member of staff can misinterpret/suspicion you as an accused. So sing in and out is a proof you are not available in the setting. Before outing make sure to record in the outing book such as name of the staff, children and outing time etc. Follow the policy and procedure- during outing make sure at least two member of staff need to be present because if something happen there are witness for you and safety for children- Health and Safety issue.
Suitable staff children ratio is important to safeguarding children, an emergency someone with you in outing to protect children from harm. Avoid being alone in the room- specially nappy changing, dress and undress the children you must open the door. Everyone can see you and they are not suspecting you as an abuse or harm of the child. Record with proof- if you provide medicine for children ensure to get witness singed. In case parents can suspicion you. In an accident or incident make sure to record and ask witness to singed as proof. We are hand in the medication, checked that is prescribed to the child and child’s name on the medicine.
New child attend- Practitioner talk to the parent and ask information about the child such as allergy reactions, any illness, because we have to make sure child’s safety and our protection. Child’s day good/bad-Also in the morning child attend to the setting make sure their health and condition and mood because of both of us safety. The child is moody/ ill so we can pay attention to them. CYPCore33-4. 1 Write a page paper – Describe the possible signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern in the context of safeguarding. Physical abuse is, deliberately coursing physical harm to the child.
That child involving/someone make harm like punching, kicking, biting, shaking, pushing, cuts batting and sharking etc. According children’s heritage colour of the sing is can change Asian or African bark bluish and it could be lower back or buttocks area. English children’s this sing could be dark maroon. YUO CAN SEE, sing of physical abuse in the child arms, back, face and neck with finger marks or hand print with bruise or skin colour is turn in to dark’ Also some children has birth mark in the different areas, So ensure the differences of these.
Some time child is abused but you can’t see the marks but it can give pain and internal injuries. Some children attitude can be changed, before the abuse child is happy and explore and active but after the child is very quite sit in one place and unhappy, this differences help you understand the something wrong with the child. Symptoms and sing; •Unexplained marks, bruise, injuries or woone •Wearing heavy clothes to cover the injuries, even the good weather. •Refuse to understand PE or games in the setting/school. •Repeated running away from home. Fear for medical examinenation •Fear for physical contact. • Neglect- which can result in failure to thrive, do not provide enough foods, warmth, shelter, clothing, care and protection. you can experience dirty skin and hair, dirty or soiled clothing, inappropriate clothing for the weather, hunger and stealing food, tiredness, being withdrawn, being left unsupervised and not being given any medical care. Other Symptoms; •Poor personal hygiene •Constant hunger •Constant tiredness •Poor state of clothes •Lack of normal body weight •No social relationship
Sexual abuse- the child forced or persuaded into sexual acts or situation by others. The sing or symptoms are •Sexual knowledge or behaviour is inappropriate to the child. •Medical problems such as chronic itching, pain in the genitals. •Depression, self-mutilation, suicide attempts and running away. •Being isolated or withdrawn. • In ability to concentrate •Personality changes such as become insecure. •Regressing to younger behaviour Patten. •Drawing sexually explicit pictures. Emotional abuse- child are not given love, constantly criticised, blamed and shouted.
You can experience low self-esteem, attention seeking behaviour, nervous behaviour, continual rocking, hair twisting, delayed development, and self-mutilation. You can see sudden speech problem, fear of any new situation and extremes of withdrawal or aggression. CYPCore33-4. 2 Write a page paper – Describe the actions to take if a child or young person alleges harm or abuse in line with policies and procedures of own setting. All the setting have a policy and procedure about child abuse accotding to child protection act under the safeguarding.
That policy and procedure help staff to follow and take further action. If a child alleges that child been abused, you should: Recognition-In the setting member of staff recognise any sort of sing of abuse, the staff must politely talk to the child and find out the reason of the sing. During the conversation do not asked any cross question or interrupt the child. Listen – lsaen to the child carefully and attentively, if you can record the communication by writing or record by tape. Also see/note the child’s body language such as fear, voice is change or different.
