In the 1800s slavery in America was very normal, nobody looked in on. The slaves often came from Africa where they were picked up by boat and were brought to America. They were in America on the slave market to people sold into slavery, which they then had to work. The slaves had no rights and nothing to say. This went on for years like this. More and more people used their minds and there were also whites disagreed. There were people in revolt in 1860 and caused a civil war to liberate the slaves. Before the end of the civil war in 1863 President Abraham Lincoln
abolished slavery. The black still had many problems in life. As they were much poorer than whites and were less and other rights they had were for example in some places not come. The black were seen as inferior. Also, they were often threatened or attacked by whites. Usually they were a member of whites than whites club called Ku Klux Klan, that society was against black people. Black was wrong according to their species / breed, so they were often threatened and discriminated against by the whites. Some examples of these measures against black: The training was for black people often less than the programs of the white people. She also had a different school than the white man, who was usually a worse school, which had a lower level. Many public places were forbidden for black people as I have mentioned such as cinemas, parks, etc. Even at the oddest places and you saw a difference against the black, for example, the toilets were of black and whites were separated so much bad for black than of whites. Also, the stores where no black people were allowed, they were such as to another shop for clothes when they had money for. This went on for years like this until finally there was a man who stood for the rights of people and especially the black Martin Luther King (Jr.).
2. Who is Martin Luther King (Jr.)?
Martin Luther King (Jr.) was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta (Georgia) in the United States of America. His parents were both learned men. His mother was Alberta Christine Williams and his father was named Martin Luther King.
His father was a pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church, there met his wife know. He was also a civil rights activist. The King family was a good and wealthy black family from Atlanta. The father of Martin Luther King could not racism against the black bear. He taught his children than that racism was bad and that everyone was equal. This anti-racist education was critical of Martin Luther King Jr..’s Further life. Martin was at a younger age preoccupied with religion and found it very interesting. He wanted to become a pastor himself, but really wanted more he wanted people to think. On July 18, 1953 married Martin Luther King (Jr.) with Coretta Scott she is a musician and she was also someone who advocated equal rights and follower of the work of her husband. Together they had children too Yolanda Denise (1955), Martin Luther III (1957), Dexter Scott (1961) and Bernice Albertine (1963). In 1955 after he had finished his studies, he became minister in Montgomery, Alabama city. This is one of the southern states where the difference between black and white was well made. Scott Correta his wife had really not looking to go back to the southern states, because she was sick of it. She grew up with apartheid and hatred of the negro. But
 Martin Luther King (Jr.) considered it his duty to the south to work hard. He wanted to make sure the black people a better future. His stay in Montgomery led him straight into the everyday problems of black people, he was also only 26year. In 1960 he returned to Atlanta, where it came from. In October 1960 he was arrested in a sandwich shop, but not because of his actions, but for a trivial traffic violation. He was imprisoned. This case has received attention across the country eventually did Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy free. He also had a few awards such as Nobel Peace Prize (1964), received by Pope Paul VI in Rome, man of the year by Time Magazine (1963), statue in New York, National Day in USA (Martin Luther King day) and many honorary degrees worldwide.
3. Position and the followers of Martin Luther King & Criticism (Jr.).
Martin Luther King (Jr.) fought for the civil rights of the people. He was sure that every person was equal and the same rights, meaning that while blacks and whites who wanted equal. He also had a great example that was Mhatma Gandhi from India who was also against violence was. The Indians came in opposition to the British under the leadership of Gandhi, because India was formerly a colony of England. The Indians had to work hard and really made use of the English. Gandhi was right that they fought against it, but wanted it without violence, nonviolent resistance So, like King did. King has worked on include the abolition of apartheid in the bus (bus boycott) and in public places. Through the good speeches and sermons of Martin Luther King (Jr.) wanted a lot of people both black and whites to campaign they were hopeful of him. Martin Luther King (Jr.) was for nonviolence and against discrimination and found that blacks and whites were equal. That was his dream.
