What are the benefits of introducing Worldviews when teaching students about Slavery in the United States of America as it relates to cultural awareness?
Society has become the social norm for what is culturally right or wrong as it relates to the many diverse cultures in the United States of America. American social-cultural tolerance is founded on the social model that diversity exists and must be accepted, without disparities.
I will show that incorporating worldviews during the unit of study involving slavery may promote and encourage cultural awareness.
This literature review will provide a comprehension review of the literature relating to the importance of incorporating worldviews with the teaching of Slavery in America.
The purpose of introducing worldview into the Common Core State Sstandards is to encourage and promote cultural awareness (Core Standards.org,2017).
“Today’s students need to avoid the error made by the protagonist in the puritan debates of simplifying the position taken by the various figures in the controversy. We also need to avoid interpreting the events in terms to 20th century values. There is no question that the values and concerns of men and women like John Winthrop, Thomas Dudley, Roger Williams, and Anne Hutchinson are different from ours. But focusing on how they sought to define the limits of their society may help us to understand our own struggles to define the limits of acceptable belief and behavior” Francis J. Bremer (Bremer,2009-2016).
How has society become the social normhas culture diversity influenced it?
I think your quote should go after “encourager cultural awareness.and your statement after that to support why you are using that quote.its kind of hanging out there.
In the social realm, worldview is a term that should be embraced, but many teachers are apprehensive of discussing such topics. The apprehension starts with the lack of resources for strategically implementing the knowledge and fundamentals of worldviews.
For one to be culturally aware, one must respect the differences that make everyone so unique. Religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, homelessness, bullying, is not going anywhere; teachers can take a stand to start teaching multicultural awareness simply through an incorporation of Worldviews.
The literature that was gathered consisted of research studies and articles that specified (specify) the importance of teaching worldviews and slavery. As the researcher, I focused on studies, articles, and books that provided solutions to teaching worldviews and controversial topics. Students cannot embrace diversity when they know nothing about worldviews. The benefit of strategically incorporating worldviews will provide insight, meaning, information, knowledge, and content of slavery and all other monumental historical events. Negative bias will decrease, and academic achievement will increase as students learn about worldviews and slavery together. The term worldview is defined as “the framework of beliefs by which a person views the world around him” (Hindson & Caner, 2008, p. 498). This definition clearly justifies why it is imperative to incorporate worldviews when teaching slavery in America.
I like to use any other word than “but”however fits good.
Implementing..worldviews – concerning what?
Diversity with the 21st century due to issues such as globalization has made is so that one has to releases the limiting mindsets such as discrimination if one is to become fully engaged in the changes within the worlds we know it today.
The literature gather for this paper consist of studies.
(I believe students can better educated and have a better understand of the world they are growing up if they are receive the proper education.)
(The benefit of strategically incorporating worldviews is there will be an increase inand an decrease in negative bias.)
Question – what do you mean by strategically incorporating worldviews? Is it necessary to strategically incorporate teaching of slavery into school curriculum? Or is that to say it should become an active component of the current history system to give a fuller view of World history as well as American history . I thing strategically incorporating does not add the emphasis on accepting your argumentit sounds like you are trying to sneak it in past some opposition.
You brought the worldview definition after you used it earlier. I would bring this out earlier if I am defining a term that I will use throughout my writing