Try not to display shock or disbelief and do not make any under pressure. Acceptation and reassuring – after the communication to except what she/he says. Explains to the child “you are in safe side, we take care of you do not fear. Don’t promise- never promise to keep a child’s allegation secret. If the child asked any promise such as do not pass the information to someone. Ensure to don’t promise to the child and make sure child is safe and make sure their behaviour is normal. Criticise- Don’t criticise the perpetrator- the child may well still love him or her.
If you have doughty don ‘t talk in the setting in front of others or children. Pass information- Pass the information to the manager, show any evidence such as marks, burse or any injuries. Parents/carer interfere-Talk to the parent, asked their explanation sometime it make you saltiest or they will ignore you or argue with you, depend on situation take further action. Confidentiality and care– all the information is confidential and if any doughty call local children safeguarding board as soon as possible and within 14 days contact by writing to the Ofsted.
If the child is unsafe call local social service. Outside office hours, referrals should be made to the Social Services Emergency Duty Team or the Police. CYPCore33-4. 3 Explain the rights that children, young people and their careers have in situations where harm or abuse is suspected or alleged. Children and their parent have rights the case of suspected abused. In the case of abuse older children have clear idea of what need to be done in their safety protection and wellbeing.
This includes the right from protection from abuse, the right for the individual to express their views and listen to them. Disabled children should have the right to be cared for and services put into place either if they are living at home or they live away from home. •A child has the right to be protected against significant harm (children’s act 1989, every child matters 2004, United Nations Convention on the rights of the child etc). Children and young people receive help so they can express themselves. Need to understand what is happening that help to make decisions. A child/young person has the right not to be subjected to repeated medical examinations or questions following suspected abuse. Children should contribute their own account of their own views, they should be listened to and within certain circumstances these should be applied, but when a child is in significant harm then you would look at the child’s best interest to make them safe and happy. They should be fully informed of everything that is happening to them so that make not confused they and clear in to their point of view. Parents/carers.
The parents/carers have the right to be informed of suspected abuse and have the rights to know what is being said about them and to contribute their own views. •If a child is in significant harm, parents/carers have no rights when it comes to confidentiality within information sharing to the right agencies (social services). CYPCore33-5. 1 Explain different types of bullying and the potential effects on children and young people. There are different type of bulling recently electronic bulling is increasing this include threatening mobile text and E-mail messages.
Children feel unhappy, sad and get low self-esteem. Unequal – bullying involves a power imbalance whether in size, number, status or access to limited resources) •Physical aggression,- It is a criminal offence to hurt someone by touching them in a violent manner. pushing, kicking •Indirect Bullying: A less obvious, but equally damaging, form of bullying is indirect bulling. Children become a victim of indirect bullying when they are ignored or not allowed to join in games with their peers. • Cyber Bullying: The form of bullying that is on the greatest increase is cyber-bullying.
As the use of social networking sites increases, so too does the possibility of internet abuse. •Emotional- Affect the child emotionally. •Name calling/verbal- this verbally bulling by name calling. Also children bulling in another difference ways •Teasing, Racist or homophobic taunting, •Taking money or possessions, •Rude, threatening or obscene gestures, •Repeated sarcastic remarks Potential effect of bulling •Wanting to stay around adults •Threatened or attempted suicide •Depression and running away •Isolation •Low self-esteem •Unexplained bruises or scratches •Damaged or missing clothes or belongings Extreme hunger after school •Unwilling to walk or take the bus to school •Poor attention and progress in lessons •suddenly does not want to go to the setting when he usually enjoys it •l unexplained cuts and bruises CYPCore33-5. 2 Outline the policies and procedures that should be followed in response to concerns or evidence of bullying and explain the reasons why they are in place. According to the low all schools are required to have anti bulling policy. Those bulling ruin children’s lives. Education department is clear that no form of bulling should be tolerated in the school.