The supporters of King were especially poor black people. They saw King as their leader and gave their hopes for their rights arose. King by his actions, people could express their rage and show that they disagreed. The supporters were therefore often very poor and had no money. The children were raised by only their mother, because fathers often had to fight in the Vietnam War. The women often work, but were very poorly paid. Mostly clear was their boss and then as their inferior, and then was underpaid. Usually attended the black together together together in a neighborhood, a slum. Where no white people in sight, the black and whites lived are often separated. Also, the white people who join the thinking of Martin Luther King (Jr.) that also put their thinking. But it is mainly black supporters were in bad conditions, they relied on King, he was their hope.
Despite the great King aanhand there was indeed critical. People were angry with him because actions often students who left school and participate in its actions. Sometimes children or young children of primary schools involved. Around 1961 and 1962 was marching through the streets of Albany (Georgia). As someone who march on Martin Luther King asked why he used children in the demonstrations that answer: that children have to express themselves and to demonstrate against the injustice done to all of their birth. It was also particularly about the future of the children. There was also criticism among blacks, who felt that everything should go faster. She wanted more rapid improvements in their situation. She wanted to use force, because they thought it might be faster. King continued to stand behind his position. He continued to believe that nonviolent resistance was the best thing they could do. Violence would only bring more violence and hatred would arise. Despite continued criticism by King fight.
4. What did Martin Luther King (Jr.) for the black stuff and what did he outside de U.S.A?
Martin Luther King (Jr.) demanded of the black that they used no violence, that nonviolent resistance was the best. It was difficult for black people angry to calm and quiet, but he managed with difficulty. He taught them some violent resistance was.
1. It’s really any resistance. It takes courage, not for the fainthearted.
2. It is not intended to defeat your opponent, but your opponent will understand.
3. The attack is focused on the injustice done in the world. Not against the people.
During a speech in Chicago, said Martin Luther King (Jr.): “The violent man not only refuses to shoot his opponent but he refuses to hate him. That the Americans found strange. The man who lets his enemy will not return, according to him eventually win the battle, it believed Martin Luther King (Jr.).
Why did King’s nonviolent resistance so important? Well he felt like his white opponents had shot that had no understanding among white people. If you object to violence only creates more violence and that solves nothing. The black would still have lost the battle because the whites were much more powerful. Through his non-violent resistance was also white on his side, got his way of handling things better understanding of the disparity between black and a white population. He undertook many actions in the United States of America, which you can read the next chapter actions of Martin Luther King (Jr.). He also made trips abroad. The mayor of Berlin invited him to do a speech for a large crowd in Berlin. Pope Paul VI received him in Rome. He also visited the Netherlands. In 1965 he was in Amsterdam to talk to people. Very important was his trip to India, the land of Gandhi. As you could read in Chapter 3, people in India were in revolt against the British led by Gandhi, but he pleaded like King for nonviolent resistance was therefore also the biggest example of Martin Luther King (Jr.). Gandhi was due to his opposition in jail. He did 3 weeks of hunger strike and other so long that the Indians were free. On August 8, 1948, India became independent. Unfortunately, who can not experience, 30januari he was shot by an Indian who saw nothing in nonviolent resistance that he found weakness. When King was still a student who has read books about Gandhi, so he learned how to organize nonviolent opposition had. That what he learned about nonviolent resistance he wanted black people to learn. Example, holding marches, which is a procession with people. What’s happening in Montgomery, said many black students, but also white students mostly from North Carolina. Since the students wanted an end to apartheid in snack bars and restaurants. She went right in, even though they were refused, they went down there and demanded to be served. It was days like this, every day. This became known as sit-ins. This action ensured that more equality in hundreds of places created / came. Through his many speeches and actions, the support, but also enemies. He found that he could get problems with the whites. He and 3000 people were detained and arrested by a police commissioner, Eugene Conor. He was strongly against the actions of the protesters and against people like Martin Luther King (Jr.). The police went very rage against the demonstrators, mostly black. There were in America, images and people are really shocked. There were angry reactions from the country not only of blacks but also whites of the population. This provoked the anger forced the city to racial segregation in parks and cinemas and other public places should be abolished. And there were black are employed in the department store. There were more demonstrations in action. When his influence peaked in 1964 had won, he received the Nobel Peace Prize. Martin Luther King (Jr.) was seen as a man who could save the black community. He taught black people so violent resistance, but he also speeches abroad, where he also played on information, its most important trip was to India.