School must have Bulling Policy is in place to; •Promote children’s positive behaviour and wellbeing of pupils in the school. •Preventing all forms of bulling amongst other pupils/children • Encourage good behaviour and respect for others, on the part of the pupils/children in the school This policy links to the Every Child Matters Outcomes of Stay Safe, Be Healthy and Make a Positive contribution. •To make it clear that all forms of bullying are unacceptable •To enable everyone to feel safe while at premises and encourage pupils to report incidences of bullying •To deal effectively with bullying To support and protect victims of bullying and ensure they are listened to •To help and support bullies to change their attitudes as well as their behaviour and understand why it needs to change •To liaise with pupils, parents and other appropriate members of the school community •To ensure all members of the school community feel responsible for combating bullying •To ensure consistency in practice within the setting/school community •Recording the incident and keep it. In the setting we have positive behaviour policy that holds some information on bullying.
The children under the age of 5 don’t bullying each other. Research suggests that 85 per cent of children aged five to eleven years have experienced bullying in some form, such as name- calling, being hit or kicked. In the setting we promoting positive behaviour and on handling children’s behaviour where it may require additional support; Also access relevant sources of expertise on promoting positive behaviour within the programme for supporting personal, social and emotional development in the setting. CYPCore33-5. Explain how to support a child or young person and/or their family when bullying is suspected or alleged. If someone is being bullying they feel upset, worried and sad in side, if they feel to talk someone and they want to know you will take problem seriously. If it is older child you may asked to write down in detail what may happen any witness and get more information. In this situation you deal with the problem better. Ensure reassure the victim and investigate if more problems are remaining. Young people and children are under the age of five less likely to involving in bulling.
Even our setting under the behaviour management, we encourage positive behaviour by praising or provide stickers, ignored unaccepted behaviour. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requires that: ‘children’s behaviour must be managed effectively and in a manner appropriate for their stage of development and particular individual needs. Practitioners and the child or young person’s parents or carers should work together to identify any such behaviour. The child or young person needs help to improve personal and social skills, including assertiveness techniques and conflict resolution.
You may be able to provide support for a child young person. Support victim •encourage to talk with •Talk to them out of sight of children •Listen to the child or young person •Believe what they tell you •Reassure them, take their complaint seriously •Write down exactly what happen and who was there •Do not promise to keep it secret •Tell them you will help them by telling someone in authority •Explain how you will investigate the complaint •Be back in touch with them as soon as you have news. •encouraging the child or young person to talk
Talk to the parent and let them explain how they are feeling. Direct them in to useful information so that they can start to think how to support their child. You can help parent-. To seek advice from the SENCO in your setting or school, Provide web site such as Bullying UK, ChildLine or NSPCC to get help or advice. CYPCore33-6. 1 Explain how to support children and young people’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Children feel happy, safe and secure; have good relationship and familiar environment that help them to feel good about themselves.
Children who have high self-esteem will do better in many aspects of development and perform in better way. Practitioner’s duty is to encourage to build children’s self-esteem in different ways such as; •By praising, ensure to rise up your voice and lot of praise for children. That helps other children to do their work in better way. •Always listen to children and pay attention in different ways. •Encourage independence and choice, with many opportunity to try things out •Let them try new things, don’t criticize give a freedom to make their own dissection such as choose their clothes to dress. Encouraging cooperation, respect and tolerance between children, and be a positive •Involve yourself in your child’s life by asking them what went well each day and also by talking about your day and what went well for you. •Help children to be assertive. •Try to do something in collaboration with your child, for example, making a cake, shopping, tinkering with the car. •Be positive about mistakes. Build in the message that making mistakes is part of growing and learning. •Give your child small tasks of responsibility appropriate to their age. •Be aware of your child’s needs.
If you know a child finds change difficult, find a way of marking/measuring the time to the event happening; use a calendar or encourage the youngster to find their own way of recording. CYPCore33-6. 2 Analyse the importance of supporting resilience in children and young people. CYPCore33-6. 2 Analyse the importance of supporting resilience in children and young people. Children’s are different and some are bone with good attitude such as intellectual ability and a placid, cheerful temperament, are associated with resilience. Others bone with less likely to resilience need help and few of others are premature and have disabilities.
Some children born with mixture of resilience need extra help and encouragements. Children can build up resilience through experience and support. Many factors can positively affect a child’s resilience. •Children’s secure early attachments, •Good sense of self identity, • Confidence to try new things, • Ability to try new things, • Ability to act independently, •Confidence of being loved by family and friends. In the early attachment children feel safe and secure that helps them to build confidence about themselves and feel happy.
Listen to children, pay attention to them, give them feeling they are important to us. Let them try new things, stay behind closely so they know there is an adult there if they need them -. In this situation children feel safer and secure more confidence to try new things. Example Babies are like to sit with mum/adult without them they will start to cry if the baby use to the environment and feel confidence the baby move/ coral away and come back after few days the baby play alone and stand by holding. The child is doing/try some activity praise the child.
If the child says “I, can’t do it and it is wrong” you have duty to encourage the child such as the child try puzzle or build with block the child is unhappy, you say no this is colour full and tall well don how did you learn to balance. This gives good sense of identity. During the circle time talk to the children and ask them to tell how they spend their weekends, ask some question about foods or ask to sing a nursery rhymes one by one. These help to build independent speaking skills. Adults can help in the manner we deal and speak with them to resilience.
The child run and fall down parent don’t help the child and say get up and give magic rub the child get confidence and stand up and give a rub that help to build resilience. Children who are helped to build up good resilience are able to cope with change much better – transitions – going up to school, becoming more independent in seeing to their own needs. They feel good within their own skin – and feel more able to attempt things. •Giving children a little responsibility – perhaps being in charge their clothes – helping to tidy up or something they like to help with and/or able to do. Teaching them how to behave to others that promotes their behaviour and dispositions such as helping each other and says thank you •Teach children to solve problems and make decisions put all farm animals together ask children to separate it in to groups. CYPCore33-6. 3 Explain why it is important to work with the child or young person to ensure they have strategies to protect themselves and make decisions about safety. As a practitioner we have responsibility to protect children from harm but children have to learn how they protect themselves in the case of risk and make their own safety.
They need the knowledge and the know how to help protect and safeguard themselves. Practitioner can help children to understand how to keep them safe; Teaching them effectively about dangers situation and how to make them safe Show the animation film about how electrical shocks such as wires are on the floor children do not touch or pull walk away from it. If some wires ling on the floor, don’t touch and go and complain to the teacher. Teach them outside safety/road safety -Speaking to and reinforcing how to behave with higher risk activities such as outdoor activities -going to park.
Children are young some situation in the park children can move to the road or meat the strangers in the street or park. Explain most people are care and protect children but some are not nice, better to avoid strangers on the street or park but not necessary to fear. Reinforce that this should never happen to them. Teach some road sings children can learn to take care themselves. *Cross the road with signal light with green light or man sing, *walk on the payment *young children always hold children’s hand when walk on the road.
Yell- If someone is hurting you tell them to yell, shout or scream, this is acceptable when someone is hurting you. Explain to children-Do not accept money, sweets or gifts from anyone without your parents/carers permission. Most of the time it will be okay to have because the gifts will be for their birthday or a present from grandparents. But some people will try and make you do things that you shouldn’t so if something from other people get parent/carer promotion. Chemicals/tablets- Explain to children chemicals are dangers and harm you so children we don’t use or touch it.
That will burn our skin/hand. Tablets are harm for the body children we are not eat it. If we found it give to parent/carer and don’t put in to your mouth. According to children’s age, proved activities or sessions to understand make safety such as cartoon, read stories and video films these activities children to u

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