5. Actions of Martin Luther King (Jr.)
This chapter discusses the two main actions of Martin Luther King (Jr.) supply, the bus boycott and the march to Washington DC. I had in the previous chapter described some smaller actions and demonstrations, but I feel that these are the two most important and famous.
The first major action of Martin Luther King (Jr.) was the bus boycott. The reason was that the action of Rosa Parks, a black woman, refused to give her seat to a white man on the bus in Montgomery. Montgomery was required that as a black on the bus to a white face. Rosa Parks later said: “I really do not know why I did not rise. I had nothing special planned. I was just tired from shopping and feet hurt. “After the police arrived there was Rosa, she was arrested and fined 10dollar. When the black population of Montgomery heard that they were very angry and decided to hold a meeting. They made a plan and that plan had become a general boycott of the bus. This came forward a committee led by Martin Luther King (Jr.). The text that was made for the protest was “do not take the bus to work, to town and from school etc. 5december. There is another black woman was arrested, said since refused to stand in the bus for a white man. Prefer to go anywhere, if you really need to work, take a taxi or ride with someone with you or walk. Come Monday at a mass meeting at 19:00 Molt Street Baptist Church for more information. “On that day – Monday 5december 1955 – there were almost no black on the bus. The bus boycott went so very well. They never imagined that it would go so well. The protesters had a committee had to be remembered as a name that was: Montgomery Improvement Assocation, abbreviated MIA. King was the president so that night was a speech that she had made that afternoon. In the speech King would tell how he wanted to solve the racial problems, with violent protest and put pressure on the authorities. He wanted the black population was a unit together and revolt. The bus boycott was more comprehensive, they asked the people taking the bus again only if there were changes. The whites not picked a rose up and pulled the black neighborhoods and black people went there to bother. They wanted action but it did not stop. They were Martin Luther King (Jr.) is in prison, but that produced nothing, because they quickly released because the deposit paid. The bus was very angry because the black is no longer the bus came, they earned much less. Despite everything the police did nothing. There were many setbacks, but the black fought together. Also Martin Luther King (Jr.) went through despite a bomb attack on his house, he was not there but his wife and daughter were at my home, but were unharmed. Another setback was a Saturday afternoon in 1958 when Martin Luther King (Jr.) in a harem, King was a department store there in the book “Stride Toward Freedom” at the signing. The book was about the bus boycott in Montgomery. Then suddenly, and woman named Izola Ware Curry and asked King if he was Martin Luther King, where he ‘yes’ answers. But at that moment was not looking, because a signature, she stuck him with a letter opener. King survived happily for the event. What began as a strike of 24 hours into a strike of one year. Because the black continued until they had achieved what they wanted to achieve. What finally worked. Supreme Court decided in 1956 that segregation on buses had to be shaved. This success came more and more protests and strikes, with the goal: equal rights for blacks.
King had organised many marches, the most famous of these was the March to Washington DC.
The march on Washington was held at 28augustus 1963, under the leadership of Martin Luther King (Jr.). The black population is now thought that they had waited long enough. She wanted to go but once freedom. In order to reach it, they had to perform actions. One of the black leaders, A. Philip Randolph, came up with an idea. He thought for a march to Washington and proposed to keep that. A few other black leaders doubted whether it would succeed. Suppose now is like walking out of hand and there are fights or there is no case, it would be completely wrong. The rest of the leaders had confidence in it and so was everybody, white and black, called to participate in the march on Washington. Then everyone could see that they were for freedom and equal rights for whites and blacks did. On 28augustus there were more people than they had thought there were as many as 250,000 people to the memorial of Abraham Lincoln, there would begin the march. 60,000 of those people were white. They also found that black should have equal rights as their. The whole march went well, there were no problems. Martin Luther King (Jr.) had to march a speech. He had prepared the speech in New York. During the speech, which was about the continuation of violent resistance, etc. Did he suddenly returned to his speech in June, while he used the words’ I have a dream “. His speech was not as thought, but suddenly had a twist. Then came his most famous speech ever. Through this speech were more people standing behind King. Many whites were against racism and for equal rights were. There was also the media attention to the speech. That was very rare for the actions of blacks, there is usually only something in a newspaper when something has happened in such a violent action, but this time the newspapers were full of it. The march and speech “I Have a Dream” came on television. Other countries were themselves more concerned, the action was therefore greater than ever. The black freedom and would no longer be seen as a slave. And so did this action, because finally something was going to change.
These were the two most important and biggest and most famous actions that Martin Luther King has been done with them or
6. The assassination of Martin Luther King (Jr.).
Martin Luther King (Jr.) always had many opponents. Many whites took his opinion stupid or bad, they could not like. He stood up for equal rights for black people. King had been threatened several times, as an autograph session that he was stabbed with a letter opener. This time he was lucky and was quickly out of the hospital. This was not his only setback in his life. There have also been several bomb attacks on his house, lucky there was rarely anyone at home or they were lucky and were unharmed. A time bomb was so bad that his house was completely destroyed. The perpetrators were found in whites racists. People who thought themselves better than other races or are black people. He also repeatedly seriously assaulted or attacked by racist opponents. It is also a few times that he was arrested and imprisoned, because they came out for equal rights for black people and white people. When he received the Nobel Prize for peace, he was arrested again 60 days later. Action because he wanted to defend the black. There was a law established that black could vote. But if black people wanted to register so they could vote for what they never heard back. Whites people were too poor for black people to vote. There were laws, but they were hardly implemented.
In 1968 4april fired a white man from a racist family, the fatal gunshot. Later it became known that James Earl Ray was. It was a sniper in front of the apartment at the motel across from the room of Martin Luther
King (Jr.). He only needed one shot to shoot King. It all happened in Memphis, Tennessee. That same day, Martin Luther King said in a speech in the church, “it is spoken about threats on the part of our white brothers. I would like to live long, but I’m not worried about that now. I’m worried about nothing. ” The news of the death of Martin Luther King (Jr.) was really a great message to the world very quickly spread throughout America and the rest of the world. The president, President Johnson came right on television, how he felt about the murder of King, he thought it was awful. He asked every citizen the violence King had fallen victim to reject. The speech came too late because within 24 hours after the announcement of the death of Martin Luther King had already struck the violence in Memphis. Snipers fired at the police and riots were conducted and shops looted. The pain was quickly transferred to other cities. Martin Luther King has given his life for his ideal: equal rights for black people and white people. Unfortunately, this ideal is not reality. Always get the black people seen as an inferior race. That just because a black / dark-skinned slaves in history. Yet King’s life for no nothing. He has put a lot of people think about, inequality and violence. He was buried in Atlanta 9april 1968. He had a funeral as slaves in those days before two donkeys pulled a cart containing the coffin was alone this time behind the procession walked thousands of times larger. There were about 15,000 people participated in the procession, most of which were white. The true facts of the murder was never known. James Earl Ray, the assassin, caused a new wave of attention on the place of Martin Luther King (Jr.) had. His comments and thoughts are still many people a source of inspiration. There is also a beautiful sentence on his tombstone:
“Free at last Free at last. Thanks God Almighty. I am free at last. “
That means: “Free at last free at last. Thank you Almighty God. At last I am free.
While making this piece, I learned a lot about Martin Luther King (Jr.). I admire him for how he helped people and that what she did. Me it was a beautiful story of what he did pity the poor run off and get shot. I thought it was an educational mission. I did not always make much sense to make it, yet I am wiser or it is today. It was sometimes a difficult task to find the information. Unfortunately I have nothing to do with myself in pictures or the like. Because never in the square in Washington would’ve been just once want to go to see where Martin Luther King (Jr.) has done well his speech. Hopefully you will find it a good piece.
resource list
The autobiografy: Martin Luther King (Jr.)
Author: Edited by Clayborne Carson.
Mother helps me with grammatica.
My grandfather with information about Martin Luther King (Jr.). He was been a history teacher.